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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I'm sorry to have to sound like a doubting Thomas, but I find it very unlikely that an 85 year old man is attracting women in any other capacity than a financial one (other than women of a similar age). As you say, it's the "getting rid of them" that is the problem. This is very likely because the ones that don't want money now, are merely playing the long game and hoping for money some time in the future. Some women actually target the older gent, hoping to quickly get married and then for him to die and leave her all his money within a couple of years. I don't wish to be rude. I simply wanted to provide a different point of view.
  2. I believe, in Thailand, you can stop at "wealthier". All the rest is just somehting women will put up with for money. It's an interesting country. No wonder prostitution is so accepted in Thailand. It seems to pretty much be model for all relationships.
  3. Maybe start holidaying in Vietnam. ????‍♂️
  4. You could even specify in your advert: "Free English lessons for young single pretty Thai women who have a good job." ????
  5. Teachers wake up very early to go to work. Singers tend to stay up very late. These two professions do not complement each other, IMO. It's unfortunate, but obviously the side job cannot interfere with the main job.
  6. From a completely anecdotal and speculative angle, I would say that, in my experience, Thai women seem less interested in foreigners now than they were pre-covid. I'm not old, but I'm not particularly active in terms of seeking out a Thai girlfriend either. So it's really just what I "feel" has changed. (And I'm pretty observant.) Purely based on attention from women in the everyday, it seemed like pre-covid it was a lot more common for something like a girl in a 7/11 to like you and maybe an older women might ask if you speak Thai, then the girl would giggle. Or perhaps a girl on the street might notice you, smile, or say something. On dating apps, too, it seems like there are fewer nice looking women than there were pre-covid. What it really feels like is that many Thai women are now scared of foreigners. Some people will say that isn't the case, I'm sure, but that's what I think. That's probably not much use to you, or perhaps it is, but that's what I think has happened.
  7. This nonsense again? You should learn that ad-homs make your position look weak. And, if I'm hostile, then you're hostile too. ????‍♂️ I am being far more matter of fact and far less emotional than you.
  8. So if one kid is bullied for being poor, another is bullied for being fat, another is bullied for being stupid, that's fine? But if one is bullied for being gay, suddenly that's an issue?
  9. Or just a smart bloke saying sensible things that most sane people agree with...
  10. There's that fake woke that users can't define again. There's that lie that "woke" is fake or cannot be defined again... ????
  11. It's true. These are genuine concerns. I'm not sure if you're ignorant or lying, but you should really try to educate yourself.
  12. Not dissimilar to the occurrences of people sparking a cigarette lighter for some reason while filling their car with petrol and causing an explosion. Unfortunate that he didn't see the risk of mixing water and electricity. Hopefully this won't be a common thing.
  13. too late ... obviously you don't live here, or don't go outside much. I really can't think of a better place for the alphabet crowd to live, other than TH. 'Coming Out' ... waving one's freak flag is so accepted here, it's not even noticed. Pride Month, IMHO, is a bit silly here, and surely just a money maker for the special interest groups. Bring awareness to who, as people stopped living in caves here 1000s of years ago. I think he meant "LGBTQ+ paradise!". As in, it's fine to be accepting and tolerant, but not the super-woke nightmare where your speech is controlled and people with penises can go into any woman's space they want. And if you question anything you lose your job. Thailand is pretty close to as good as it is possible to get for LGBT. It doesn't need to move towards Western ridiculousness where the claim of "oppression" allows you to get special treatment.
  14. Do they really expect to be centre of attention all year round? They want people waving rainbow flags and talking about LGBT people all day every day? So much for only wanting equality... Even in an article making this claim, they don't put much of a case forward.
  15. I too haven't had many of the issues that people complain about, but I generally live a quiet life and try to be polite to everyone I encounter. But I have noticed a lot of things around covid and some Thais behaving as if all foreigners have covid. I also get a sense that many Thais are not particularly fond of foreigners, although many are fine, and most probably don't care either way. Certainly Thais are not as friendly with foreigners as they are with other Thais, even if all other things remain equal. There might be perfectly sensible reasons for this, but it is what it is. No matter your experience, you must be able to see that foreign people are not considered to be particularly high in terms of social status in Thailand, and are often discriminated against or exploited by some Thais. I feel like I haven't experienced this to the same extent in other countries that I have visited, which was the reason for my question.
  16. So anyone who has experienced those things is lying? You haven't personally experienced something, so you assume that no one else could possibly experience those things? Really? You must know that different people have vastly different lives? You sound like you have a chip on your shoulder when it comes to other foreigners.
  17. Don't assume that everyone has a chip on their shoulder just because you do.
  18. Is there any developing country that has a lower status attached to Westerners than Thailand?
  19. I think small victories are worth celebrating. If you ask yourself "would this woman behave in the same way if it was a Thai person?", the answer is probably "no", which means it is, although on a small scale, someone attempting to extort someone due to them not being Thai.
  20. There should be some sort of punishment, but not really the Thai way of doing things. If someone made it so taxi drivers couldn't rip off foreigners, would they still want to do the job?
  21. Why is he being described as a "bad boy"? It makes light of the fact that they are trying to rip off foreign people.
  22. So in order to prevent trans people (a tiny minority) from feeling like they are not "normal", you want people to use special language that stops non-trans people (a huge majority) from seeming "normal"?
  23. If you say there are trans-women and then there are normal women, it makes trans people feel bad. So to make trans people feel more normal, they want to change the identity of non-trans people.
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