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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. I'm not convinced that any Thai people consider foreigners to actually be humans, or at least that they are some sort of different lesser species.
  2. With sex maybe, but doesn't the man determine who he commits to for marriage?
  3. So, generally speaking, you don't think there will be much difference, in terms of marriage success, suitability as a parent and past volatility of childhood, between a prostitute who has had sex with hundreds of men and a woman who doesn't have sex outside of committed relationships?
  4. So a twenty something woman would hook up with a thirty something man, but a thirty something woman would not hook up with a forty something man?
  5. Ummm, not OK for me as I don't do it. I wouldn't recommend it for males either, but, as I understand it, the same damage isn't done to men from promiscuous sex as is done to women. I believe it to be the truth, backed up by general life experience, anecdotal evidence, as well as scientific research.
  6. Are you saying a 40 year old could not date or marry a Thai girl in her mid to late 20s?
  7. Unfortunately, many people see no issue with a women having had a high number of partners. As with the person you are replying to, hundreds of men or being a literal prostitute are not deal breakers, it doesn't wear out and you can test for STDs, so what's the problem? I would assume that these people must view women very much as just existing for sex, for them, and perhaps they have a very casual view of sex themselves. Personally, I don't believe that a woman who has been with just a handful of guys in committed relationships will act or feel the same in a relationship as a woman who has been with hundreds of men or worked as a prostitute. What is the problem with a woman having been with hundreds of guys or worked as a prostitute? Maybe the fact that she is the kind of woman who would have sex with hundreds of guys or work as a prostitute? The girl that goes out every weekend and lets a different dude have at her, barely remembering his name the next day, simply doesn't have the same attitude towards sex and relationships as a woman who carefully dates a couple of guys looking for marriage. They aren't the same and won't behave the same in a long term relationship. It's also highly likely that they will come with a history of abuse and some sort of drug dependency.
  8. So if someone is drunk and they get rear ended or t-boned and it's totally not their fault, they get the blame regardless? I guess that's one way to put people off driving drunk, but it still means that someone else is getting away with causing an accident.
  9. So were they making out or having sex? And how does anyone know if the security guard could not see into the car?
  10. It doesn't. There isn't. Test before entering Vietnam, that's it. Why would you end up in quarantine?
  11. So if the drunk driver was driving completely normally and safely, and did not do anything to actually cause the accident, while the motorcyclist was driving dangerously and caused the accident to happen, it is all the fault of the drunk driver? Something a little off about that. Driving while over the alcohol limit is an offence, but it does not automatically assign blame. You're not thinking logically.
  12. You seem confused. He was the director of education, in Thailand. He did not direct the education of anyone.
  13. To the news story? It adds detail for the interest of the readers. To the assigning of blame? I guess it suggests that the bike may have been moving very fast as it has the capability to do so. The driver van driver being drunk doesn't remove all responsibility from the rider if they weren't driving in a safe or legal manner. It just doesn't work like that.
  14. I heard people suggest a while ago that covid was allowing people to basically buy up the tourism properties. Either the Chinese or the Thai elite. I think it was claimed that it was following a similar pattern to Cambodia, where the locals make very little from tourism.
  15. You misunderstand me. Of course Yingluck was a proxy for Thaksin, as would this girl be. But it isn't something normal and run of the mill. "Of course we will take orders from our exiled father, what else would you expect from a close family?" - we know it will happen, but it isn't "expected" in terms of how a democracy is meant to function. (And yes, I know she would be elected based on the fact that everyone knows that she would be taking orders from her father, but I feel my point still stands.) But hey, TiT!
  16. Not really. If you're the Prime Minister I think most people would expect you not to be taking orders from an unelected person.
  17. I always think that when prisoners attack paedophiles. Like they're OK because their crime didn't involve children. If someone had seriously hurt me or stole something worth a lot of money from me, I'm not sure I'd particularly like the idea of them feeling somehow proud of themselves for beating up or killing a paedophile, as though what they did to me was OK and did not warrant a beating.
  18. Well, the UK has a hefty percentage of the population fully vaccinated with vaccines that have a reasonable protection against the current Covid-19 variant. Thailand has somewhere between 30 and 70% properly vaxed. Maybe 50%.
  19. Crazy. The pre-departure is logical and airlines might even ask for it regardless. The test upon arrival with the associated hotel stay is the one that needs to go.
  20. It sounds like you still need pre-departure test, insurance and day one test with stay in quarantine style hotel to enter Thailand. There's supposedly going to be some sort of discussion on Friday about reducing the entry requirements though. Possibly reduced insurance and no test on entry, but we'll have to see what they actually come up with. If they want to compete with now Cambodia and Vietnam, they need to drop something.
  21. https://hochiminh.thaiembassy.org/en/page/cate-7425-announcement-|-thông-báo-mới-nhất-về-thị-thực?menu=5d80ab3215e39c2fe800a722
  22. I had a theory about this, many years ago, when comparing the ease of getting visas in Cambodia vs. Laos. I wondered if maybe Thailand wanted people to do their visa runs in Laos rather than Cambodia (for whatever reason) and therefore made it easier to get them in the former and harder in the latter. No idea if that is the case though. If this is somewhere near being true, hopefully this will continue to be the case now.
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