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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Ah, I see you have a "talent" for insulting people who do not agree with you. Bravo! Sorry I don't share the same negative attitude as you, nor feel the need to put people down. I think "talented" would be an understatement for Lennon or Hendrix. Akin to saying their music was "OK". They were clearly gifted and masters of their craft. I would place Lennon and Hendrix above Lalisa, although she clearly has talent. I don't remember mentioning Princess Diana though. Have a nice evening.
  2. Quite the opposite. For me, the measure of someone's talent is the measure of their talent. The girl can clearly sing and dance, these are talents, she is talented.
  3. "Don’t be too impressed by the [clear evidence of talent]. She is still a brainless doll. A talentless one."
  4. I can't speak on the bimboness (couldn't find anything about her education), but she's certainly very talented in singing and dancing (and presumably in whatever it takes to be discovered and signed to a record label). You might not like her genre, but it's fairly objectively visible. I assume she would have got nowhere without her looks, but equally she would need to be at the very least be a talented dancer to succeed.
  5. Are they claiming that they roam around in these cars and their cameras and facial recognition software scan and identify everyone they see and check their immigration status? Or did someone just grass him up?
  6. Always interesting to consider these points when Thais complain about their government. I think they would like the freedoms that are more common in the West, but I'm not sure they would enjoy the associated responsibilities.
  7. Ah. Tout à fait l'énigme, n'est-ce pas? Well, it seems that the book of (almost) the same name was released in 1947. The book's wiki page claims: It would be nice to see something more substantial at this point, like a direct quote from the owner of the bar who picked the name, but that seems unlikely. It's also interesting to note that in the above quote, in the second paragraph, the title of the film is used (Whisky Galore!), rather than the title of the book (Whiskey Galore). People can't seem to stop getting things wrong about this poor book. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Whisky_Galore_(novel) Well spotted by the way. It seems like a mistake that has been repeated in a number of articles.
  8. Couldn't fewer girly bars mean that there was a shorter supply and thus an increase in prices? Especially if freelance was not as popular.
  9. Since we're talking about the term, let's take a look at where the name comes from: Fascinating, huh? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Go-go_bar
  10. Governments are a lot like women. You should watch what they do, not what they say. They will say what they think makes them look good, makes people like them, or makes them popular (with whatever group they prefer), then do whatever they feel like. You have to remember that, according to the government, prostitution is illegal and doesn't happen in Thailand. You can also pretty much guarantee that while they say they want to ban alcohol, they will go home and drink alcohol after saying it. It's pretty likely that they will say that that period is finished and that they are only targeting wealthy "high quality" tourists and Pattaya will become a family tourist destination. Then in reality it will return to business as usual.
  11. They seem to have more cases, but proportionately fewer deaths. Could that be due to the vaccine? Also, they've been more open for quite a while now. This would easily explain the slightly higher rate of daily cases. You might even expect it to be a lot higher due to the more contagious Delta variant. If anything, your example seems to show that the vaccine is working in the UK.
  12. Interesting how they are so keen to paint something as "irregular", after just saying that it is fairly common.
  13. I prefer bilge-rat or knave, but as pirate insults go, I guess it works for Thailand.
  14. Take a look at intermittent fasting and weight training. Maybe kettle bells given the restrictions around gyms at the moment.
  15. "Only a fool learns from his own mistakes. The wise man learns from the mistakes of others."
  16. I meant the prostitutes. Depends on the customer. I think it would be easier in Thailand due to multiple reasons, mainly cultural. If you have sex once perhaps. If you have a girl every night for a couple of weeks, it will quickly become far cheaper in Thailand.
  17. I'm no expert, as I haven't used a proustite in any country, but I can't help feeling that it would be nicer, easier and more affordable to use one in Thailand. Just a hunch.
  18. Life's simple pleasures. A walk on the beach and hookers in his hotel room.
  19. If Pattaya is opened enough to actually attract tourists (booze, clubs, prostitutes, all allowed with zero social distancing), it will have huge numbers of covid. Vaccinate all, accept covid and have zero restrictions, or don't bother opening.
  20. I guess it's the old "a Thai person wouldn't do that". They might also have been told by people the people getting the loan and the staff "don't worry, you don't have to pay". The whole "Thai supremacy" thing has its drawbacks.
  21. Aren't there many bonafide Thai massage places around the world? How does one know which one is a scam?
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