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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Governor: It's up to the government. Government: It's up to the governors.
  2. You would have thought that alarm bells would have rung when they introduced themselves as fake cops... ????
  3. How old do you mean? Do you envisage a sixty something expat with a sixty something Thai? If that was the case, I doubt they would need to pick an ex-prostitute. It sounds like it's important for you that retirees living in Thailand are in relationships with basically the least desirable women. I'm afraid the reality is likely to disappoint you.
  4. I'm no expert, but if someone was going to marry an ex-prostitute who they have to essentially pay to marry, why would they be with someone their own age? Your comment lacks logic.
  5. This is the golden rule with online. Don't follow a link, open a new browser window and log in the way you normally do, going to the site directly
  6. Yes, I'm sure they always check the nationality of Asians closely and wouldn't dream of using the policy to only charge Westerners extra... ????
  7. Because it has nothing to do with residential status, or income, it's simply a group of people, being target for price gouging, because of their race. If they only did it for tourists, you could see it was somewhat reasonable, but where they target people who live and work in Thailand, who have Thai wives and children, who might have contributed far more to Thailand that many Thais have, it's plane racism. How and why is it not racist?
  8. Any examples? All people are bothered by racism. Strange that it's only people that hate White expats that gets triggered when they discuss it and project their anger onto them.
  9. Racism is acceptable in Thailand. Milking foreigners, tourist or expat, of their money is also accepted, even encouraged.
  10. It's more if you're a foreigner, you're a foreigner, and therefore you pay extra. It has nothing to do with tourism, it's all about racism.
  11. Are there many Thai expats in Thailand? It looks more like foreign expats and their Thai partners. ????
  12. By saying that getting rid of the current government would fix it and then that the ministers in the current government have caused these problems? Yes. That is exactly what you have said. You said the current government is to blame. I can understand perfectly what you have written. It seems it is you who cannot even grasp their own words. I recommend you do have that lie down, followed by a session of crayon drawing as you suggest.
  13. That's not the way statistics work. You would need to touch the same spot 10,000 times in one go, licking your fingers in-between each touch. ????‍⚕️
  14. This sort of tribalism or territorialism leading to violence is common throughout the world. Vocation schools obviously have a different "type" of student, so that might increase it. It's also probably kind of expected of them in the kind of "show you're a man" kind of thing that some young men go through. There was even a movie recently "4 Kings" that glorifies it. I wonder if also the "love your school" type of indoctrination that Thai schools have is related. Basically, I think if you look at football hooliganism in the UK, you will see quite a few parallels.
  15. A good start, but not really the primary thing that needs addressing. He's obviously very popular and seen as being modern, liberal, progressive, etc., but I wonder how popular he would be if he told the truth and said it's probably the fault of the people driving. ????‍♂️
  16. So unlucky to be hit by a log and then go on to break your leg afterwards... ????
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