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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Perhaps they used deliberately poor quality ham and cheese. They aren't exactly common in Asia. Cheese is obviously tasty, unless it's sh*tty cheese. Just racism.
  2. That's a bit like getting plain boiled rice with Plain boiled noodles on top and seaweed on top of that and serving it to a White person and asking them how they like Yellow peoples food It kind of makes you wonder if they're being slightly racist. Looking for a reason to sh*t on Westerners. Obviously China has form in this area. They're certainly not being particularly honest. Cheese and crackers is not exactly exciting, but if the cheese is good and the crackers not stale, they should taste nice. As you say, it wouldn't be hard to get some plain rice or unflavoured noodles and say how bland they are.
  3. Why? You never met any White people? Is this one of those "White people have no culture" type things where everything that comes from White people is so normalised that it isn't attributed to them?
  4. Why would you want to pretend that the food White people eat is restricted to some random junk food?
  5. While I do think the title is not good (both in terms of quality as well as appropriateness - puns need to at least make sense) I believe the practice of editing headlines is probably something that is best avoided, just in case.
  6. A "camouflage of lies"? That's a new one on me. I guess it's like a tissue of lies, except that actually makes sense.
  7. They're very likely prolonging happiness and delaying the misery of the return home.
  8. It really sends a chill down your spine to imagine these people walking the streets among us. Thank goodness he was found before he had a chance to commit any other terrible crimes.
  9. Where in the story does the "revenge plot go awry"? So far it sounds fairly successful as it has caused incredible public shame and harassment for the girl. We have no idea if the police will ever get hold of the guy, nor if they will do anything when they do. (I'm starting to doubt Nattapong's "dedication to the craft".) All for the terrible crime of dumping a cheating low-life. At least he didn't shoot her. ????
  10. Agreed. Looks very sporty. These things get driven like literal drag racers most of the time. Tearing along, noise like a prop-plane, with a plume of black smoke trailing behind them. Very sad and also very preventable.
  11. They're probably hoping that Thailand slips into "noisy minority rule" like some Western countries that seem to be ruled by twitter fascists that scare people into complying with them. Let's hope that doesn't happen in Thailand.
  12. HaHa, I wish. Still waiting for it to happen. I presume they didn't mean foreigners. (Or "un-people".)
  13. That's how he shows how young and "un-bommerish" he is. Along with being emotional, making little sense, and showing a general lack of understanding of what is being discussed.
  14. I don't quite see what that living where you were brought up has got to do with it, not as though you were paying the bills is it ?? your parents did that for you. I think he got confused between culture and financial situation.
  15. Quite. What they mean is "Take Me Out Thailand Tangmo’s disgraceful mindset towards women is [fairly typical] in our society [but you're not meant to say it out loud]".
  16. It's an Asian thing. The Chinese are super loud. Also the Vietnamese, who can sound like they're having a blazing row when they're just having a chat. At least the Thais have a relatively pleasant sounding language. In many circumstances, Thais can be a lot quieter than foreigners. But when it comes to "noise pollution" type noise (cars, motorbikes, music), the Thais are trying pretty hard to be the best at it.
  17. I doubt there is much rationality in a man who has just found out another man has been "rubbing on his good luck charm". (Note that I didn't say anything about whether it was a sensible idea to beat or kill someone sleeping with your wife. Only that it could happen to someone who did. ????‍♂️)
  18. The addiction to "newness" is most unusual. You really see it with building work. Cleaning and upkeep just don't seem to be a thing. It's just new or left to crumble. It's like some Thais view it as only new things allow them to "gain face", so maintenance is pointless.
  19. "Lover" suggests he was having sex with another man's wife. There's a chance that he didn't know, but it seems unlikely. Knowingly having sex with another man's wife means you accept the risk of being severely injured or killed by that man. ????‍♂️
  20. Interesting point. Obviously they're using the guy's nationality, but it does leave it quite vague as to who his audience is. I suppose it's just referred to as "YouTube", so we don't hear where the viewers are. If he was on Thai TV, I guess it would be "American star of Thai TV". Certainly, "American TV star" would leave you thinking that it was American TV. Possibly "American YouTuber who produces content in Thailand and has a predominantly Thai audience..." would clear it up, but reporting can be pretty lazy. The internet certainly hasn't done much to improve the quality (or accuracy) of the written word.
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