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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Please do tell us your theory or the reasons the democrats in your opinion were somehow related to your auto dealer inventory size? . 8 watch a YouTuber who travels to auto dealers to check inventory and prices. Truck inventory and prices are at a high. Lots stuffed with teucks but prices 65- 120k for the raptor.
  2. Wheres the mods? I feel for ya. Our visit to ankor wat was a money pit ripoff from the time immigration gave me a torn 20$ back from my 50$. That was worthless paper I found out. Welcome to Cambodia. Yes the temple was amazing but the trashy surroundings negated 80% of that. And yes i was pissed the exchange people wanted a 5% cut for doing nothing. Our taxi from the airport to hotel seemed like a good deal but that was just so he could charge us way to much for the next days tour. Several fancy American trucks in town next to the poor. The divide between rich and poor was more in your face. We stayed close to the downtown party area but it just never hit critical mass. There was this group of backpack looking tourists who had a good time. They partied at a portable booze van bar across from our hotek till dawn. The music was blaring and shut off about the time we went fur a morning walk. Poor drunk gals who are going to waste away their vacation day with a hangover. Food nothing special. We didnt get sick was the best part.
  3. Very nice. My first thought was it would ne cool if there was a sustainable population of deer to harvest one or two from your vantage point.
  4. My biggest complaint is that the mods let bickering and fighting take over a topic. My 2nd is when people obviously post without reading the related article. Three times of that should be a perm ban. And the mod who put me in jail for spelling the sexual predator, indicted felon, and ex president of the USA's name with a small t and big R should be fired.
  5. Moved 100 yards to a better retrieval spot sounds ok. But where does "company policy prevents" ever come into a murder crime scene? Except Thailand. I would think yiu set up a crime scene at the initial sighting location company rules, productivity be dammed. That river does have current and is obviously thought if as a trash dump.
  6. I find this ironic. When people are bashing people on neighborhood social groups who leave ICE idling and some cities ban idling how do we justify using aircons in EVs at a standstill. How do we know yiu charged up with yiur own solar vs a CO2 belching power plant? Wow, almost 40 pages and KhunLA still preaching.
  7. Did you get there early enough for your afternoon pick of the litter?
  8. I think its exploding. I think korea is a big influence. Just look at hiw they all try to look the same. Fix the eyes Fix the nose, i hate to see 2 headlight nostrils. Asians are actually doing major bone surgeries to the lower jaw to have a more pointy vs round lower face. I see these massive lips in USA and some women have these cat faces and their lips hardly move when they talk. How will these surgeries look in 10-20 years. Also breast enhancements that only have a life of 10-15 yesrs before needing renewed. Natural is what i like. I can appreciate self inflected scars.
  9. So its promoting rent a GF for a month? Glad to see the gals are natural. Didn't watch it.
  10. No booze after 2 but 2 hours for fights to brew up. People will just pop a pill at 1 am. Seems fair to dobit all or nothing. Plus seems like there should be a 3 strikes and its back to 2am. With clearly defined goalposts. Amd names of resorts and owners who get all 3 strikes will be published.
  11. So much biowaste using pods or is it? https://www.theguardian.com/environment/2023/feb/10/single-use-coffee-pod-environment-impact-better Ifvwe dind a good deal on green beans we roast our own in a modified air popcorn popper. We have found them as low as 1$/#. Probably a bag that had a hole. We had about 20# that we had in 5# vac bags in the freezer. But that pennies per coffee is gone. Ps usu6ng Starbucks to compare prices is insanity. The fools who line up everyday after dropping the kids off at school amazes me. These same complain about the price of gas. Sad to read Starbucks profits are up.
  12. I thought this topic title referred to the maga crowd. I've been wsr6ching some interviews and posts by the maga's on YouTube. Its proof the education system wasn't even, or very good, 30-40 yesrs ago. Given this fact and assuming they drive along with me it is odd that the drivers in the US seem much better than Thailand.
  13. It would be interesting to know the facts. Did he have a flight? The 20k? Did he try to check in ? Why did they cover his face? Why no nationality? Must be chinese. Is it going to happen if 5, 10, 20 30 day overstay? My 2nd trip I overstayed a few days. I got my 30 day extension a few days earlier than i planned and I wasn't so careful counting the total days between flights. Its not so easy for a beginner to calculate the thai business days, 14 hr time change and all. I recall the sting of 8-10 k and thinking of much better ways i could have spent that baht on
  14. Its not political for me. What is the useful life going to be? What resale will an ev have at year 10,15,20,30? Batteries cost how much? 20kusd? In 23' but all custom shapes or structural. Ive watched videis of these non tesla shops opening a tesla battery to fix 1 bad cell. How many techs will get fried in the next decade? How many shops can work on these evs? Where are the techs getting trained? What about the articles stating that teslas are sitting in large numbers outside repair ships waiting parts. I'm Not mentioning the fire hazard or the batteries in a crash or charging. I gas up at Costco. 24 pumps, always a line 5 minutes to fill a tank. Similar gas stations on the interstate and highways. If it even takes 30 mines we need to see 5 times more similar 24 station charge stations. I say the power isnt there along the desolate stretches of highways in western USA. I've read about lines at charging station? Just 2 ahead of you would mean a long wait. Its 500 miles to my nearest relatives its 6 hours at 75 mph to vegas. My f250 is a 91' runs great. Am10mpg but i can but with average new car payments over 800$/ mo i can buy enough gas to drive 2500 miles a month. And i can buy parts and fix it myself My GMC tukon is 04' still running, parts available and i can fix it Both actually have some resale value. I will wait and see what happens in 10 years. We are actually looking to buy a used small suv and am not considering ev. Maybe i should consider a hybrid. Currently i am not.
  15. Is this the bridge from Pattaya to Hau Hin? Is that consider6the Adaman sea?
  16. She dances well. Quite cute to me . Im not a kpop fam but willing to losten to all music for a try. I can see how the group is entertaining. In fact any of you can pick any black pink member for me. No complaints here.
  17. You got this. Xtrnuno44 post is good. You can tell the posts with experience. I looked at your links of the 3 parts but its all Thai. Its easy to determine taper from straight threads i think the peoblem is there are 2 straight thread configurations. Since your wall female is straight thread and face sealing and won't be so tight try to run the valve and stuff to the right so gravity keeps it from turning loose.
  18. Your elbow is to be used in the opposite flow direction. Attaching onto male ouoe stub then using a hose gasket connection like a bum gun here in USA the washer hose is usually a 5/8" size like all garden hoses. Our kitchen flexible hoses are similar to what is in Thailand.
  19. A street has tapered both the female and male ends. Your looks like straight male. We really should turn the washing hot and cold on and off after every use but my mom nor I have never done this in 63 years. Trouble is at our current house the mess is below the top of the machines.
  20. Then a "street elbow" is what you want then your valve then " adapter". Assemble it all first then screw on wall because the valve knob may hit the wall if you put it in after the elbow.
  21. I would think the wall is male tapered thread? So use a street elbow tapered then your valve which is tapered then use the final piece that converts to straight thread. Usually washer hoses have a place for a rubber washer. So your final piece needs to he called an adapter. Going from tapered female thread to male hose thread. it looks like your SS elbow is male straight to female tapered. Then you need an adapter. But that just extends it out further, and not what you want. In USA i can order in Amazon and get these things same day or next on most things. Amazing. Of course I go to the supply house or home Depot 1-2 rimes many days
  22. https://www.latimes.com/world-nation/story/2023-11-02/australia-arrest-host-guests-dead-suspected-mushroom-poisoning A better link without a paywall. This happened a long rime ago. I would have thought the pathology would be complete. Cant death cap poison be traced?
  23. No it doesn't! She has plans to rob him or otherwise use his money for her gain. If she thinks he is her dream man then they will have his money for ever to share. If sge needs money to expand her business and its a good idea sge can get a loan from a bank using the house as collateral. I dont blame Thailand for not letting foreigners own land. Nit a bad idea now that china iwn5s so much farm land and food conglomerates from industrial farm to store. But sad in the past Chinese moved to Thailand, changed their names slightly to sound thai and somehow gained citizenship and expansive control in Thailand and are even highly respected because of their wealth.
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