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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. It's very sad, because a lot of people left in the summer of last year after that guy announced that the amnesty was going to end and everyone would have to leave. Now more than a year later, I wonder how many of those people have been able to return.
  2. It's to encourage people to leave while not making them leave, to save face internationally.
  3. Obviously wise-ass replies are not allowed in Thailand, but I would be tempted to say "OK, I'll buy my ticket and fly out on the 21st, unless it is extended, in which case I won't". Although I know it shouldn't, it still always surprises me how negative and kind of racist some immigration people are, like they're actually <deleted> off that foreigners have got these "freebies" and they want to try to encourage them to leave, even though the government is allowing them to stay.
  4. So no source to support "hitting kids doesn't work"? Without some stats, this all just sounds like your opinion.
  5. Sounds like a one way ticket to multiple destinations including deportation, Thai prison, revenge attack, or a significant fine. Source?
  6. Because corruption is endemic to Thailand and runs from top to bottom, from the high-profile to the mundane.
  7. As in the title. Will they stop covid extensions now? Whilst people can fly in, the borders are still closed, so no visa runs are going to happen for the short-term.
  8. What could possibly be wrong with declaring how kind Doris Day is, before immediately stating that Doris Day was in no way kind? /s
  9. Even when all children are vaccinated, families will still have to decide, based on whether vulnerable adults in that family have been fully vaccinated, if it is really safe to send their children back to school.
  10. I heard of schools saying "we cannot open yet, numbers are still very high". Well, they're probably only going to get higher.
  11. Sounds like no one wants to take responsibility. Can't really blame them. If a school has an outbreak and then a family member dies, that's a pretty big embarrassment for the school, and a tragic loss for the family. At the end of the day, everyone wants the kids back in the schools, but the risk to any unvaccinated family members is considerable. The time between contracting the virus and showing symptoms, or in between random testing, could allow one case to turn into tens and then hundreds quite quickly. Opening up anything means more cases are likely. it's all about making a trade off and someone being responsible for that decision. The question is, can a student really go back to school before his or her entire family has been vaccinated?
  12. It hasn't. You aren't aware of it. This happens at a subconscious level and you only perceive the effects. If you've found a way to easily and permanently overrule your subconscious, you should be making a fortune in the coaching and personal development field, it would basically be a miracle. Not really. The urges still remain. We can, of course, reason and correct behavior when we notice it, but, like any other urge that stems from our primitive mind, motivation, discipline, food, exercise, addictions, it is a difficult battle to win. You might personally be an outlier, or you could have a medical problem, but you can't ignore masses of research on this topic based on your personal experience (or your opinion on what you believe you perceive). The function of the subconscious mind is pretty well established and basically a truism.
  13. I think we're hard wired to assess everyone we encounter. A quick up and down checking how fertile a woman is and how much of a physical threat a man is. Do our eyes linger more on the woman? For sure. Just don't break your neck to stare at her as you walk past or have a "phworr" look on your face. Also, we take in masses of information both consciously and unconsciously, with our direct gaze and our peripheral vision. The idea that we would be walking along and everyone near us is just a shapeless grey blob unless you consciously and deliberately focus in on them is pretty ridiculous.
  14. Absolutely. That or the website should be paying him something. Unless they do, in which case it is well deserved. Are you on the staff @ubonjoe?
  15. I think you can use @ to tag someone by username in your comment: @JimmyJ, that way they should get a notification.
  16. Can you be a little more condescending and negative? It feels like there's some slight ambiguity around how bitter you are.
  17. I'm not sure what you think this brings to the conversation. Obviously they're going to use a model on promotional material. If you believe the model on the ad banner or sign up page is the girl you're going to get on the website, you shouldn't be using them at all, possibly you shouldn't be using the internet.
  18. I believe there is research to show that vaccination reduces spread.
  19. Indeed. A lot of people seem to only consider people working directly with tourists as being effected, but there's a massive knock-on effect due to lack of foreign people. Things have been relaxed quite a lot lately, but my experience is that only malls and more expensive eateries are very busy, because their customers have money to spend. The places that would have been occupied with the working class and poor are still looking pretty empty.
  20. It's not just the authorities that carry some blame, Thai society as a whole does. We know what would happen if there was some sort of crack down, people would object and say the police are being too harsh. If they started issuing heavy fines to the parents and crushing bikes, it would solve the problem pretty swiftly, but Thai people prefer jumping jacks and push-ups then "on your way now kiddo" as it's a more "Thai" way of dealing with the problem. No civilians are reporting kids without helmets or children obviously too young to ride, or more than two on a bike, they aren't even cautioning them. Society plays its part in this.
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