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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It's just a very angry and sexist word. Why do you feel the need to shame these men who are already disadvantaged and then further taken advantage of?
  2. Yeah, it's a funny one. I see a lot of Thais working, studying, having classes, business meetings, Skype calls, etc. in cafés, and they can sometimes take up a lot of space (one person on a four seater table). So it isn't like Thai people never do it. I think you need to balance how much time you take per beverage, how much space you take up, and how much noise you make. Obviously online teaching or all day meetings are a bit much for a café. I don't actually know how much time it takes to be a digital nomad. If it's 9-5, it might be better to find a workspace.
  3. I don't know how people have the nerve to do such a thing. I try to live a quite and undramatic life, especially not to bother anyone. I can't stand noisy people so I keep a low profile in return and gravitate to quite, peaceful and relaxing places, especially when it comes to cafes.
  4. As someone else mentioned, they spoke about this previously and it was pretty strict. High income, qualifications, work experience, etc.. Essentially what they are offering is the exact opposite of what digital nomads are seeking, or so I'm led to believe.
  5. It's a kind of "chicken and the egg" thing, as they need to have access to proper education to understand the value of proper education. A lot of young people are institutionalised by the Thai education system. It might be too late for some teens already. It might need to be a grass roots thing.
  6. Some do. Others are completely at home in the fake education system where all they do is copy the work of other kids and resent being given actual work to do or having their copying and cheating pointed out. While some young people have demanded that the Thai education system is improved, I would wager that some of them only want the value of a Thai education to improve without actually having to do any extra work. I'm not saying that none want to see an improvement, but there are a lot who coast, knowing that they cannot fail, and they would not be in favour of an "improvement" as it would mean they have to do the work or take the fail.
  7. Thailand won't change until Thai people want to change. That's not that they want other people to change.
  8. Any chance of these being posted under the authors username so that it is visible without clicking on it?
  9. Can someone who has had multiple relationships and is currently in a relationship (presumably sexually active) be an incel? Incel means involuntarily celibate.
  10. So you're happy to live with a family that would kill you for money, because you've financially incentivised them to not do so?
  11. You have to wonder if he didn't plan this right from the start and offer her the money with this in mind. She probably looked up to him. So sad that such a system exists that the threat of "exposure and embarrassment" can allow someone to victimise another person in such a way. The headline could have easily been "Wealthy Local Businessman Helps Poor Teen Save Her Sick Grandmother". ????
  12. Damn. The Christian youth group never sold us any amphetamines back in the day... ????
  13. Probably because of what you benefit from when you visit the country and how the management/distribution is handled.
  14. Why not really commit and go with "a fund to be funded by funds collect from foreign visitors"?
  15. It's so ridiculously worded. "Those tourists pay nothing", like they aren't paying over the odds for everything, paying handsomely for every service they use, buying all sorts of souvenirs and other goods, paying prices the locals would rarely pay, and even charged extra I many places. He speaks as though they are getting away with something and must be held to account. Using up all the lovely sidewalks and pristine air that should be for the sole use of good Thai people! Pretty racist.
  16. I wonder if those "many people" also see most rules as being advisory only...
  17. And if the receptionist greets them with a friendly wai and says "if you don't like it then go home", their experience will be complete.
  18. No, no, no. You misunderstand. Foreigners are bad and Thais should hate them and take as much money from them as possible. This is the way!
  19. You know exactly how it would work. These things are foreigner taxes not tourist taxes. And, of course, Thais far wealthier than most foreigners would not have to pay...
  20. In case anyone is curious: hackneyed (adj.) "trite, so overused as to have become uninteresting," 1749, figurative use of past-participle adjective from hackney (v.) "use a horse for riding" (1570s), hence "make common by indiscriminate use" (1590s), from hackney (n.), and compare hack (n.2) in its specialized sense of "one who writes anything for hire." From 1769 as "kept for hire."
  21. I can understand how being stabbed to death might spoil their holiday. At least they have ignorance to claim in their defence. Perhaps the husband is OK with it, or perhaps he doesn't know. Apply caveats if you wish, but my statement still stands. Play stupid games, etc..
  22. I would say don't have sex with another man's wife, even if there are not such severe consequences.
  23. Do you actually know if the scheme was bonafide and effective, or was it just another scam by Pheu Thai?
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