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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. They better give him chemo or something so he looks sickly or how else van the Thai people or any World leader or business look at Thailand as more than a clown show?
  2. I would guess most single as well as couple tourists go to a thai massage parlor at least once or more per visit.
  3. So ok I admit the word "Deplorable" was a bit much im site 3/4 of the maga group had to look up the meaning and it was a bit much fir them to swlow because it so accurate. "Idiots" would have been tolerated much better and was in their vocabulary.
  4. I tried melatonin it doesn't work. Even tried ambian and couldn't sleep much. Noise cancelling headphones no help. I watch 3-4 movies and doze some. Its hell for me. Now that wife has 3 ling hauls she appreciates my trips to visit her more. I saw a druggie looking couple nod off soon after a 13 hour flight and sleep mouth open and necks bent so awkward most of the flight, I cant believe it didnt kill them. I was a bit jealous. For me its the high pitched whine of the engines and headphones dont block that vibration.
  5. What does blood and water have to do with it? If grandma owns land perhaps she would agree to sell your wife some prime section for those monthly payments as would be fair. Then see how things change. You either like the idea of sinsod or you be a man and say no! Old tradition had women topless.
  6. I say you need to talk to granny. She is the only one who matters so find out her needs. Find out how much the other siblings give grandma. Since your earnings are in Thailand there is no reason your share should be greater than theirs. You shoukd all agree on grandma's lifestyle and share that cost at most. I/we rejected the idea of sinsod and the sky didnt fall. Also the wife can invite who she wants to the wedding and feast. It doesn't have to be the whole village or even extended family. Sinsod is a concept that is fast changing and none is an option. I was steady and firm in my no sinsod stance. It turns out mom didnt want any but the expectations were still strong. So my wife at first wanted it. It was like she was torn between being sensible and the expectations. It realky caused her anguish until i had her talk to mom. Daughters wants to make the family proud. It is something Thai girls think about and talk about. We all read about hiso weddings and see how featured the sinsod pictures and amount are. In the end my wife did talk to mom and she just wanted her daughter to be happy. No more talk of sinsod. My wife only invited certain family not just any long lost relative was welcomed. Also there was a strict "no taking large portions of food home" announcement beforehand. A few gals who prepared food well inti the night took home plates for family that was at home. Sister had to put her lock on the meat ice cooler for 7- 10 days after the wedding (yes this is my experience with the trust in a village, mean outside dog with biring rep needed) and we fed close family for that time. Friends came to help decorate moms house many days prior, they set up the village chairs and tents, and like 20 people including me helped prepare and butcher the 2 pigs and cook food all night long. Well I did go to bed but it was very impressive and amazing show of support for us. The DJ was 2k, food 30k, with 2 pigs (my urging to have lots)13k of that, flowers free from friend, announcer 2k, 2 small chickens for tradition 400 baht. If family expects you to support grandma, I suggest using logic and math and asking grandma and them about their earnings, contributions and alcohol expenses. Early in in our pre married relationship I taught my wife that if we send money to mom but 2 brothers and sister don't need to pay but they drink 200 baht each day it is us paying for their booze. It is past time for the sinsod tradition to die off and you are either going ro stand up or support this disgusting concept. I think it was a mistake to get into a 2k/mo obligation. Why grandma? My wife's 40+ , not very fit or attractive roommate and HS friend in BKK was still openly dreaming and telling me she expected a 5 mil sinsod. Its just part of the brainwashing that money is the ALL that sums up much of Thailand.
  7. Wow your rice diet saved 10k/day. Congrats. I think it is similar priced or higher in Thailand but the profit must be higher with wages on the windows advertised at 15$/ hr in USA and probably 2$/hr at most in Thailand.
  8. 24 is the year for 44 behind bars. He has admitted or bragged about many of his crimes. Before 2016 he basically boasted he avoided taxes with the best of then. Never showed his returns as he promised. Im glad melania's immigration process is currently getting media attention. What are his maga anti immigrant followers going to think when they hear the truth and she is deported? The record clearly shows she was working in the USA long before she had her lawyer apply. A genius visa? I hope they make this right. And to hear her interview talking about how Obama needs to show his birth certificate. It has been reported she has left the stink for good.
  9. Its actually quite easy to blame putins attack on trump on his a** kissing towards russia.
  10. I never once suspected I was talking to a guy on a dating site. I used the 2 main sites in 2016-2018. I've read that bar girls started using social media during covid. Especially the attractive and fit ones. It did seem true and permanent based on what I observed on soi cowboy in 23'. I can see how they didnt need the bar to take a big cut. I briefly tried tinder but I wasnt just looking for a hook-up in a few hours. I preferred time to weed out the "pro" sex workers. I do think 2 slipped through but they lost out playing the long game with me. Playing with the long game ones or genuine gals, at most cost a dinner and maybe cab fare. Or at best dinner then early bounce to another before the promised afternoon necessity and gas tank filling date. I met many mature, quality women over 50, a couple under, who didnt drink much if at all, non smoking, good career women. Nurses , teachers, director, loan shark, high placed government workers in finance office and health department. Was I naive to believe the ones with kids told me that I was only the 2nd man? I actually kept in touch with many for a long time in direct conversation or social media and some eventually found a less demanding foreigner, and I still believe them. Some conversed faithfully with 1 man for a long time before he came to visit. Many Thai women have 1 man mindsets and most i fitvto know are very giod people. Although the quality of education even with advanced degrees is striking. Many had property, house(s), car, good jobs, sought after government jobs. Government workers can retire and get a lifelong salary. The calculation was 50/ years service X current compensation. So 50% of working salary possible by late 40s. I met several at or near 50% retirement. Many I met did have debt. Be sure to ask them point blank early on about debt. Dont expect an honest answer but it gives you an immediate out in the future if you ever find the truth you dont like . Its true they think falang have endless money. #1 see a doctor about your low libido ASAP so you can enjoy things fully. Its normal for a man's sex drive to be strong into his 90s. I have to say any gal I chatted with for long or a few in the first 20 mins, it turned sexual. If there is chemistry it is just natural. Before I would travel from USA or pay for their flight to visit I think uts prudent to see all the goods on video. If they hide anything its a big red flag.
  11. Yes except for melania's illegal call girl "genius" visa trump was anti immigration so much that maybe numbers were down. He stopped any hiring at understaffed immigration. As an example he had his thai appointed ambassador basically stop any visa processing. There was a class action court case win! filed by over 100 couples whos K1 visas sat un worked on the East Coast for nearly a year because the thai office wasn't requesting new cases. I rather have this economy with record financial indexes, infrastructure improvements, all rime record USA oil production and No 2 trillion $ tax gifts for the wealthy or corporations. He may turn out to be the devil.
  12. He didn't day he sent money yet. Dated a few foreigners, that means 3+ to me. It sounds like its to late to cancel so just enjoy her like they did. Then plan for your real exploration trip at a later date. Did you say she has said she hooe to find a man so her kids can get better than government schooling? Ouch.
  13. Sounds like a nice gal. But why haven't you kept looking and been talking to 3. Should have 2 lined up per week of stay. Only tell 1st one when your arriving and last one when your departure flight is. Test drive all the first hour after the motel door closes. Why wait? Most will help you get to bus, train or airport for your onward travels. Just say you are going to check out Thailand on your first trip. I dated many with kids. The kids never seemed interested in getting to know me. Most could barely speak English or if so, like many Thai people they were just to insecure about their proficiency. The best advice I got was from spider mike. He says this often. "Time is on your side." The longer you spend to get to know them only has positive outcomes. I also want to say that it's true that "there are 1000 more!" I don't agree that government employees only make 18k/ mo like one guy said. I met teachers near retirement who made 65k and showed me the salary list and the 10 top teachers made 55k +. I talked to a receptionist for a interior design company that made 40k. Plan 3 days each and you can always bail on day 1 and go spend extra time with the best one. Its cheap to fly and travel around Thailand. Depends on your preference but a 55 yr old fit decent looking guy could easily have fun with many childless 30 yr olds. They dont mind bald or a bit of a belly . I had neither so that probably helped. At 30 they know they are considered past prime to any local man. And one last point. My belief is that there are many low milage gals at 30 in Thailand. Many work to much to go bar hoping much. Obviously your pick isnt low miles. Make sure her kids only have one loser father as one would be bad enough.
  14. Couch investigator's ruined the comments.
  15. I've used agoda in th a lot. Never been able ro book at hotel for less. Had wife call but nope. Been in at least 2 lobbies and had staff tell me best price is to book on agoda. I had one receptionist tell me if agoda finds out they sell for less agoda will drop them. So i guess these gorillas have found a way to make 17-30% on much of the lodging industry. So we all pay higher lodging prices for this if we use it or not.
  16. It does appear they are running the scheduled arrival times judiciously. And they actually know the numbers so it doesn't sound like they are blaming delays on the planes were late "its ok" card.
  17. What ages? Crayons??? High speed Usb chargers is my vote.
  18. It looks like its getting easier to charge. I just bought a low milage 22' mazda cx5 ICE so probably wont be going ev anytime soon here in USA.
  19. I think it is such a poor idea that the fact the PM even talked about this with investor's tells the World all they need to know about the Thai education system. Maybe speaks to the DNA as well. Add in the known corruption, the condition of the average truck in Thailand, possible theft, delays, weather conditions on the Adaman side, just crazy. But it must be nice to be hiso in Thailand with a simple thought process like this.
  20. Had an American woman tell me early 9n in talks on a dat8ng site. "I cant sleep in the same bed with anyone " I politely told her that wont work. Bye. Have a buddy who says his rule is she is naked in bed.
  21. I recall mamy of us posting out against Israel in the very first thread on this war. We were all attacked. Now who is looking more evil?? The truth hurts.
  22. So of a million tourists arrive over the holidays thats 50 baht each to cover them. It doesn't compute. Who would trust this and not purchase travel insurance that costs 3000 baht per month. I seem to recall paying 350$ for both of is for 7 weeks last holiday. I thought it was up a bunch from the 85$/mo I used to pay. And an additional thought since my wife is Thai would you buy her insurance or plan to use the 50 baht Thai system? The PM is going to piss off all these travel insurance companies. I would guess he has buddies excited at the thought of starting a forced insurance on arrival company.
  23. Think about this next time you get pizza in a cardboard box. So 2 people cut in pieces and tossed in a cardboard bailer in the USA. Not sure they can even track which state it came from. Food reason for a committee to travel ro USA. If you post without reading the thread or with such low comprehension you should get perm banned. !!!! They asked how to make AN better and this was my request.
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