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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I don't think anyone would say it is. The point is that obesity is increasing in Thailand and it is bad. A very dangerous problem that previously wasn't a thing in Thailand, with people eating traditional freshly cooked and reasonably healthy food, is now a real issue. There being fat people who aren't Thais doesn't make Thai people being fat a good thing.
  2. What's your plan back in the US? Trying teaching there, or something else?
  3. More so. They're all about progressive forward thinking and human rights! Unless they're not and they just see these things as rhetorical tools to get the outcome they want. ????
  4. It seems pretty unlikely that a group or person in power is going to allow a shift to democracy where that shift means that the people can vote them out of power. Even if it means something very drastic.
  5. You don't think it came from a batch of tablets that multiple people took without any adverse reaction?
  6. The whole "her indoors" thing feels like a relic of the past, but it appears to be alive and well.
  7. Very sad, of course, but how many people actually die due to some sort of problem with the actual ecstasy tablet itself and not some sort of reaction? I mean, these things get made in batches, so presumably many other people took them without incident.
  8. I've never seen it in action, but I know that there are instances where relationships are in this kind of "woman = mother, man = baby" dynamic when it comes to drinking.
  9. Sure, but the circumstances would be very different in that scenario (and the woman didn't drag the man out by his hair). The dynamic here is that the guy is being a selfish a-hole and the woman cannot really hurt him as much as a man could hurt a woman. In a way, he is probably allowing her to berate him in a kind of acceptance of the fact that he has done something wrong, IMO.
  10. Always makes you wonder if the husband was like this when they got married and all that the woman cared about was his ability to provide, or it was all a big surprise.
  11. I wonder how long until Thai people get a 999/911 type of service from police. This whole, walk into the station long after the event to report it, then wait to see if anyone takes any interest, then wait for a warrant to be issued, is pretty sub-par public safety wise.
  12. Possibly support for the monarchy itself, but I doubt those same countries want to completely divorce themselves from Britain and no longer have any kind of alliance or support.
  13. Interesting choice of word, given that realm can be a country and an empire. King Charles III rules over a realm of 15 realms!
  14. But alcohol, which is linked to all sorts of crimes, is fine? This guy needs a hobby.
  15. Perhaps you're joking and I'm failing to detect the sarcasm, but the events in the article don't seem particularly unusual for Thailand. Nor is it something that anyone is likely to look into, unless the social media thing blows up.
  16. It doesn't take long in Thailand, when looking at those businesses which employ people who are visible to the public, to see how often there are many more people employed than need to be. Whether that is in a shop, a restaurant, or a building site, there are typically more people than are needed to complete whatever task it is that is being done. I suppose we don't truly know if the employer is employing that many people because they like to have a buffer of bodies in case things get busy, they feel it is their civic duty to employ as many people as they can afford to, or if they simply view that as the norm. It's quite likely, though, that if wages should double overnight, they might think about downsizing their workforce, since, to most, they appear to have an excess of employees.
  17. "Demand For Half Of Workforce To Be Laid Off At May Day Rally"
  18. Nobody ever got everything they wanted all at once. Politics just doesn't work like that, nor should it. Changes come gradually, little by little, as society needs to adjust and ensure they are workable. If you had a party coming into power and changing everything, it would be like a revolution (or an attempt at one), and they don't always work out so well.
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