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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Sounds great, but can they do it? I mean, I realise that the senate can choose a different PM, but does that stop them from using their majority to legislate?
  2. Can you point it out to me please? Personally, I don't think they should. Certainly as things are now.
  3. No, there are plenty of low-level drug dealers who don't cost people their lives. It's easy to compare drug-dealers to prostitutes. Both could be considered to offer something that doesn't really harm anyone (depending on the drug or the girl), but we'd rather not come into contact with them.
  4. I guess even if they do nothing wrong, they're still prostitutes looking for customers, which not everyone likes to see. Similar with drug dealers. They might be perfectly nice people, and perhaps no fuss or harm is caused, but they're still drug dealers and people don't really want to see a load of them congregating everywhere. I suppose it's the associated atmosphere of criminality and vice in a place that they would rather have a "family image".
  5. Glad to see the foreigner was not affected by the ordeal... (Boom-boom!)
  6. A time of progressivism and freedom of speech is truly approaching. Soon, foreigners will be free to openly and publicly criticise Thailand and Thai people with no fear of any kind of consequences. ✊
  7. If it was in response to the statements, possibly yes, but this isn't how it was used. The users were discussing Chuwit's behaviour and character. In order to be an ad hominem, the user would need to be saying something like we shouldn't listen to what he said/it isn't true due to something about him personally.
  8. He wants to, fairly ironically, prevent you from criticising Chuwit, because he likes what he is saying. As he is doing with me. It's so funny when these nutty ideologues end up being total hypocrites and trying to silence people sharing their opinion using claims of "free speech" as a method to put them off commenting.
  9. If there is an error in translation on an English language news site, that isn't my fault. Perhaps you can provide a more accurate translation? No. I'm pointing out that the headline makes a claim that is clearly not supported by any evidence, neither in the article, nor anywhere else. You're being ridiculous because you don't like what I have written. What has that got to do with the accuracy of the headline? So you cannot explain it? OK. Fair enough. At least you can admit when you are wrong. But in future you probably shouldn't make claims that you can in no way back up with evidence.
  10. The article is evidence of the claim made in the article? That's very convenient. Can you explain how the article is evidence of 27 million voices being inspired by Chuwit?
  11. I understand that claim, but there is zero evidence of that in the article. Unless you can point to some?
  12. The orangutan probably doesn't view it as sexual at all and is simply doing what it has been trained to do. Not exactly cheating, but not a sign of good character either, IMO. If a woman is happy to allow her breasts to be groped in a photograph, she wouldn't be the one for me.
  13. Even with this miracle of support, some other reason will likely be found that they cannot take power.
  14. They didn't say what they were used for though. Perhaps it was a balloon animal show that went wrong...
  15. Did she perhaps say "giving" as in she gave them some cyanide, but what they did with it was up to them?
  16. Only for old or vulnerable people. Saying that everyone should get them is something new. Right, but then I added some more in my response to you so you know a little more of the context. That was from another article posted within the last couple of days.
  17. It's not a conspiracy theory at all. It's the sudden addition of protection from flu to justification to anti-covid measures. We didn't have this "you should follow masking and social distancing because of the flu as well", "everyone should be vaccinated against the flu" rhetoric before. It's literally just popped up as people are asking the public to maintain covid restrictions. It's fairly obvious that where normal flu wasn't mentioned before, then when covid starts getting better people start adding flu to reasons for following covid restrictions, the thing they want is the covid restrictions and they're looking for reasons to maintain those restrictions, not to protect people from flu. It's extremely sensible to question this.
  18. Why would anyone make a blanket recommendation for people to get the flu vaccine if they hadn't previously needed it? What is the rationale? Most people who get the flu are fine with a little rest. Definitely something fishy here.
  19. Me too. It's a lot safer, and the "beep-beep" is typically to let people know where you are. As apposed to just ploughing into you in Thailand. Also, exhausts are a lot quieter in Vietnam.
  20. No way! This could happen in any country! Stop Thai bashing! /s ????
  21. When women are very fat, they don't show as much as slim women who have an obvious pregnancy bulge. They often look like they have simply put on weight.
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