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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Those sneaky rascals who want to try and make Thai jails look like bad places?
  2. Obviously if you marry someone your own age, it's purely because of a deep emotional and spiritual connection and is nothing to do with sex, which is to be applauded. However, if you marry someone 20-30 years your junior, there can be no possible emotional connection nor any other kind of non-sexual reciprocal care or pleasure, it can only be about "sex life choices", and it should be condemned and the man permanently shunned and cast-out of society. Hopefully the sarcasm is obvious there. It's a strange attitude. I would have thought that if you're single, then your offspring wouldn't be so cruel and judgemental as to completely cut you out of their lives simply for finding happiness with a younger woman. It is, after all, in no way damaging to them, with the exception of inheritance, which means they're annoyed because they're thinking about the money they get when you die, rather than the happiness you enjoy while you live. The "sex-addict/sex-life choices" comments are a little odd. They sound a lot like someone projecting their own issues onto someone else and shaming someone for their choices. I guess they mean something like, you could have chosen a Thai wife your own age, and been part of your children's lives, but you chose a much younger Thai wife and they cut you out of their lives completely. It kind of feels like they're looking for reasons why it isn't possible to have a much younger Thai wife. Perhaps because they want that but feel they cannot have it, so they feel the need to police others?
  3. Even without division of possessions following a divorce, marriage would surely mean the woman gets greater access to his resources, a higher standard of living, a higher social position, a more secure relationship, a more stable environment for any children (or the chance to have children), and probably many I cannot think of.
  4. A similar video popped up on Facebook of a kid drowning in a pool. It went on for several minutes. People seeming to walk past and look but do nothing, even when he was still and floating facedown in the pool. I like to think it's due to some sort of ignorance and lack of experience/education, than simply being a case of "Oh, there's a kid dying over there who I could easily help. Oh well. I wonder what's for tea." I think some people (possibly more common in Thailand/developing countries than our home countries) simply don't think about these sorts of things in the same way others might. They simply aren't tuned in to the idea of safety. Hopefully one day they'll teach this stuff in schools or have adverts on TV about it.
  5. Surely, if you're going to defraud people, you do it in a way that people don't know who you are? Using your reputation, the real you, means that when you take people's money and fail to deliver, they're going to come for you. Certainly not a professor of logic down at the University of Science. ????
  6. For every foreigner hooked in by a Thai girl, there's a Thai women fooled by a rich man. At least they have some recourse, unlike the foreigner.
  7. One of them literally died! How can you think "what if they were?" makes any sense here at all? You realise it means "So what if they were?", right? As in, "what does it matter if they were?"? It matters because one of them died! And even if they didn't, it isn't safe for a 13 and 15 year old to be out in the city unsupervised at 3am! You make some pretty "out there" comments sometimes, but I think this one takes the cake.
  8. Yes: 324 No: 182 It would appear that "the ayes have it", as they say... ????
  9. I don't think boring, but certainly less happy. Once certain things are established in your "diet" I think you quickly adapt to a new "base-level" and without it you are less happy. Once your brain knows what can cause it to release dopamine, it craves that thing. It is literally happiness. Regardless of any effort at a healthy lifestyle, I have been unable to ever completely quit chocolate or cola. Also, I think it is natural in us to seek out new experiences and explore new places. Research suggests that wanting to change our mental states is very normal. And, of course, we like sugary, salty and fatty foods by default. https://nypost.com/2023/03/14/this-is-what-bored-apes-do-to-catch-a-buzz-new-study/
  10. If they can maintain power, they can maintain power. There is no "relevance" or "moving with the current" when it comes to the ruling elite. Possible wishful thinking.
  11. "Hey buddy, can you help me out and co-sign for this loan? Nooooo! You won't have to pay anything. I'll pay it all back. Would I do that to you?" Extremely scummy behaviour, even if they fell on hard times. More likely they just disappeared. The really sad conclusion from this, is that in order to stop this kind of exploitation (much like a lot of things that people would like to see improved in Thailand), Thai people will have to change and Thailand might become a less friendly place as a result.
  12. Interesting. ???? I wonder if people have been more careful when they get off of escalators, perhaps jumping or stepping over the threshold, and this had led to some sort of increase in stress on the mechanism.
  13. I would imagine he's frequently called "Olaf" in Thailand. Possibly even "Olab".
  14. Was anyone not within the construction site actually in any real danger? The video seems to show that the bridge was well within a closed-off area. The above makes it sound like they were driving underneath the bridge as it collapsed. It doesn't seem like there was any serious danger from which they needed to accelerate away nor for the amulets to protect them.
  15. No. It's quite mainstream. Pretty average people complain about movies being garbage because of following some sort of "woke agenda". Equally when companies "go woke" in some sort of marketing campaign, like Gillette or Bud Light, average people notice and say "What is this woke garbage?" Don't fall for left-wing activists who want to prevent the use of the word because they support what it criticises.
  16. What about the chickens? The owner of the dog is responsibile for the actions of his dog, so he effectively killed 200 chickens.
  17. This depends on what your problems are. If your problems stem from where you are, leaving or relocating is a sensible option.
  18. Start cleansing your mind and your body. Gym plus healthy eating and plenty of water for your body. read the classics in philosophy and literature for your mind. You need to begin identifying yourself with positive and healthy things. It might be good to relocate to a place where drinking and mongering is not as prevalent.
  19. I guess you were confused before when you said you get sex for free because of how great you are in bed. ????
  20. It isn't an attack word as it isn't used exclusively to attack people. It's mainly used in very legitimate criticism. And of course, people know what it means. You simply want to try to stop people using it as you like the things that it is used to critique.
  21. Can you give some examples of such common sense behaviors and attitudes? I think it's just gone radical. Basically, "woke" used to mean knowing things like racism being bad, that everyone should be treated the same, and there were injustices that really needed to be addressed. Now "woke" means pointless virtue-signalling and pandering to the extreme, particularly things that are nonsensical/fake, have the opposite effect that they are intended to, and that ruin some form of art.
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