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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2023-11-02/australia-arrest-host-guests-dead-suspected-mushroom-poisoning A better link without a paywall. This happened a long rime ago. I would have thought the pathology would be complete. Cant death cap poison be traced?
  2. No it doesn't! She has plans to rob him or otherwise use his money for her gain. If she thinks he is her dream man then they will have his money for ever to share. If sge needs money to expand her business and its a good idea sge can get a loan from a bank using the house as collateral. I dont blame Thailand for not letting foreigners own land. Nit a bad idea now that china iwn5s so much farm land and food conglomerates from industrial farm to store. But sad in the past Chinese moved to Thailand, changed their names slightly to sound thai and somehow gained citizenship and expansive control in Thailand and are even highly respected because of their wealth.
  3. I think the better thing is to show us what you are trying to do! Tapered threads are usually fir the line runs and straight threads are fir the final end parts. Are you making a bum gun? No plumbing should need more than 4 turns of good thick teflon. Like blue monster brand. I'm loving it. Never use that thin crap teflon that comes with fixtures from china. I plumb water at 120 Psi most days 5 months of the year. Many connections would require a total rebuild if they leak. So on metal to metal, and metal to plastic NPT i have started using pipe dope on top of the teflon because sometimes these chinese parts quality isn't very good. have you ran into the issue of metric and imperial sized straight threads? This was an issue for me installing a chinese bum gun temp mixer valve for a bum gun here
  4. Lets say you but this house! Can you see living there for the rest of your life? Even if the relationship works? You alluded to not liking the weather in Thailand as much as Italy but what about the noise, the local food, bottled water needed. She nixed Italy without even a visit? The truth is no matter your feelings for this one Thai in a week or a couple months you could find better. Perhaps tell her you need a month of solo travel to think about things and see her get desperate. Be the nibbling fish who gets the bait without the hook. I'm a bit embarrassed to say this, but I was always comparing costs to how many rentals you could have for the same expenditure.
  5. You have been given lots of warnings by knowledgeably guys. Take it. I have read every thread in this sort of topic for 5 yesrs here and I concur on the advice given so far. And my comprehension is good. But on a more basic level if a gf loves you and in her mind feels you will are her last lover then why would she ask for you to do this? Your money will be there for both of you to dip into when ever needed. Of course she wont control the purse strings. Or is this related to her wanting to invest HER new wealth in HER business. Hmmmm. Try asking about creating a new legal company and you as a legal partner. If you employ some Thais this can even get you a work permit. She wants your money! How did the knowledge of how much $ you have come about? You bragging? Of course support is part of love in Thai culture but she wants to rob you. And she will get support from family and the village. There are forums I've heard on FB where Thai women talk about these things.
  6. I'm one who lives in USA with my Thai wife, but reads Thai news via thaiger and AN most days. I couldn't imagine living in a studio or even 2 bedroom condo anywhere! If I lived in Thailand as a married guy I would need a house with a shop and pool. Being married to a nearly 20 yr younger sexy gal removes much of the reason to live in Thailand IMHO. I do miss 12$ vs 90$ massages but not the heat all year long. I do feel safer in USA in my city than Thailand. Roads here are dangerous enough for me. I have been reading AN since 2017 or so and i think its a portal into Thailand. From what I've read and experienced in my 13 trips and much reading, I think it's true the golden time to retire in Thailand is past. I bet not many in my shoes who have a nice house, and Thai wife, would consider moving to Thailand. Setting up a nice living situation in USA in 2023 would be very costly and take 3 times as long as in Thailand. I'm able to do most anything I want here including getting paid well to do things i enjoy for people. Unfortunately pot isnt legal in my state. I do worry about the future of health care costs but I see that rising Worldwide and in Thailand. I know some of you talk about excellent health care experiences there but I've only had my teeth cleaned. It was a bad experience. Oh the place was like a fancy day spa, the hiso Dr went to Harvard and did all the cleaning. I dont think in Thailand the most skilled land these positions rather the connected. 2 or 3 times she got the pick stuck and had to put her foot on my mouth to retrieve it. No ultrasonic water jet cleaner in use in this fancy 30 dentist BKK office. While in USA hygienists do the cleaning and have been using modern equipment for 15 years. Its well worth 30% more in USA.
  7. She looks hot (despite fake lights)and that guy has a trick abode. Its cool and safe until it isnt.
  8. I bet some plantations are really large. How many kg is an average fruit? Wiki says 10 kg , so 50 baht each grab 6-7 and easy day at work. I feel for the farmers. My first thought was using a nightscope like they use on hogs in Texas.
  9. Very disappointed with the lack of empathy shown by most all posters so far. And reading comprehension. Do you guys go theough life looking at headlines. I'll call you trumpets. The guy looked like that karate actor but was dating a beautiful woman for a year. And you fault them for riding an elephant in Thailand. I just had a customer yesterday ask me things to do on an upcoming business trip with his wife. He mentioned elephant rides. Its one of the things non monger tourists think about experiencing in Thailand. I did tell him no to elephants and sedated tiger posing for selfies.
  10. Actually tourist numbers in 23 exceeded my predictions from 2020. I amd mamy here didn't expect half this many post covid.
  11. What is the potential penalty for those who just participate? Seems like a game with high favorable hiuse odds. Anyone know the numbers? I asked to control the dice and uproar was " cannot!" It seems like the house/ dice man has some control of the numbers. Aa well as the participants think there is info from the dish sounds amd observations of the dice mans technique. Also i thought there is a benefit for the house to have a paid and bankrolled player on house staff. She was a married milf in my case. Wow 600 dice? I would be interested in their CG's. Also i wonder how many customers walked vs drove so we had a % of cars carrying guns. As it atands 2/27 is about 4% and knives, was it 7? So 25% .
  12. Very good thread. Here i am up at 3 am. So much to do. I always feel its crunch time and my list has 20 items and everyone would cause dread in anyone. I think to mut. Add in a an unusual epic artic cold blast is coming later this week. I like the idea that most human feelings are due to evolution. Life is simple in upcountry Thailand. Grow a bit of rice and like to eat it, then your worry about starvation living in a village is very low. Always snails to dig up! Or some pond to net. This modern world is quite different than we have evolved to deal with. Add in several major deadly conflicts, political striff everywhere, global warming, social media and I'd say most of us are coping pretty well.
  13. I do know the directors take quite a few educational trips and they have a good time but I think it would be hard to call it the corruption they are looking for. In this case it appears the kayaks are included with each room but even if there is a small additional charge i dont think its blatant corruption if they did go to other schools. Did the kids attend their school on these dates or was it a break?
  14. Do you require a hostel? Or just a low priced room? Thonglor suites hotel is like 17$ I think it used to be called Paudi Maudi. And goodfellas thong lo. I walked past it quite often.
  15. My thai qife is amazed we can rerurn almost anything here in the US of A . Costco tajes back anything. We even took back a bag of oranges that went bad after a week just last sunday we returned a 24$ bag of mixed nuts to a vendor at a weekly farmers market. Owner gave us 25$ back for our troubles. So qhick and easy to return things to home depot and Lowe's. No receipt required. Just goes off CC scan. Some people here abuse it i have had foreign customers who but 100-200$ plants to put by their front door. Never even repotting them ir removing the tags and just return then when they die. Its a year return on plants at big box stores. We sid befriend a thai gal who came after college to work at home depot and a hotel for the summer season . I guess its that hard to find seasonal employees. Anyway ine of the male Thai seasonal workers took advantage of Costco. He bought an electric scooter and used it for 4 months then returned it before he went home.
  16. This is about e gaming , e sports. Fir info there us a area of the interweb called twitch. It has more viewers watching theses big e sport matches than i think all the other sports combined. They have more people than like 5 major news shows in the USA. I may not be exactly accurate but this is big among the youth of this World
  17. I didn't like it. No real flavor, soggy. Just not for me. Perhaps a future version will be better.
  18. Im truly wishing a happy ending here. Quite a bizarre story unfolding I feel. Perp must have had quite a brainwashing on the girl to get a 12 yr old to leave her phone behind
  19. Guilty and deservedly true on all acounts except i try to keep my beer belly to 2 kg.
  20. I am all for paying for over a base weight and you Should need to pay for a wider or double seat if you will intrude on nearby seats. Its obvious that a 50 kg person costs much less fuel than a 120kg person.
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