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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Or just offer vaccines to everyone no questions asked like most other countries...
  2. He says forget about herd immunity for covid in the first paragraph, then goes on to give an explanation of what herd immunity is generally in the second.
  3. I believe this has already been confirmed and the new restrictions apply today.
  4. Yeah, some people have this weird stance where all prostitution has to forced, the woman has to be being exploited and the men have to be predators taking advantage of women. This will stand regardless of what evidence is presented to them (they will often change their story as each piece of evidence is debunked). I think it comes down to them needing to paint men as bad and women as innocent victims because of some problem they have with men.
  5. Not scared per se, but Thailand does attract some oddballs. One thing I notice is the number of foreigners who can get quite annoyed, almost hostile, when another foreigner is around. Like you're mere presence is diluting their "specialness". Then there are those that aggressively gatekeep Thailand and want to be the most Thai or whatever. I don't go to tourist areas so perhaps it's different there.
  6. You think other countries wouldn't charge someone for getting naked in public? As an aside, it's not actually unusual to have some laws still in use from a long time ago. English common law actually still uses judgements from hundreds of years ago.
  7. It's kind of a cultural thing. I bet the complainers would act the same if someone criticised their work.
  8. So Thai patients have their fees partially paid by the government but the foreigner does not? And this is why the cost is more?
  9. Yup. Could have probably had them June/July if they'd ordered once the third wave hit and we found out how bad Sinovac was, or far sooner if they had wanted to vaccinate seriously while all was quiet. Very sad.
  10. Any proof it's the vaccine they don't trust and not just the authority issuing the certificate?
  11. I would imagine that is completely incompatible with Thailand both culturally and logistically.
  12. Not sure if you mean blurred out or pixilated maybe, but there is research that shows that watching people smoke in films and TV makes smokers want to smoke. Also people do try things that they see on TV. There's certainly an argument that some things being shown on screen, particularly if they're made to look adult or "cool", make people watching more likely to do that thing.
  13. Not sure what an expert would say, but I read a comment where someone suggested getting J&J if you had AZ as they're both inactivated virus or something. I guess if you wanted to avoid mRNA for any reason, it might be a good idea.
  14. Smoke screen? People are still drinking and partying in Thailand. If bars were open selling alcohol, people would be in them drinking, this would lead to increased spread of covid due to the way people behave when consuming alcohol. It's as simple as that. Seems to me that you have very little idea of how viruses work. You cannot pick and choose which venue can open and which cannot based on whether someone perceives them as being "dead" or not. So they all have to close.
  15. There are plenty of illegal parties being busted regularly, and those are just the ones we hear about. There are likely a lot more and if drinking was allowed many more than that would be occurring. There was a video on this very site of a party in Pattaya shortly before the third wave. Plenty of people, all very close to each other, and a lot of people got covid. People clearly still want to drink and party in Thailand. Obviously you're entitled to your opinion, and I'm not going to refute anything you claim to have experienced in the bars that you have visited, but I think available evidence, plus common sense, suggests the alcohol ban is justified in helping to prevent the spread of covid.
  16. Restaurants perhaps, but I think even outdoor drinking could be high-risk given how close people get to each other. I think they have done intermittently. Probably reluctant to keep certain places closed due to people needing to eat. I would assume they see places like bars as purely recreational, so the risk/reward is not favorable.
  17. You paint a beautiful picture of a well mannered gentleman enjoying a quiet and relaxing beverage alone, but for many (most?) alcohol involves large groups of drunk people, without masks, shouting in each other's faces. This is obviously extremely high-risk behavior and, unfortunately, cannot be prevented without banning all alcohol consumption. I know that's inconvenient for many, but it's just the way it is. At least your inconvenience is saving lives, so that's something positive.
  18. People in bars behave completely differently to people in malls or supermarkets. This difference is what makes bars far more high risk.
  19. Fairly obvious why bars are closed. Understandable why bar owners want their bars open, but no point in pretending they aren't the highest risk places in terms of spread. Until vaccination is at a high enough level they cannot open. They should be focusing on vaccination.
  20. I wonder how long until immunity in Thailand will be on par with countries who didn't use Sinovac? With the original delay then the insistence on gambling on Sinovac, Thailand must be at least a year behind other countries.
  21. I often wonder when some kids demand "better education", are they ready for what is involved? An improvement would immediately involve zero tolerance on cheating and the ability to fail and leave school with nothing.
  22. I've been told a few times that Thailand doesn't need foreigners at all, so I don't know what all the fuss is about.
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