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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. Semi-devine! I love it. Everyone should know this before coming to visit. It explains many things. My thai wife in America is learning she knows so little.
  2. They are not married? Maybe one of bis other women was the cause of him wanting his name off the lease. Maybe if was because he knows there is risk. He thought it was important enough to ask to change the lease and have his own lawyer set it up. Did your lawyer read the lease? He sounds like a pretty astute business man. Bring your best poker game.
  3. This was us. They gave us the best seat in the house at crazy horse. The round table at the bottom of the stairs. Haven't got her inside a bar at soi cowboy since. Thailand and even some of you proud expats take any negative comment or suggestions of improvement so personally. The protesters and thai people want freedom but them complain about something so trivial as this. Its quite possible this blogger pulled some punches. I bet if her photographer was acting separate she had lots of cat calls and if she stood still for 1 minute in many areas i bet she had takers. I bet the man didn't just ask how (much) she was. I dont like that center part or her hair dye color but if I was one of those guys she would stand out as a top pick. Thailand needs to admit there is prostitution or stop it. How van mia nois be so accepted just by a persons weakth or starus by such a large % of the population, etc.
  4. Never saw this. But on the ferry to koh Samui there was one who looked like a boy from oliver twist with an amazingly beautiful, woman. This woman was in a very feminine but classy flower patterned old fashioned dress. I mean this gal was one i could hardly avoid staring at while we all sat in the chairs during our crossing. I was told the Toms like this are usually wealthy. PS, i thought they have these quick read test strips that turned purple for like 14 drugs.
  5. Im addition i seem to be getting lots more phishing emails. They seem to be getting more real.
  6. I didn't do a picture search but figured they were all fake. I just dont understand the scam.
  7. In the last 6 months I've had 3 or 4 inquiries from strangers on the line app and a couple on texts. My mother has had a couple on her line. I was shocked she actually carried on a conversation with one of them. A perfect victim , a lonely 85 yr old new widow. On line it starts with, "do we know each other? I found you on my line contacts list." The 3 I actually chatted a bit with said they were living on the West Coast of USA. All 3 Asian. Two of them projected being wealthy through pictures of food, shopping or just said so. All 3 sent pictures, 2 had profile pictures of attractive Asians with what i call a korean pop star surgical look. Small chin, nose, maybe fixed eyes. Quite attractive, if you like the current pop icon look. English was very good. They never asked for anything. Probably long game. They seemed to lose interest if i requested a proof photo, like a picture with todays paper or my old Thai friendly standard, holding an upside down coke can. The last one and I were conversing on a technical 4 step deck coating process I was having real World issues with. Outdated bad initial product, box elder bugs landing during The 18 hour fly paper stage, temperatures etc. this is when i figured it was an AI bot. Just to robotic sounding. When i accused it of being a AI bot the chat stopped. Has anyone else encountered this? This is picture of the first 1. I think she said 37. moved to USA with family a dozen years ago from Singapore. Had a maid, pictures of fancy take out meal she had with her maid. She admitted to having lots of suiters but worried they were just after her money. 2 of them talked about investing and retiring early. I actually asked for investment advice thinking that was the scam but the one didn't bite. The others looked so similar I had to closely compare photos. I finally decided there are folks out there trying to teach their AI programs by conversing with real people. Possibly developing reationships over time for some furure scam. Or seeding a scan tool on your device. Any ideas. And yes I would do them.
  8. You have to admit 300k baht would be hard to beat. Was this an assistant or teaching position? Plus the directors can get kickbacks on all work done on the school grounds. They get a wad of cash from the financial office (100k in my direct experience) for those sport days and its easy to pocket some of that. And iv6e heard they can keep any difference between budget for foreign teacher and salary actually paid.
  9. Im not quite sure i understand this? Factions? I was aware that teacher and School director jobs had a bribe cost if you wanted to move to a better location. But now they are saying the tests for assistants are changed to make it easier to select candidates feom certain factions? And they will be checking validity of advanced degrees? Only in Thailand.
  10. Even in the village, a amall one maybe 50 houses, wifes family try to never leave the house unattended. They worry someone may walk in and take things. There are known drug dealers and i guess people are afraid to turn them in. There is a benefit for having the old dog with a rep for biting strangers. I would think UT would be boring at 3am.
  11. Not sure what it will do but kicking myself for not buying a Bitcoin at 13,xxx . A total loss wouldn't hurt but if it really pops someday I would be a part of it. My concern is it takes to much energy to maintain, to few transactions available, plus it has zero intrinsic value. Good luck for those in it. Musical chairs
  12. The OP hasn't left the chat but i wouldn't blame him with the flames so harsh. He answered back to many posts on page 3 or 4. First off I cant blame anyone for wanting to live in a secure abode/estate area in Thailand. Anything less is a risk you may regret. Lots of security guards arent really trusted. My wife had the keys to the building on Suk and it was her job to go at 7am to let the cleaners in because the gate guards didn't get keys. We all have read the threads how some guys are happy and survive on 40k a month and the ethical debate about partaking in the oldest profession never stops. I think its fun to imagine all lifestyles and appreciate them. Obviously a guy cant really last long doing ladies every night. Life will get in the way. Regular dinners with friends, bday parties, travel, special ones. Why is it legal and supposedly moral for a person to sell his time, brain, sweat but not his her body? Pro football players are at risk for lifetime disabilities for example. Miners and deep sea fishers have very risky careers according to the data. For me I like the idea of 4 "special" gals on the payroll. That should be similar cost ro a mia noi but 4 times the variety. On the market, what % of women would be "special"? I would imagine 50% woukd be dead fish. Quality over quantity sounds best to me.
  13. Can you explain keep? and is it an exclusive deal? And approximate cost/per head and are these 6's or 8's? Asking for OP. So I'm thinking living in that gated estate is important to the OP. And surely his reputation cant be that of a farang bringing a new gal home everyday. So he will also require a crash pad. But if he is crashing there everynight does he need his 70k estate house? In a few years OP may want to settle down and could find a quality partner with his resources but quality women will be interested in his past and his reputation. There are forums where this info is diseminated i have heard. At a minimum There is the cursed FB.
  14. Put 250k towards a different car. Let that baggage go. Your only losing 150k by your resale estimate. Thanks for providing others and me with a look into the thai mind. You bought her a car many years ago. It was never yours. Be thankfull you got to use it so long. The real loser here is the not so ex,ex. Her credit should be shot. And she would have so much smarter to take the car and sell it 4 years ago.
  15. Wouldn't gains in a Roth be taxable if she was residing in Thailand? What is the income where taxes start and the rates? A Roth would let that income show, which may be better for her to improve her own credit rating. How much gold ( bar or coin) can she travel with? Of course it seems real 99.999 gold isnt so valuable in Thailand.
  16. You watch pornhub too. I hate their noises. How can they all sound so similar and non stimulating ?
  17. I guess the OP is firm on this daily P4P idea but he should keep it discreet because he may find he could attract a real quality , sexy, attractive,educated, motivated business gal 20 yrs his junior if he has 180k/ mo. And she wouldn't have to fake it.
  18. Seems like the nest place to post my question. Wife 46, me 63. We live in USA. Trying to decide between putting money for wife in Roth or traditional IRA? I'm assuming at some point she will return to Thailand maybe me too. But low chance for me. I'm worried that the politicians will raise taxes on traditional IRAs in the US. But maybe that would be lower than the Thai taxes might be on the gains in the Roth IRA. So I'm trying to imagine my wife in old age living in a Thai village with hers and my SS benifits and maybe a Roth or trad IRA and wondering the tax ramifications. Its so stupid we have to spend time thinking of these things rather than enjoying life. One more note: one post said he was contributing 1k each month to an IRA for wife and him, but limits are 6500 or 7500 over 50? Didnt see how that info was accurate.
  19. Everything is relative. I'm not sure i could have properly taken advantage of a pro everyday even when I was 20. Not sure I would be satisfied with a gal with those distant looks on their faces you see on pornhub. But if you alter your rent 50k all in. And exercise every other night 50k That leaves you with 8o+k for food and drink. But .. some guys find a nice live in gal and survive on 50- 60k. So even if you say 85k then that leaves 100k for a Mia noi. Wife tells me they are not cheap. Main thing is you wont be able to hang with your rich buddies unless they are generous.
  20. This first OP and the post above sounds like chat gpt!
  21. I realize i would charge at home. Probably try to use solar. But the whole of Thailand can fit in Utah and Nevada. When we take a road trip it can be 500 miles or 800 easy. On the open remote highways I'm just saying you will need charging station numbers that reflect the difference in times to fill a tank with petrol and to charge a battery and % of ev's to accommodate the same vehicle numbers. In these wide open places increasing the foot print of a charging station will be easy but in more rural areas how will they fit? And the real estate will cost so much more Or will people rent ice for long trips or need to keep the old one? What about road trips into the back country? Its one thing to have a gas can but a dead battery 20 miles from nowhere is going to be expensive to solve. Can you charge one ev from another?
  22. Ive heard of some businesses wanting to expand their shop but told it will be a year to get a transformer. I think some import restrictions on the Chinese plus all the weather related power line isssues. Gow is this going to effect the ramp up of charging stations? Like I've said in another thread. If charging an ev takes 30 min, 6 times longer than an ICE we meed starions with 100 chargers all over the place that requires 6 times the footprint not even considering the area fir a que line. Biden has tried to help in this area but its going to have to be profitable. At 63 this may not happen in my lifetime.
  23. Eggs are under 4$/dz. There were millions of chickend who got avian flu. Im sure some of you blame biden. School lunches up 300% i dont know but nothing else on that list was close to 100. Why dont you guys ever rant on oil companies with record profits? Avacados been .79$ all summer. Pork butt 2.29$/# cheaper than Thailand Beer pretty good IPA 5% Squatters 17.99$/12 pack. Yes up 1$ in last 3 years. Thats 53 baht for a decent beer. 3x less than Thailand. Its also easy to make 75-125$/ hour doing handyman jobs for boomers.
  24. I dont know anything in the USA that has had 100% price increase the last 2 years. Plywood amd lots of building products went skyhigh in mid 21' due to people remodeling spurred by covid and low interest rates leading to record home starts. By so many measures right now the economy is doing quite well.
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