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The Dark Lord

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Posts posted by The Dark Lord

  1. Utter hogwash, about as convincing as one of the old party political broadcasts we used to see on tv but at least they were amusing.


    what planet is this halfwit with a very suspicious accent from? 


    After parting with obscene scene amounts of money in taxes for a serious number of years I ( stupidly) thought I would benefit in my autumnal years. How stupid can one be, I am refused entry into my own embassy grounds by a flicking foreigner who barely speaks intelligible English , I will be in receipt of a reduced pension ( it matters not how much I paid in but for how long - oh that makes sense!) which will remain at the same level right up until I croak. Yet if I had been a lazy unemployed git I would get a full pension. Tough to relate to that. 


    Bah ah I give up

  2. 17 hours ago, tracker1 said:

    The point of my post is I have spent time in a public hospital and seen the care or should I say the lack of it ! I too have had relatives die of lung infections here .

    I too got a very nasty experience in a local hospital, wrong diagnosis and wrong treatment, kept in the hospital and started having severe hallucinations after one day. Even started talking to "pee" 


    Fortunately the current Mrs Dark Lord pulled me out but not being one to pass up an opportunity asked me first to ask the "pee" for the winning lottery numbers which apparently I gave her but in the wrong order. Missed out on winning THB 30 mio that month but ended up paying a shed load to the hospital. 


    Fortunately on switching hospitals i got I got my complaint diagnosed very quickly and correctly and am now well on the way to recovery. 


    Scary though cos I was not in charge towards the end in the first hospital and could easily have gone to the balcony (fifth floor) ............

  3. 9 hours ago, Enoon said:

    I feel your pain up2you2, but you just have to persevere.


    It really is a nightmare when one creates the perfect lavatorial experience only to have it spoiled by a niggling little problem like yours.


    It was a gruelling, uphill struggle to get mine just right, but, as you can see, it all paid off in the end:





    That looks suspiciously similar to the crapper I had "an emergency dump" in  on the Bkk / Chonburi expressway. I was close to having an anal explosion and had to force my way past a similarity desperate Plod officer much to his annoyance. But I left it like I found it, just a little fuller!




  4. 14 minutes ago, Si Thea01 said:

    Sorry wouldn't have clue about that, I was talking about Loei Province, not Kalisan province.  Although both are in Isaan, totally two separate areas.  Just goes to show that it is still a well kept secret.  The two cities are about 4 hours and almost 300 kilometres apart.:wai:


    So sorry my friend, no offence intended.


    i am (currently) a Khorat resident and whilst fully understanding the joy of peace and beauty that can be found up here in Issan frankly I would welcome an outbreak of rabies or that disease that created the walking dead just to relieve the boredom. 


    Bit it too quiet for my liking and have taken it on the chin for four years already...


    as they say, horses for courses 





  5. 4 hours ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    I however consider every additional km between them and us a bonus of virtually incomparable value to my life.


    LOL. I see we are on the same page there. Had I remained in Pattaya with the once beloved, and far from the once beloved's family, she might well be the still beloved.

    With that in mind, can I recommend that wherever you end up you live in a one bedroom place so Mrs DL can't offer them somewhere to stay. Even a large living room is an incentive for them to invade on a regular basis, as I found to my cost and ultimate marital doom.


    BTW, Divorce isn't stressful in Thailand if one is lucky enough to have a mutual agreement necessitating only a visit to the local government office and the handing over of a few baht, unlike back home where it inevitably involves lawyers and courts etc. For me the divorce itself was liberation from the once beloved but currently woman from hell. Also, just the thought that the family would no longer be able to darken my door was an extremely positive feeling. The day I saw them for the very last time was like a very dark shadow had been lifted from my life, hurrah.

    Oh TBL my friend, I am not renowned for being the epitome of happiness and smiling at 0730 on a Sunday morning but my friend you made me laugh so much it necessitated a trip to the "hong nam" 


    thanks so so much for that!


    please bear with me on our visit " down south" as my baby has developed a rather nasty illness ( head gasket starting to go on the BM) necessitating a rather severe diversion of funds and ( hopefully) a minor delay in the trip. 


    Sorry old old chap but I just cannot stop giggling at your post which I realise is serious but so well written.... 






    p.s.  Maybe now you see why I carry the moniker Dark Lord....

  6. On 15/06/2017 at 8:55 PM, DD13 said:

    Be nice to see some pics if you have any

    Wish I had some but the few I did have ended up in the ex wife's shipping container ( along with a number of other unaccounted for items!)

  7. 4 hours ago, Bastos60 said:



    Do I really try to defend the MB driver? Absolutely not. I am not giving the cam driver a scapegoat either.

    Driving in and around london isn't really a reference, I have been there and no real skills required. Driving around on highways is not the same as driving around 
    in a busy city. I admit you might see even worse drivers in a city that usually have absolutely no clue about defensive driving. 

    Drive in and around Bangkok might open your eyes a bit more. Driving around in Paris might even be more of a challenge than London.


    Now consider this, as an assumption, the cam driver increased speed when changing to the fast lane not to hinder cars closing in on him, even at increased speed
    at no point was he within 15m of the cars that already changed lanes, assume the distance between street lights in the video is about 50m minimum, you can see the distance was even larger, probably more like 25m. IMO just bad driving. 


    I actually consider anyone who only averages 8000 km or less a year on the road as less experienced.  I know we don't know any of those facts from this video for any of the drivers
    involved in this carnage, but switching lanes like the cam driver did, bad driving, you should be able to make better estimates of distance and time required for making any maneuver
    that would allow you to continue driving safely, that right lane is not something you are entitled to it is there to allow better flow in traffic. And driving a MB doesn't make a driver a good driver at all. Those are the people that usually feel entitled to make up their own rules. And trust me, I see them on the road every day, similarly like BMW drivers, Monovolume drivers (see it as minivans) and those driving SUV's. They all usually feel entitled to pull in in front of you and hinder your sight instead of pulling in behind you. when ample space is available. 


    So instead of trying to invalidate anything other people say that contradict any of your ideologies with nonsense, try to apply more common sense to given facts you see.



    Oh come on my friend, don't slam all BMW drivers, admittedly most of us are arrogant Lane hogging, super entitled buttheads but there must be some good guys out there in BM's




  8. My problem ( Khorat Lotus branch) is not this end but the other end. At the end of last year/ start of this year I sent six consecutive sets of documents to the bank in singapore using registered delivery. 


    Apart from the speed at which they moved ( 4.5km per hour based on time taken from posting to delivery and distance travelled) not one of them was signed for. According to the Post office app.


    One was lost which contained full details of two bank accounts plus a copy of my passport ( identity theft here we come).


    i have complained repeatedly in writing with thai post who just respond that the case has been handed to the case officer and if he finds anything out they will contact me.


    i told them that charging for a service that they subsequently fail to deliver is fraud. Answer "we have handed the case to the....."


    i told them that should i become become a victim of identity theft I will hold them responsible. Answer " we have handed the case to the....."


    i have asked them for a refund on the cost. Answer " we have handed the case to the...." 


    i will never ever use them again

  9. Hi guys, wow you guys certainly know your stuff but sadly to an old bugger like me of limited uptake I am getting a little confused......


    could one one of you guys pls clarify for me


    i 99% of the time fill up at PTT.


    on sale is;


    E20, the green coloured stuff 91 and red coloured stuff 95


    i usually fill up with the green 91 (Ben tan gao Nung carp) and all is well but now I believe I should consider dropping a tank of the red stuff ( Ben tan gau hah carp) from time to time coz it will do the old girl a world of good.


    alternatively if I am feeling ultra flash fill up all the time with the red stuff ( Ben tan gau hah carp) I should experience inmproved acceleration, better MPG  without damaging the engine.


    am I right here?





  10. 7 hours ago, alocacoc said:

    So they get then 144 virgins?

    Sent from my SM-G900F using Tapatalk

    Whoopeee, more people to teach from scratch ( and no this is not a thread about work permits!)


    i certainly would not consider topping myself in some delusional belief that i would that I will get 72 completely clueless women to take to bed. 


    Would far far prefer to scale it down to say one or two highly skilled ones instead but maybe that's because I am a tad lazy.......

  11. 1 hour ago, ilostmypassword said:

    But you see by Steven100's logic since there are a few bad soi dogs, they must all be exterminated.

    Like all the non believers must be exterminated like Fermin.


    i am sorry  my friend but the only way to fight these clowns is by using their terror tactics against them, adjusted to meet a level of civilisation.


    did you see the Iraqi army had caught some of these clowns recently, tied their hands behind their backs and shot them in the head leaving them to rot in the sun. Now compare that to what we would do, ten years in a cell given 3 hot meals a day  and all that they desired so as not to upset their human rights. Let them out after serving their time only for us liberals and foolish so called pop stars to be forced to stand like a complete w***ers holding a candle and singing some inane song when they go and blow themselves (and many innocent others) up in the misguided belief they will get a handful of virgins to **ck in heaven ( this is from the religion who seem to hate women) 


    argh I give up. 

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