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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. Are they even protestors? They sound like local thugs who just want to get in on the mayhem, destroy things and hurt people.
  2. I think you're wildly underestimating both the effects of covid on those "not at exceptional risk" and the benefits of mass vaccination.
  3. Even if they're saying that a vaccine is dangerous and "genocide" with no evidence?
  4. Sure, but you need to ask some other questions: Can everyone take the vaccine and benefit from the protection? No Is it possible for some people who have been vaccinated to still get seriously ill or die? Yes Which leads to the following question: Does the vaccine reduce or slow spread protecting everyone? Yes - So it is in the interest of everyone that as many people get the vaccine as possible. Unfortunately, your logic is faulty.
  5. I don't really think this is the right way to look at it. It's not like they've given any sort of guarantee. The obvious subtext/implied caveat to anything covid is "we would like this to be the case but anything can happen and things can and will change quickly and frequently". I've always taken anything said about something happening in the future relating to covid to be unconfirmed and subject to change. It's just a plan until it happens.
  6. I doubt the stress is actually related to studying online, more the type of work that the Thai teachers set as a result. They probably just send some work and say "do X and send it to me by X time", which is a higher work load than they are used to. The answer to online study should really have been a reduction in homework and far more interactive lessons. I suspect the opposite is what happened.
  7. I'm in no way a "climate change denier", but I'm expecting some pretty strong evidence to come from this whole covid thing. There should be some sort of "due to the reduced CO2 emissions during covid, we can see that the Earth's warming was halted/reduced to X over the two year period" type info coming out.
  8. So kill the owner? Nah, just get rid of the dangerous dog. No rehabilitation is going to happen in Thailand. Either they kill it or it keeps on attacking children.
  9. Methamphetamine. While alcohol is a drug, it tends not to be referred to as such, much like caffeine and nicotine. Probably something to do with the lesser potency and more casual consumption.
  10. How can people take this drug so casually? All you seem to hear about it is people raping, killing, and mutilating themselves. (Thanks oxford comma.)
  11. They know it's there, the Thai way is to ignore it purposefully rather than deal with it. If you tried to take a photo of it, the locals would likely ask you not to do so (if it was ugly enough that the people in that area would "lose face").
  12. It's incredible that people can come out with figures like 80 or 90% and not even bother to do a quick google search to confirm, then come to some sort of conclusion. Yup. 67% vaccinated in the UK, with some of those probably needing boosters soon. Still over 22 million people unvaccinated. That's a pretty large number and it makes it difficult to say "the vaccines hardly work".
  13. Because their vaccination drive is so slow that by the time they reach 50% the first people to have gotten their jabs will need to be vaccinated again?
  14. I would imagine he is simply thinking "They were having an affair?" and "Did they plan to kill me?". that's it.
  15. By the number of large 5-10 member packs of healthy strays living on wasteland and the amount of food you see put out for them, a lot of people must really like having them around. I love dogs, as in playful affectionate pets, but not so much a pack of wild dogs barking and <deleted>ting everywhere. I don't really get it. it must be a fatalistic Buddhist thing. "There's nothing we could possibly do to control them and it is good karma to feed them."
  16. I don't think there is much to entice women to South East Asia. They have it so good in the West, why would they want to leave that? An oppressed group that apparently needs extra protection, who also gets to claim "but I'm a lady" and get help and free stuff whenever. Western men typically travel to Asia as there is some chance that their money can by them a little happiness and appreciation, rather than being completely taken for granted and forgotten about in the West.
  17. You're not going to answer the question? You made a claim that a woman with a low body count probably doesn't like sex, I'm challenging that.
  18. So what about two 25 year old women, one who has only been with one guy, her childhood sweetheart, and the other has been with 50 guys. The first one doesn't like sex, but the second one does?
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