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Everything posted by Elkski

  1. I don't object to her sexual choice but do the crime do the time. Why do people try to use her Olympic medals or HS career to defend her drug smuggling. Even if for personal use it was wrong. Does 9 years seem to long? Yes. But ask any card trader if this was a fair trade? No way.
  2. I am in asoke area and seem to have lower back pain since last sat. The long travel to Thailand didn't help. It was fun to talk special prices and last 2 hard years with massage gal last night but I need a pro too.
  3. Ms Thanaporn Wichan of the Labour Network, Very direct and pointed words. Seeing so many wealthy flaunting money it's hard to deny that things are not fair.
  4. rehabilitated? Love to hear words like even classmates not spared. Do they mean justice and time or moved to inactive post? Many have retired? Hope they look at bank deposits of all police and imagration people some day
  5. Gotta give the Japanese credit for their uniforms and professionalism and cleanliness. Then you land at BKK. The floor so dirty, the luggage carts look 20 years without a wash. And then welcome to Thailand
  6. Like the wild west. Why didn't they say what gun the shop keeper used. Does it look like the thieves never got inside the store?
  7. Luckily I'm married to a fit younger Thai woman. So I'm in the middle between single and married to western woman.
  8. Business crying wolf with record profits. Look at USA, bunch of whining businesses whenever min wage increases are mentioned. Record profits in many sectors. Seems like it should be indexed every year not once a decade.
  9. Welcome to Thailand. Please come invest your money here wit us.
  10. Is it better to pack a big bowl or small one hitters? I ask because we always theorized that that last steam hit was da best. Wow 200km a week on a bike if on the road you lucky to live till the next day. Swimming each afternoon in the ocean sounds nice. No one mentioned fishing? 2 massages each afternoon? Hmmm. 1 to relax and 1 for therapy? Which order is best?
  11. A couples massage sounds like a nice starting point and of course every man like the idea of a moresome
  12. Sad takeaway for me is out of 3 million voters only 50k could have swung this for Herschel. And this is the sad mental capacity of 49%
  13. ANA check in wanted to see a flight out of Thailand since our Return was past 45 days. Printed copy was ok.
  14. On 2nd though we may skip Pattaya for those 2 nights.
  15. Thanks so much Sheryl. I will look into this.
  16. They monitor your heart beat, and blood O2, breathing info. It's possible my grumpiness has been due to lack of O2 and good sleep. This can cause brain cells and heart muscle damage and I'm sure more health issues. It it's 18,000 baht I bet it's 60,000 in USA. It might be a better experience with Thai nurses.
  17. Welcome to Thailand. This festering issue isn't routed by tat.
  18. Just thinking it maybe less expensive to pay out of pocket for a sleep study in BKK than with my health insurance in US. I will be in BKK for travel. Anyone know the costs in BKK or USA? I understand they can do a remote study or an overnight at their facility study. With my insurance I would pay 30% for study's , with 3000 max out of pocket. Perhaps machines are lower cost in Thailand too? Maybe there is a shortage of machines due to that big recall due to failing seal material. I think to mut.
  19. Formalin? All those tanks un refrigerated? WTH! That's lots of product. I don't understand why they do this. Its bad enough to see them cut it up fresh in the markets with flies and no refrigeration
  20. Maybe the 3 houses were on 1 property? He is 40 and lived in Thailand 15 years? Looks like water damage and the termites hit him too. Can you buy insurance in Thailand that covers this? Can you imagine the thief had 5 months to sell the stuff but was caught with it. It will be interesting to see how much time this thief serves.
  21. 1-2 am is late enough for me. Maybe they are trying to discourage the customers. Especially any one who pees a purple strip. But was gave a brown bag last week, I know but now the big wigs and prosecutes want their share. Any bars with be a chance of Chinese ownership is at risk.
  22. Power supply locations, voltage of LEDs, multiple injection locations, using buck converters, are how you limit the wire size needed.
  23. https://thesmartcave.com/led-strips-guide/. Have you chosen your strip and PS yet. Are you wanting to do digital controlled color changing effects? You can run power to multiple points on the strip and use digital sync boxes. I assume you have the cool fast connect ceiling dance pole mounts in multiple locations.
  24. We need to hear how many meters of LED strip your using on your longest run of cable. Plus the watts/meter. What voltage are the strips. I can't believe 18guage 1mm wire isn't enough
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