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Everything posted by notrub

  1. Thanks for comments. I have written to Tim at Helpthai and will see where that goes. There are plenty of small schools around here, including one in our village too. I am looking to do something other than just dumping a bunch of stuff in the schoolyard or at the wat as a 'free for all' to whoever spots it first. Also, I am not too keen to have everybody in the village knowing that it is my stuff that they are inspecting and commenting on. We have our share of nosey busybodies and drawing attention to myself in any way is something I would like to avoid. Thanks for your ideas. More please????
  2. We have accumulated too much 'stuff'. Cloths, building supplies and misc. 'things' that we don't want or need that I would like to give away. We are in a small rural village 90 km north of Buriram city. I do not want to just dump all these things at the local wat for people to rummage through in 'lucky dip' way. Both for personal and practical reasons. I would like to find an oxfam or goodwill Thai equivalent, hopefully local to this area. Any ideas? I have been told (by my 'absence of empathy' wife that charities do not exist in Thailand. I find this hard to believe. Any ideas will be gratefully received. ????
  3. John Spooner at Isaan Lawyers. https://isaanlawyers.com/ He is English lawyer (owner) with a team of Thai lawyers/staff. Reasonable price and good service. Based in Nakhon Ratchasima but well worth the effort to go outside Krung Tep for legal help.
  4. 30 06 2023 Crystal ball question coming up... Is the current valuation of the THB only due to recent political problems or is there deeper problem with the Thai economy? Exchange to the Euro is as high as it has been for well over5 years. Given the war in Europe and uncertainty there it is surprising that the Euro is strengthening. Is the current trend too good to last? Should I change more than just a couple of thousand now? Yes, I know, 'nobody knows' but it would be interesting to learn your thoughts. Thank you????
  5. Beginning of the end (of weed freedom)? Legalizing weed without forethought has brought some problems. Children smoking in a doorway on a busy street, for example. Fast forward or backwards (suit yerself) same kids with a plastic bag full of glue. Focusing on weed and not the social circumstances suffered by street waifs is typical of those with a hidden agenda that requires manipulation of public opinion to be acceptable. Let's hope the war on drugs is focused on meth, not weed.????
  6. Thanks for comments. The best solution is, of course, to just slow down a bit.????
  7. Up here in rice land the authorities are installing these overhead cameras and speed detectors. I know that the speed gun, or whatever, cannot be detected due to its on/off again operation. But do the big overhead installations run full time? Also, how far away do they start detecting? I am just driving on the open highway, not in heavy traffic areas, btw. Thanks for any comments????
  8. No OMF, I wrote that 'she will own it'. And if she respects the conditions of the prenup it will all be in tip top shape when I am dead. (nobody would buy a house that did not come with the land it sits on) And I will have paid for her car, given her some reasonable allowance, arranged for her to get my pensions, and paid for 2 nieces to be nurses and build more stuff on family land and pay for the plough and fertilizer every year before I am gone for good. An Usufruct is registered at the land office and is attached to the deeds. The usufruct is transferred with the sale of the land to a third party if it were sold. I paid cash for the land. I paid for all the building materials on an account using bank transfers. Sister has said many time that she knows that this is my home and I trust her. The village likes me and all the family likes me. It is only my wife who is a sick <deleted>*k and makes my life miserable. Screaming one day and asking sweetly the next if I would like mango and sticky rice now, or a bit later? She already does not sleep in my bed as I also built a guest house and she is comfortably installed there (where my separate little gym/tv room is .) Also, there is a new outdoor kitchen that she uses. My car, bike and other things are in my name and/or paid for by bank transfer. No debt except her new black Toyota in her name. Unless some guy appears out of the woodwork and whisks her away I don't see how she can leave. There is an abundance of younger, better looking women with less baggage looking for a man that I think it unlikely she will succeed. Calm now, looking for a solution. She gave back my cards, keys and other things she lifted during the past week btw. Very great news is that my children have invited me to go for a visit to Western Canada and to Martinique where they live (one in each location). I have asked my wife if she would rather have fun on holiday or fight. Take care and thanks for your interest.????
  9. 02 05 2023 Update on 'Should I stay or should I go now?' A new day dawns and she is as sweet as can be. No reference to earlier screaming and shouting etc. etc.. One thing she threw at me is that I must be bi polar as one minute I can be OK and the next be angry. For me, it could be because I was called a stupid idiot who can never get things right, or something. Looking at her cycle of triggers I wonder if she has narcisissistic personality disorders or if indeed she could be bi polar? In this village of a thousand(?)+ people I am a familiar sight and most people are friendly to me and my smiling face. There are dozens of relatives of my wife's family here and they are all friendly towards me. Immediately there is a mum, dad, sister and 2 nieces (plus a disgusting parasite nephew still at home). They like me too. Sister is a bit younger and is the worker in the family home, at the na and both volunteer and paid work in the village.. Good woman and we get along very well. Her husband likes me too. All this means is that finding a solution and staying here is very attractive to me. I built this house and it is comfortable for me. Relocating to a condo in Pattaya does not appeal to this Canadian carpenter who still likes to build. How to strike a deal? What I want is an apology for some of the attacks and an outline of acceptable behaviour. As in, no screaming and shouting, no telling others that I am an angry old man, Stop accusing me of having affaires etc. etc.. What is very stupid is that this house will be hers. All my stuff will be hers. In the prenup it is mentioned that I will maintain the house, grounds and contents in good condition provided we have a reasonable relationship including if we separate. I pay for one niece to be a nurse. I will pay for the younger second in a few year's time. I have already paid to dig 2 new nong at the na and have constructed one cabin there with plans for a second. She wails about money but there is already a joint account with some thousands in it (not millions) untouched. She erupts over imaginary GFs and is obsessed about one in particular. Lack of 'respect' for her is another. This is all nutty stuff. Also I have no will. Also she will get my pensions from Canada, France and the UK when I die if I register our marriage with the authorities there. Also I would like to go on holidays here in Thailand and to see my children in Canada and Martinique. WTF is she thinking if she would rather have a non stop open warfare instead of having fun? I know how to have fun; I spent my life traveling and working in many different countries. I spent 30 years in France where I created a business and adjusted my work to enable being with my children to both ski all winter and to be able to explore mountains and beaches during the summer. So, I want to negotiate something without going to court. I think I have some carrot options and some stick options too. I do know Isaan Lawyers, btw; Sebastian helped me b4 and John is helping me now. (very good service at a reasonable price.) Every day is a new day now from a finding a solution point of view. Violence to me is a consideration but feel it is very unlikely. A German fellow in the village was committed to an old folks home some many years ago but that is a bit exceptional around here. There are other stories but my wife was an office worker who dabbled online looking for someone like me. There doesn't seem to be any 'shady' contacts who would stuff me in a sack. That is an update and sorry for ill-disciplined emptying of my rambling thoughts onto this page. Thanks again for your interest
  10. Thank you for your comments. Everything was built and purchased before marriage. The land was bought by me for about 600,000 and is in her name. I have the usufruct as I had not planned to move b4 death. She will get every thing when I die anyway so now is just a matter of getting rid of her for now. It may be that she can make my life miserable without taking any legal action. She took the keys for my motorbike (returned), truck keys and now i think she has my credit card wallet. One lesson may be to never let them think you have more than 2 pennies and be clear that every payment brings pain. How sad it would be to live like that... I am 75 today. Great birthday gift from her. Thanks again for comments.
  11. 30 04 2023 A year or so ago I married the woman I have been living with for 7 or 8 years. She is 58 yrs old and was an office worker. We had come up here to her village and bought some land, built a house, put in a pool etc. etc. and paid for it all. I have an usufruct on the land and a pretty clear prenup so whatever happens this will remain my home until death, if I want to stay. (Wife gets all on my death) It is just getting comfortable. I am 75 and do not want to waste the rest of my life fighting with a woman who has nothing to lose and, she thinks, everything to gain. The question is, how nasty could it get? About 5 years ago she got mad at me and secretly started looking for a guy online. After some months she said she was going to see her son but in fact went away with 'Ricky' for a 2 week holiday by the beach. Then she came home and said I had to move out because her new lover was moving in. Ricky, an Ausie, knew nothing of me and following an exchange of emails, he apologized and disappeared. His emails were pretty explicit about some of their intimacies and his opinion of her. (In fact he is a retired guy who is on every dating site in se asia and lives his life making the rounds.) I let that slide but now, years later and recent months of bickering has led to her posting herself on Thaicupid. A friend saw it and told me and when confronted she did not apologize, saying I am a bad guy, don't respect her, etc. etc.. Now also saying she is talking to her lawyer and I would be really <deleted>*ked. She divorced her ex years ago after he had affaires with all of her friends so she has experience to be bitter and aggressive. (Unbelievably), I am not violent or demanding, do not drink or smoke cigarettes. I have a puff of weed in the evenings. No girlfriends and am friendly with people of the village. (Sun shines out my ...) My Thai speaking is very limited although I am trying. This village has people from Laos from a long time ago and so a kind of patois is spoken here. (Yes, I should be fluent Thai now but I'm not, sorry). So, how nasty can it all get? I have just enough money to live on and I am a very, very long way from wealthy. Also, here is the home I built and where I would like to remain. Thanks in advance for any comments.
  12. I see that postate problems can cause erectile disfunction. Is there a solution please and what is it? Thanks
  13. Ha Ha Ha. Check the voltage. Sorry for the haha but I drove hundreds of km trying to get mine repaired here in Isaan (where service centres can be rare). Then discovered a person in the village had installed enough AC units to suck the local grid dry of electricity. He eventually had his own line installed and problem solved as we are back to 220 v again
  14. Nope. Christians (and Jews?) are taught that if we are really really good then we may one day join 'god' as his/her 'child'. Innocent and monitored even at this stage of existence. This means, of course, that good is without and must fill the empty vessel (us) for us to be complete. Consumerism is an example of Christians attempting to find peace through the acquisition of 'stuff'. A short cut not requiring meditation. I have read that Buddhism allows the faithful to 'become buddha' as the process of enlightenment progresses. It seems that death is considered as part of a cycle and not feared as it is in the west. This may be seen by observing young boys on motorbikes. But blind consumption is not so significant here (also who can buy much with a salary of 10,000 baht/month?) For me Christianity is summed up by the indubitable J.Wellington Wimpy: 'I'd gladly pay you Tuesday for a hamburger today.' Meanwhile, other supporters of the 'wait for your reward' bunch sail off on one of the estimated 5,000 super yachts in the world (multi million$ & even multi billion$). Many of the owners have more that one. Some have a second super yacht (in size) that is a tender containing 'toys' such a helicopters, speedboats, diving bells and who knows what. Bezos is one who believes his workers should wait for their rewards while he sails in his latest $500,000,000 sailing yacht (others cost much more). He has many water vessels including a submarine(?) . Reflect on that next time you place an order at his 'shop'. No pics but take a look at https://www.istockphoto.com/th/ภาพถ่าย/superyacht and let your blood boil.
  15. I take 2 doxazosin 4 mg in the evening and 1 in the morning. For many years. Supplied by local hospital. I was taking 2+2 but the doctor told me to cut back so I did. Seems ok and my blood pressure has been good, around 120. I tried the Cazosin 4 mg (states equivalent to doxazosin) from a pharmacy but my blood pressure went to over 150(!) so I stopped. I would be very interested to learn more about other options. I think I fall into the long neglected category. The doxazosin 4 works for me but I would prefer a more natural remedy. btw, I don't drink or smoke (except a bit of weed). Do not eat much meat, lots of fruit and veg and rice. Thanks, I will follow this post with interest.????
  16. Thank you. Well that is not so great at first glance as the flights to Taiwan are 200+ and onto Vancouver from there 1500 - 5000 euros. Most of the flights are 20 hours+. Thanks anyway. It really illustrates just how big a change for the worse there has been for air travel post pandemic. I had been thinking of flying west from bkk but now will check on eastbound flights too. Thanks again.
  17. 13 04 2023 A little help please about current post pandemic air travel options. I live here in Isaan and will be going to see my son in western Canada. I see the cost for a return ticket from BKK to Vancouver is around 1500 euros for a very long flight. Ay ideas on how to improve on that please? Already looked on sky scanner, booking etc.. A long time ago around the world tickets were a good option choosing either north or southern hemispheres. I looked but the one I saw limits flights to N&S america, asia or europe so that does not work. Also, any ideas about which reputable and reasonably priced airlines have the least horrible seating, food etc. in economy class please? I was an experienced traveler (air and other) during years gone by but the pandemic has been the final straw destroying travel for pleasure. A short trip to France and back shortly after in was allowed here, was an experience not wanted to be repeated. Thanks in advance for any comments. ????
  18. Tata seem to have wound down their presence in Thailand (?) along with other brands such as Chevrolet. Is there a way to locate auto wreckers that have a stock of used Tata parts please? I know Thais are not too fond of this brand but it is great truck, 1 tonne load capacity and made for difficult driving conditions. So, any ideas about used parts please? Thanks very much.
  19. So, for sure he pays the fines even if not driving? Is there anything unpleasant that I can do to encourage him to behave like a human being? Now he is insisting that I deal with his lawyer and pay her to provide a certificate of residence. He is willing to act on her instruction. Thanks again.
  20. 25 02 2023 Stupid, yes. But can anybody help? I went to Pattaya, from Isaan, and bought an older truck from a Canadian here on holidays. He has a condo there. Neither he nor I had complete (any) knowledge of the sales and registration of used vehicles. I paid the money and came away with a hand written bill of sale and other bits of info and the blue book. I am sure that the truck is legal and that the transfer problem is simply providing the correct information. The authorities refused to transfer for various reasons. The house book and other documents have the name of the company he used to buy it. Not his personal name. I asked for better passport copies etc. and he just sent pictures taken on his phone. Many times. Now I have passed the list of documents required by the authorities, including a certificate of residence. I asked these various documents be properly copied, signed, and sent to me by post. Now he just sent me the name of his lawyer and said I must deal with her at my cost. I cannot provide a certificate for him. He must do it. He possesses all the other documents. I cannot copy and sign them..... Etc. What can I do? The truck is still in his name. I said that any tickets for speeding etc. would go to him and also he could be responsible for any mishaps that might occur with the truck. Is this true? Is there anything I can do? I am not going to Pattaya to get a paper from him. The truck only cost 145,000 B so getting into some costly battle would be pointless. The guy is an as*hole who has little grasp of reality outside his own. He may do nothing more unless something threatens his peaceful holidays here. Any ideas? Thank you very much in advance.
  21. Currency speculators are a baine to society. They add nothing -zero- to the well being of the world and often undermine the stability of targeted countries. How much money was made (by currency traders) during the specular multi billion GBP crash caused by UK's Liz Truss? Every slight 'jiggle' in the charts are profit points for these persons. They should be banned; yet they are respected members of society thanks to their wealth and friends in high places (bought and paid for).
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