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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I think what it comes down to is day-to-day things, without any catalyst, Thai people can be very kind and peaceful. Whereas often in Western countries it seems like people want to mess with others just for fun. The problem is that it is a lot harder to know what type of person you are dealing with in Thailand and when things go south they can do so very quickly and there isn't much support, if any, for foreigners. Personally, I would pick day-to-day interaction in Thailand over the West, but western responses if something did turn violent. I guess you need to think about which you are more likely to encounter. I think a lot of Thais feel the same about being careful in case people lose their <deleted> if they complain about them. Although they seem to be able to sleep through anything.
  2. Sounds like a scene of total carnage. How does someone get two lethal stab wounds to the back of the head? Beaten to the floor and then stabbed in the back of the head? Complete psychopath. And Lee got a gun and started shooting, killed the bouncer for nothing, and still died from a knife wound? Horrible about the bouncer as well. What a complete waste.
  3. Didn't they say that Indians are making up most of the tourists at the moment? There have been reports of Thais assaulting other nationalities since tourism has started to return. Perhaps there is a small minority of Thais who are either not happy to see tourists return or are looking to extract as much money from them as possible through theft.
  4. What does the bill actually say? I'm sure someone here can help if it is all in Thai.
  5. Possibly he has sent the bill to ask if it seems genuine, rather than expecting his BIL to pay?
  6. How is there a Thai check-in? Wouldn't Thai and foreign passengers check-in at the same place?
  7. You actually believe that it was not like this under previous government(s)?!! You are the one who sounds unwell!
  8. Not if he was on everstay. Perhaps he has had covid problems and was not allowed to withdraw his money due to not having a valid visa?
  9. They chose to describe him as "mad", rather than simply suggesting that this is typical foreigner behaviour! That seems like progress...
  10. I suppose it figures that the government can be flexible where it benefits them. ????‍♂️
  11. Unfortunately, the children are also educated that rules mean nothing and only the appearance of rules matter. Smile, take a photo, then do whatever you want.
  12. Medics said that there was a danger of catching covid if not wearing masks outside? Doesn't that go against what every other medical expert has said?
  13. You seriously think politicians, government officers and police are going to stop being corrupt but somehow allow the everyday corruption that permeates all levels of Thai society? The words "dream" and "on" come to mind...
  14. So do they have the statue also, or do they mean that the crown is 500 years old?
  15. The transparency and accountability that so many demand from politicians and police would likely lead to the same being expected of every citizen. This makes it unlikely to actually happen.
  16. It's amazing how the human mind can keep us hanging around in situations that are not good for us. I like "If it isn't an enthusiastic yes, then it's a no".
  17. Or they were all out of their minds on drugs and having sex on the balcony, with her grabbing someone's hair as she fell.
  18. Why would you need Thaksin to come back? If the theme is progressive left-wing politics improving Thailand, surely stepping away from the old guard of corruption, cronyism and lack of freedom of speech would be the way to go?
  19. I think he's talking about it happening in Thailand. Most Western countries don't allow the bribing of police to get out of a rape charge.
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