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Posts posted by Wiggy

  1. 3 hours ago, Big Guns said:

    Ford also will be ceasing sales of the Fiesta and Focus in Thailand once they sell off current stocks.

    I'm not that surprised after the DCT debacle on those models. I know, I bought a Focus. Great car, but let down by that pig of a gearbox. Fortunately I sold it to someone who knew naff all about the problem.

  2. 1 minute ago, realfunster said:

    Surprised a couple of commentators on this thread can't even be arsed to watch 30 seconds into the 90 second video where it clearly shows (in magnified slo-motion) a member of the larger group punching the victim's friend, which leads to the mob fight....and it's shown again, clear as day,  at 1.24.


    At least watch the whole bloody video before spouting off. 


    Special mention to the little shit putting the boot in at 1.07 !

    I agree.

  3. 8 minutes ago, jossthaifarang said:

    Not saying It's right, but he did throw the first punch. Only got himself to blame.


    1 minute ago, gmac said:

    Yes, when I first watched I assumed he was one of the 20 with the fury of his attack.  Think he got what he deserved.

    I think you'll find that the guy in the black t-shirt with a white triangle on it punches someone near the victim first. The victim subsequently tries to defend whoever was punched first. It's in the slo-mo black and white section near the end.

  4. Narong Ruangsri, who heads the BMA Drainage and Sewerage Department, assured motorists late yesterday that all main roads were now flood-free. 


    “We urgently solved the flood problems,” he said, adding that his team was focused on clearing floodwater from secondary routes. “We will work fast,” he said. 


    No. Solving the flood problem means that floods don't occur in the first place.

  5. 44 minutes ago, PremiumLane said:

    Nicotine is not a dangerous drug, he is talking complete rubbish.


    It is addicting, but so is caffeine, and it is a problem when found in cigarettes, as they contain all the nasty stuff that does give you cancer etc.


    For a doctor he has a poor grasp of the subject.  

    I think you'll find nicotine is poisonous and can kill in fairly small doses if ingested. So, it is dangerous in certain forms.

    • Like 1
  6. Don't take this the wrong way, superal, but I'm concerned that you thought there was a problem with the headlights without noticing the windscreen tint.


    Anyway, I have 40 on my windscreen and that is as dark as I'd want to go. That said, your dealership may have been worried that if they'd refused your GFs request of 80% they may have lost the sale, and I don't see why they should have rectified it free of charge. Had you have put a deposit down for the Pajero (I'm assuming you didn't), then it may have been a different outcome.

    • Like 1
  7. So, the blame goes to the intersection for not having traffic lights, rather than to the imbecile that pulled out in front of the bus. Sure, blame the intersection as they're always jumping out in front of you. In this country traffic lights can make an intersection more dangerous as stopping at a red light seems to be optional for many drivers. 

  8. 38 minutes ago, ezzra said:

    Changing lanes? really? is this the worst of the Thai driver follies?

    is this what causes thousands of death on the roads every year?

    somebody got the whole managing traffic safety priorities all wrong.... 

    No, not the worst or most congestion causing offence. But, it is easy to catch the offenders whilst sitting doing bugger all on your backside in an air-conditioned office/booth.

  9. It's the same old thing; the traffic police simply don't want people to comply with the law, which is why they don't enforce it regularly. If the vast majority of motorists complied then their income would dry up. They WANT people to break the law so that they can 'fine' them using occasional enforcement. It's as simple as that. It could all be sorted with 3-5,000 baht fines per infringement. It won't happen though, and I for one am getting sick and tired of slowing down at green lights to see if an idiot is coming the other way.

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