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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. How does he know he can trust her? She might have another Dad on the side. You have to be really careful in Thailand.
  2. Perhaps you just met some really bitter and negative people who shared their opinions with you. Actually, just noticed another post by you in this thread where you complain about over-educated people. Is there a chance that perhaps anyone less educated than you is bad, while anyone more educated than you is bad also? Perhaps you might want to look for the factor common to both these judgments.
  3. Try to be polite, but absolutely say no. Way too high a risk. If his business goes under then you lose your house. That's not a gamble I think anyone should take. It's risky even for your own business.
  4. Might be the case for some in Thailand but other countries have quite different attitudes (and rates of pay). It certainly isn't a universal attitude or reputation held everywhere.
  5. I thought China was getting rid of all the foreign teachers anyway. Is that not the case?
  6. Fair enough. You are free to think about things to whatever level you want and come to your own conclusions about them, as am I.
  7. Is it worth taking the risk? Is there anything a lawyer could do without incriminating the OP? Sounds a little catch-22. He cannot begin anything legal without incriminating himself. And what if this aggravates the IO or the whole office? What methods do they have up their sleeve of making OP regret it?
  8. And if they explain to the lawyer that the OP bribed a government officer previously?
  9. It's kind of a combination of swimwear being slightly different to underwear in terms of material, construction and purpose, the different social situations of beach vs. (for example) a mall, and the effect of something being seen in a way that is somewhat taboo or unwanted. I would imagine that a woman who was wearing a bikini bottom under a skirt, might still not want people looking up her skirt, while if she was on the beach wearing just the bikini, she might not be so concerned.
  10. It's a high-risk activity as it is generally done secretly in enclosed spaces with no social distancing.
  11. If someone titles their post "Who needs foreign tourists?" and within the body of the text says "With crowds like this, who needs foreign tourists?", there can only really be two meanings. One, genuine "Thailand doesn't need foreign tourists" and one sarcastic "Thailand needs foreign tourists, people who say they don't are wrong". Judging by the post beneath the title, which, to me and many others, appears to be reporting a large numbers of domestic tourists, it would appear that the OP's use of the phrase "Who needs foreign tourists?" implies that foreign tourists are not needed because of the level of domestic tourism. I think most people would agree that this is wrong and that Thailand does indeed "need" foreign tourists. OP does go on to say "OK, I know, the hotels and restaurants and bars (if they ever reopen) need them", which still moves him closer to acknowledging the real situation, but doesn't fully capture the number of industries or individuals that have been impacted by the lack of tourism. I'm sure OP either didn't fully consider, or wasn't aware of, the full impact of the lack of tourism. I'm also sure they weren't being deliberately provocative. But it remains that there is a pretty strong case for them being wrong about this, which makes correcting them quite reasonable.
  12. Then either post it on that day or correct the day with [square brackets] to show modification of the original text. E.g "which is forecast to make landfall in northern Vietnam [today]/[Sunday] or Monday".
  13. Surely claimed to be in his possession? Man accused of killing someone not wanting to speak to the press is suspicious?
  14. How do you know he wasn't perfectly capable but got her to do it because she enjoyed feeling needed?
  15. Visit Thailand, spend a lot of money, like overpriced hotels, overpriced food, dual priced activities, allow themselves to be scammed and exploited, don't make a fuss, leave.
  16. Well, we've no way of knowing that she hasn't played away multiple times, syphoned off a portion of his income and fooled him into raising several children that come from other men.. She could equally have zero feelings for him and only ever been in the relationship for money and support. Still being together after a long period of time does not preclude someone being played.
  17. Somebody commented on here once before that most of this is just a show for the Thais. Even if it only effects us foreigners, visas, 90 days, TM30, tourists, whatever, it's just to send a certain message to the Thai populace about how foreigners are being kept in line, etc. This really made sense to me, when you consider how much of Thai culture and society is based on show and pretense.
  18. Are they even protestors? They sound like local thugs who just want to get in on the mayhem, destroy things and hurt people.
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