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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. This 90 yr doesn't drink. Im told he is a horny fella. He gets around pretty good. Was walking 18 holes 3 times a week 2 years ago. . Has a neck issue that bothers him the most. He isn't going to get his cancer treated. I think at 90 his doc and him agree just to run out the time. He isnt feeling pain or anything from the cancer. The insurance idea wasine thinking if he died he has a burial spot in the states near family. No cremation for him. Maybe a go go bar or 2 but mostly I was thinking room service. I think he was in Thailand or SE asia in the Air Force 65 years ago. Service like im thinking isnt really available that much in the states. Maybe im to Innocent. It would kill him if he got busted near home. I think he has plenty of funds for a fun few weeks.
  2. I bet the smell was strong. Is smoking dven allowed there? On a recent trip to Colorado it is amazing how these grow houses and even the pot dispensary /stores+ ,emit a strong odor while driving by with the windows up on the highway at 65 mph. I've never neen to a concert where you could puff your lungs out without fear.
  3. I was thinking he doesn't need to worry about STIs
  4. Sorry, i just read the OP. It doesnt look like your wanting to move to US. If your staying in Thailand then no need to do anything but register it there for marriage Visa
  5. So much bad info on these 2 pages. Look at visa journey website for good info. Did the k1 visa in 2020 right as covid hit and trump stalled visas enerywhere except military ones. You dont just change your Thai wives tourist visa into a marriage visa. You are married so you would need to go the CR1 route. I think its the I-130 form. You cant do the K1. There was a recent fee increase effective 4/1/24. I think it will be 3k$ now Some fees raised as much as 77%. Funding is all fee based. And they are still working from home i think . CR1 will take some time (year+) to get approved but its all done in Thailand. Then she gets work permit and green card right away upon entry to US. The CR1 visa is valid for a certain time after you get it and you need to move to US in that time. You can still visit on her tourist visa during this time. Different states have different laws regarding divorce. Prior assets are protected in some states. Both the K1 and CR1 Visa's require the US citizen to provide support for this woman for 10 years in case of a divorce. But it's a slightly different legal bite. I forget the details. We will see how it goes. I have observed Lots of negative leanings towards foreigners since I first traveled to Thailand in 2016 and joined this site. I prefer fresh air on my face and 4 seasons, good drinking water out of the tap, cross walks that cars obey, etc. The US economy is doing great!! My wife didnt like biking and goofing off so we opened a handyman business. She can make 45$/hr doing yard work for people or I charge customers 55$/ hr for her help when we are doing sprinkler repair. She has to rurn down customers because i need her help. Late in the summer at high demand we charge 65 & 125/hr. Be warned the government rules and forms were written by bureaucrats with their typical IQ. The software weanies did a terrible job of meshing all the different organizations involved. The terminology is not intuitive. My wife loves it in utah from mountain biking to ice fishing. She isnt a social butterfly. In fact my biggest complaint that may be a blessing is its hard to get her to go out to a bar or poker night. I do realize there are risks. She meeded to learn how to use so many appliances, still dont let her drive although we bought a CX5 and got her learners permit. But I insist that she does the entire driving school thing and drive time like a teenage kid. She is ok with that. https://travel.state.gov/content/travel/en/us-visas/immigrate/family-immigration/immigrant-visa-for-spouse.html I'm not sure how guys meet the residence and residency if they live in Thailand. https://www.visajourney.com/forums/forum/110-ir-1-cr-1-spouse-visa-process-amp-procedures/
  6. No no im sure thats a hard no! . Not father and son together. Even I have never had that thought cross my mind. As far as the rest of the advice goes , your probably right the heat and humidity would be brutal. And you probably can't get insurance for a possible expatriation, dead or alive.
  7. Of course asking for a friend. 90 yr old guy, lost his lady friend last year, in pretty good condition but walks and hunched over like a 90 yr old. Does have cancer and even without cancer at 90 how many years are left. Might as well have a last hurrah! Just wondering about how accommodating the women would be towards a 90 year old? Assuming he could survive the flights that almost kill me it seems. What sort of places would be best? This friend hasn't asked his dad yet but i think its a good idea.
  8. Will be nice but not going to bring in tourists. I went shopping at a makro or something and stared shopping well before 2 but by the time i checked out i couldn't buy the beer. Did really irk me. Many times the 2-5 ban has impeded me. I like to grab a sixer or a 4pack for the hotel or condo fridge. Whatever original reason it shows typical thai lack of logic. It should be an embarrassment to all politicians. What losers.
  9. It would bankrupt Thailand if they fixed every bad balcony. Until people are held accountable with big payouts nothing will change. When death payouts are so low it pays to skimp. Great news for tat
  10. He just finished a visit for a couple weeks, he seems smitten and is proceeding and ok going from single to family of 4.
  11. I'm a bit confused on the crime. So some government person who stole funds and gis buddies in the scheme were being extorted? 100 mil? 3 mil USD. Police feeling Pressure to stop investigating. How so?
  12. Such a bad article. I will not reread it but i thought it daid she was cliff diving and died. But somehow it seems like she drove a motorcycle off and insurance wint cover it but would have if a scooter? I think my US motorcycle license is good up to 600cc. Glad she is alive.
  13. 3rd and 4th floors seem rather low if you planned to be an aviator without wings.
  14. I guess she is at a place where she doesn't need to worry about alienating some, but can stand up for her values. Isn't that novel? Taylor for president!! 2028
  15. I'm happy for Cavallerio, I guess he enjoyed the instant family. Sounds like the kids made him happy. I never got a good feeling from any of the kids of the many women I met. I met the kids of at least 4. Traveled with 3 kids only 1 time and I couldn't play that long game even for a woman with equal resources. You can be sure this woman will be sure to protect you until your demise benefits her. Raw crabs and beef is to be avoided as well as nam pla. I agree with your thought about not wanting to look back and wonder what you missed. That is exactly why I choose to be a butterfly. Or more like a bumble bee. How can anyone just go with the first one without regrets? I agree about a mother who takes care of her kids. I cant understand rhe desperation required to leave children with Isaan grandparents after seeing how the conditions are for most in several villages. I hope her expectations for the quality of the kids education meet your financial commitment. I deleted the part with numbers and math on renting top talent vs picking 1, but it was something I calculated. Does she cook well? Yes, Thailand is hot and humid and not going to be getting any cooler. hope you can get the visa and learn more. Don't ever compare these women to what you could catch at home. You have risen and chose to open your partner search to the World not just your homeland. Realize what that means and enjoy.
  16. Very poor way to run a company. So much for free speech. I cant imagine a post critiquing a diversion causing any loss of bookings. They should have just explained they taje safety seriously even though it meant extra cost and problems for the Passengers, crew and connections, etc. Can tell this airline is ran by the old guard mentality.
  17. A poor driver who had rigged his meter and had his wife on board. He needs to have his tag pulled forever. And like I've said before all you blokes who happily pay high taxi fees have propagated and kept this taxi ripoff alive.
  18. 8 pages. Im sure i cant add much I think as a person selling albums and concert tickets you wouldn't want to alienate any political party. So i think Taylor will just stick with recruiting people to register to vote. And that pisses off the GOP because they know her base is young and female voters and they will predominantly vote blue. Women are fking going to decimate the GOP after roe vs Wade.
  19. I only started to visit Thailand in 2016. On one of my early trips I noticed the taxi meter going up in gulps. It seemed to do it when i looked away mostly. I then noticed a wire going down to the driver. Having read about this very thing, possibly on TVisa, I called him out on this wire. He acted guilty and didn't mind when I only paid him what it should have cost. Part of the adventure I thought. Today I would not let him get away and I would call the tourist police and do whatever it took to get a police report.
  20. I disagree. If the railing was built to a safety standard it probably wouldn't have happened. We may never know how he git over or through the railing or if it was intact. But in the US railings on decks and stairs must be built so a 100mm ball can't pass between the stiles. My money is on the railing being of poor design. RIP I dint know how I could go on living if this was my child or under my watch. 42 floors? OMG
  21. Displays the mind of many thai drivers.
  22. Onve again a person of trust takes advantage. Seems the penalty should be 2-3 x the norm. I guess he admitted to it to half his time. Is this sort of sickness genetic?
  23. Another dad day for Thailand. They just trickle out the bad things in small bites like a python in its final act.
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