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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. I was taught "proper prior planning..." "7 P's" in mid 80's
  2. I've used agoda in th a lot. Never been able ro book at hotel for less. Had wife call but nope. Been in at least 2 lobbies and had staff tell me best price is to book on agoda. I had one receptionist tell me if agoda finds out they sell for less agoda will drop them. So i guess these gorillas have found a way to make 17-30% on much of the lodging industry. So we all pay higher lodging prices for this if we use it or not.
  3. It does appear they are running the scheduled arrival times judiciously. And they actually know the numbers so it doesn't sound like they are blaming delays on the planes were late "its ok" card.
  4. What ages? Crayons??? High speed Usb chargers is my vote.
  5. It looks like its getting easier to charge. I just bought a low milage 22' mazda cx5 ICE so probably wont be going ev anytime soon here in USA.
  6. I think it is such a poor idea that the fact the PM even talked about this with investor's tells the World all they need to know about the Thai education system. Maybe speaks to the DNA as well. Add in the known corruption, the condition of the average truck in Thailand, possible theft, delays, weather conditions on the Adaman side, just crazy. But it must be nice to be hiso in Thailand with a simple thought process like this.
  7. Had an American woman tell me early 9n in talks on a dat8ng site. "I cant sleep in the same bed with anyone " I politely told her that wont work. Bye. Have a buddy who says his rule is she is naked in bed.
  8. I recall mamy of us posting out against Israel in the very first thread on this war. We were all attacked. Now who is looking more evil?? The truth hurts.
  9. So of a million tourists arrive over the holidays thats 50 baht each to cover them. It doesn't compute. Who would trust this and not purchase travel insurance that costs 3000 baht per month. I seem to recall paying 350$ for both of is for 7 weeks last holiday. I thought it was up a bunch from the 85$/mo I used to pay. And an additional thought since my wife is Thai would you buy her insurance or plan to use the 50 baht Thai system? The PM is going to piss off all these travel insurance companies. I would guess he has buddies excited at the thought of starting a forced insurance on arrival company.
  10. Think about this next time you get pizza in a cardboard box. So 2 people cut in pieces and tossed in a cardboard bailer in the USA. Not sure they can even track which state it came from. Food reason for a committee to travel ro USA. If you post without reading the thread or with such low comprehension you should get perm banned. !!!! They asked how to make AN better and this was my request.
  11. They tolerate farang until the money euns low or your behavior is out of hand. Probably not smart to act boisterous for months in and around a place like Krabi.
  12. I'm always impressed by some of the fancy fans and ducting some cart vendors rig up. I doubt they are just after poek rather than all grilled meats. Im a fan of cooking over real wood and charcoal over gas or pellets but it does produce more pollution than you realize. You see how many bags those charcoal vendors deliver every day all around BKK NYC has restrictions on BBQ smoke houses and restaurant exhaust. Yes they should do smog tests on buses and trucks. Yes they should stop crop burning. Everyone thinks the smoke they produce goes somewhere else.
  13. I never buy duty free. Its always a ripoff unless coming from Mexico or the Caribbean. Its a great start. He says reducing the price like lower taxes on import liquors. Why should a liqour imported from Europe to Thailand cost more than I can buy in USA? And good beer like an IPA shouldn't cost 850 bath for a bomber. 22oz. Like ive paid in BKK. Dont make a guy choose between a good beer or add-on to a massage! thats not going to be a happy tourist. Oh I'm sure King pow has no problems. Yeah right. Im aure there is a gotcha favor included. But really isn't it time 4-5 super rich conglomerates sid the right thing for the thai people ? My bags are always packed on arrival and i dont buy a condo bottle unless I'm in 1 place for a week or more. I'm such a cheap charlie i will drink an extra singha beer in the airport before you need to dump your water bottles. Or arrange for them to be cold and in the fridge if I'm returning.
  14. Make sure you get a firm price for all your transport dueing your stay at siem reap. Lots of scammers dont waste rime going to the waterfall. Prepare tiur guests for all the trash along the roads and slums right outside the parks.
  15. Some day they will just cut ri the chase and say your "spend rate per day" is to low. Its all about money, nothing more.
  16. Sounds like a massacre. The millions of pulls confiscated this year makes me think 5% of thais are always on drugs.
  17. Not a crazy idea. My buddy started and owns the purpleair.org particulate monitors. He gifted me one of the first 50 models. Now Wowldwise and a few in Thailand. They use Wi-Fi to send in data every so many minutes. One day he called me and asked me what was going on? My monitor had spiked to over 300ppm. I had started a fire in my fire pit sone 35' away from the monitor. The smoke never blew that direction but it taught me how bad open fire smoke is for pm 2.5s.
  18. Nice to see Asian in 6th place. We are all different and i respect other people's fetishes. Since i was 25 i always had a thing for milfs. Well 30ish professional, fit, smart, classy women i met in Dallas in the mid 80s. Never cared if they had kids. I took a screenshot of the top stars. Can you believe billions of views? I live in a state where you need a VPN to see pornhub.
  19. Omg, you like chang. I thought you were an ok guy. So from your post you need 100 watt panel to run your 27.5 watt 5 light groups? And a 40Ahr battery. And thats without an inverter. I have about 15 backyard lights for decoration. Unfortunately some are incandescent. I think i have removed all the halogens. Was thinking of putting my 100 watt panel solar system on the shed roof but i would need many new panels and of course a big battery. I have the charge controller and everything. How would i switch all these lights on at dusk and off at 10pm. Currently i use a 120v low voltage power supply with a leviton smart wifi switch. It seems like i would get lots of loss using my inverter with this 600 watt power supply.
  20. Hope this 36 yr old guy recovers. What a dreadful scenario. Mozzies like my blood and I do worry about dengue when in Thailand. I find mozzies in BKK condos, restaurants and lots in the village. I would toss in my typical 3rd world comment here but I've read dengue is now in the US. And global warming is speading it and case numbers are rising and spreading into new areas. https://time.com/6429963/dengue-fever-cases-symptoms-prevention-explainer/
  21. 4 years jail time for retweeting messages about the royalty but only 40k. Or a weeks pay or less for hospital admin.
  22. This should result in prison time for some officials plus the appropriate western financial amount. Like 120- 800 million baht
  23. Exactly. Tourists hear about taxi issues from frequent visitors like me , then when they or anyone they know considers a vacation to Thailand they Google "taxi Thailand" and what pops up but chaos.
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