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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It explains a lot if a wealthy Thai doctor with three passports who speaks multiple languages loses his <deleted> just because a non-Thai might be getting his drink first. Superiority complex.
  2. More like "He is a farang and I am a Thai! I should get the extra service and the farang should be being discriminated against!".
  3. They really should have consulted with the TVF. They would have told them that the IOs are always friendly to them and it must be the tourist's fault.
  4. Nice. Not "crackdown on foreign law breakers" just foreigners in general. At least someone is being honest about it.
  5. There was a lot of time between this, multiple different units turning up, and the gunman eventually being subdued. There was a lot more to it than the first responders being "scared of an AR-15". I think the problem is that your lack of knowledge is causing your understanding of the incident to be limited. You should really check out the timeline on the Wikipedia page. You'd have a much better understanding of what actually happened.
  6. A little unclear as to when this happened exactly. Could have been neighbourhood first responders with small vests and pistols. It also doesn't disprove that they were told to wait. They initially exchanged fire and were pushed back. They were still waiting outside when it was guys with SWAT gear on. If you look at the wiki page, you'll see that they were told to wait at one stage because they thought he was barricaded before he really was. It wasn't until there were SWAT personal there with a bullet proof shield that they were able to go in. Ironically, it seems like one of the main stumbling blocks was the protective measures within the school.
  7. Well, if the school had more armed security, they probably would have taken out the shooter. ????‍♂️ The police weren't scared, they were completely mismanaged and didn't have "permission" to engage. Check it out: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robb_Elementary_School_shooting
  8. Is there actually a joke to go with this? I can find the picture on google, but it's always blank. The title is just "A man walks into a bar wearing boxers with a duck".
  9. Interesting, thanks. A difficult upbringing, poverty, head injury, mental illness. Looks a little masculine from the photo. ????
  10. Or stop conscripting youths then torturing them and treating them as slaves?
  11. What's obscene for you? The fact that she's saying something bad about Biden? Or the fact that she's trying to blame anyone for this?
  12. It was the person that killed the people, not the gun. And there's nothing wrong with wanting to know some details about the killer. Gender is important, as is mental health.
  13. It's so stupid that PC nonsense prevents the killer from being correctly identified. The reports even use "they". Wouldn't want to offend the now deceased murderer, huh.
  14. Wow. I was about to say it's unusual for a woman to do something like this.
  15. I would say that men harass and attack women at a high enough rate that it isn't irrational to be scared of a man in a woman's toilet, or at least to not want them in there. As well as fear, there is also the idea of opportunity. If people who resemble men are allowed into women's bathrooms and changing rooms, it is quite possible that bad people will use this as a method to assault women. It's a tricky one where the person passes. If we think about licencing laws, someone who looks 18/21 might be allowed into a bar, but that doesn't mean we relax the law just because it isn't enforceable against a few people. If it's all or none, then it would seem like none would be the appropriate answer. The way I see it, if biological males are allowed to self-identify and use women's private spaces, it is the biological women who are being discriminated against so that another group can feel safe. And that's before we even consider the fact that many trans-women will want to use the women's bathroom and changing rooms not because of fear or safety, but simply because they find in "gender affirming". Which is another can of worms.
  16. Exactly. And for a people raised very much on nationalism and "Thai Supremacy", I think it's left a bad taste in some people's mouths. Unfortunately, when faced with accepting the truth or projecting the anger onto another, most choose the latter. I think that it won't take long to get back to normal though. Thai people have short memories. Some people claimed the whole "fight for democracy" thing was a watershed moment and Thais had changed for good, but that seems mostly forgotten now.
  17. Does anyone remember when it used to not be so common for men to be hated and shamed online? Back when you used to see references to "forever alone guys"? And they ended up with a cute "mail order bride" from Asia and no one really gave a <deleted>? Funny how things change...
  18. I'm a little disappointed this isn't a new rap song... ????
  19. If they're really an "incel" then they likely have to use prostitutes. They were suggesting that if you were leading someone on in order to get sex from them then this was dishonest and it was better to have sex with a prostitute. I think a lot of incels are such because or personal issues rather than appearance. This is especially believable when you consider how often you see a beautiful woman with a very ugly man. So if you imagine someone with social anxiety and low self-esteem who cannot believe that anyone would want them and, even if they do, they cannot talk to them, you might understand. I have no experience, but if an incel comes to Thailand and wants to sleep with prostitutes, the price and the convenience would certainly be a plus. The problem would be that I'm not sure if incels can really afford the trip, as they seem to be pretty low achievers in all areas of their lives, not simply a normal guy in every way accept he can't get a date.
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