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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. If you lend money to a woman, don't expect to ever get it back. That goes for women of any nationality.
  2. I travelled to Thailand a couple of years ago and was grilled at check-in about visa for Thailand, onward flight and the visa for the onward destination (that I was never going to go to). I told them I checked and I could get visa exempt and they were OK with it.
  3. Sure, but if they rejig it so that everyone who works pays into the state pension fund starting now, it gives them more money to look after people of retirement age now and in the future. Obviously that's pretty much incompatible with Thai culture, as are most reforms that get spoken about.
  4. It means the author dislikes White people and wants to find a way to justify treating them badly.
  5. He pored water over her, she got revenge by assaulting him. At a guess they fined them the same because it was a tit for tat situation, but they had to be seen to be doing something about it. No. Assault and affray. Not being drunk and disorderly at all. One is about hitting and fighting, the other is being drunk and behaving in disorderly way.
  6. Surely that just means a booster designed for Beta is not as effective against Omicron and beyond?
  7. It's sad that people don't realise how big a deal that is and how unachievable it is for some. Really has to be above average to have all four (I'm classing family and them being nice as two). ???? Edit: Having read a couple more of the OPs comments, he seems to have a Doctorate and then used that to enter a career. Unless he's simple, he must know that he is a high achiever. I would assume, therefore, that his "all I've done is..." mock humility is to hide that fact that this is likely a post aimed at bragging. I guess when some people retire they miss the status that came with their position and feel the need to inject their past achievements into general conversation. ????
  8. I would imagine that when the pandemic is over he'll see a major drop overall. I used to check his page several times a day, now it's already down to every few days.
  9. Sums up the whole mess quite nicely. That's the mindset you're competing with if you want to improve safety on Thai roads. Probability of change? Very small. Maybe, just maybe, if you start with the young generations now, you might change it a little in about 10-20 years, but still unlikely.
  10. I wonder if they'll still need to report the daily figures of dangerous foreigners bringing covid into Thailand (although probably testing positive on their 5th day having caught covid after entering Thailand).
  11. Everyone seems very eager to get other people to invest. Almost as though they are doing so because they think it will make them money, rather than the person investing. I wonder if these people started out in MLM... ???? I rarely see anything that doesn't read like an advertorial.
  12. Thais have already adapted to the new normal: lift your mask from under your chin whenever you see a foreigner, walk widely around them and glare at them as though they personally created covid and brought it to Thailand. (OK. It's not every Thai, or even most, but it sucks when it happens.)
  13. If they implemented Western style road rules and enforcement, probably half the population would be banned for a few years in a matter of weeks. How would you manage a situation like that?
  14. It's a nice idea that it's just those pesky police men not doing their jobs properly, but you can pretty much guarantee that if they began to implement the above, and I agree that it would probably help, there would be mass revolution in the general populace. It just completely goes against Thai culture, beliefs, values, etc..
  15. There are things that could be done to make the roads in Thailand safer. It would involved education. It would need to start with children. It would involve fundamentally changing the mindset of Thai people. They do not have the capacity to even start to plan it. Much like anything involving education in Thailand, it sounds like a nice idea, but no one actually wants to put the required work in.
  16. This is just terrible writing. Who do they get to write for these sites? What exactly does "burns out" mean? Approaching almost completely burnt out? If so, why would they escape at that point rather than when the car first started burning?
  17. Hmmm... And why you think me objecting to your hate is itself hate is beyond me. (Actually, I know why really.)
  18. I'm sure some do. Still more seem only too well aware of the situation. And what about sexual exploitation? You buy that? Mutual exploitation, perhaps. Certainly both partners seem to be informed and consenting.
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