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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. The clues in the word. Electro-cute, similar to exe-cute. It means death. It literally comes from the word execute, but to kill specifically with electricity.
  2. Came here to say the same thing. What next? Murdered to death? Drowned to death? Unfortunately, "electrocution" (death by electricity) has been perverted into any severe electric shock. Which, of course, is ridiculous.
  3. Welcome back tourists! Please remember to wear a mask at all times and prepare yourself to be robbed blind, both figuratively and literally... Was this in the advert?
  4. No doubt, after all that we've been through, people desperately want to forget about covid when they take their first proper holiday in more than two years (as much as they can anyway). "It's totally back to normal there now." Is what people want to hear, not "The process to get in is still very convoluted and tedious, and when you are there you will have to wear a mask at all times while you will be closely monitored wherever you go".
  5. It's a delicate balance. On the one hand, they want to make it clear that Thailand is open to tourists and want people to visit and spend money as they did before the pandemic. On the other hand, they want to make it clear to Thais that foreigners are dangerous, all have covid and are the reason covid came to Thailand. Tricky.
  6. Also, the instructor. He should never had even allowed the student to get into a position where they are loading the gun or pointing it at him. And the range managers for allowing a live bullet to be just sitting on the floor.
  7. Pyramid schemes always come to an end when no one else will invest. It sucks if you're the last person to buy and you take the biggest loss, but that's how these things work.
  8. Great news! We really need to continue to see Thais not really caring if Thais wear masks but losing their <deleted> when a foreigner doesn't. And we still get the chance to be reminded that we are dirty foreigners who all have covid when Thais do their mask checks when they see us. I guess the new motto is "Keep them scared; keep them compliant!".
  9. The thing is, and I know this isn't really a complete solution, but if you're not concerned about wearing a mask for protection, you can wear a <deleted>ty reusable fabric mask and you'll probably be able to breathe OK.
  10. Yes, some men in Thailand are raised to be lazy, entitled psychopaths, while the girls are raised to be happy to basically be in an abusive relationship and have to work to support her family, including potentially a lazy brother that just sits around drinking all day. Is it your kid? Edit: I see it isn't your kid. This is one of the many reasons that it is a bad idea to marry a woman with children. They likely will not respect you, but you end up paying for them, then the woman is prioritising them ahead of you. Can you spend time with him? Outside of the house? It might not be too late.
  11. If you ever plan to meet anyone, use a recent photo. If you're simply having some sort of fantasy role-play, use whatever photo you want. Maybe one from your youth so that you can think "At least they would have dated me in the past". Personally, it kind of seems like a professional option might be the better one, in this instance. And maybe get a cat?
  12. But, knowing the cultural context, sometime the slightest criticism, or even *perceived* criticism, can do the same.
  13. Sometimes I feel like things which we call child abuse, Thai people call normal. Which is pretty heart-breaking.
  14. She pooped or peed herself. I assume from the post that the mother was complaining that he didn't clean her properly before she went swimming. If this is the case, she had a pretty sound reason for griping at him. Poor kid.
  15. 1, They generally don't. 2, Often the women have just as much of a problem as the men do. 3, He lost his job due to covid, so he may have originally been earning more than her. Probably just a mistake in your wording, but this suggests that women are and can be better than men. Obviously a woman can be "better" than a man, but a man can also be "better" than a woman. ????‍♂️
  16. Do you even know where you are? This is not the place to find tree-huggers. There's also quite a large middle ground between hippie tree-hugging vegans and moronic tourists who don't even realise that what they are participating in harms animals. I would have thought that maybe the fact that only one commenter has actually entertained your delusions might have clued you in to the fact that your opinion is very much the minority among people who know anything about Thailand. If you post on a public forum, expect responses from users on that forum. What you "specifically asked" doesn't come into it.
  17. The quote a what I wrote have the same meaning, because the author missed out a comma.
  18. It's not. I am simply highlighting the punctuation error which makes it sound like they were making an odd demand for a meeting.
  19. It certainly adds some important details: "I demand to see you in Bangkok, Thailand, just after lunch!" - somehow very specific and vague at the same time... ????
  20. I've got a rocket in my pocket... but I keep coolly cool, boy!
  21. I see what you're getting at, but surely a leg shot would be a better idea. I'm not a doctor, but I'm sure shooting yourself in the chest carries some risks.
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