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Everything posted by BangkokReady

  1. And the man isn't one of the parents? You've literally proved your first sentence wrong with your second. Not relevant to what I am saying. Irrelevant to what I have said.
  2. I explained it quite clearly, several times. Not even slightly. Not applicable here.
  3. That has nothing to do with a man's bodily autonomy.
  4. Has this guy ever been to Thailand? Also, if it's about Thais following authority and the law, why is he discussing Thais continuing to wear their masks now that the law has changed? Not a particularly good argument.
  5. Why not knock some Thais a little? There are some Thais who wear facemasks outside far away from other people, some who don't wear their mask near other Thais then put it on as soon as they spot a foreigner, some don't wear a helmet on a motorcycle but do wear a mask. I think some Thais deserve a little knocking.
  6. I'll probably continue to wear a mask outside. Due to pollution and racism. Nothing really to do with an actual fear of catching/spreading covid.
  7. If you're walking slowly and you're only middle-aged, you probably have an injury.
  8. Well, I wasn't actually arguing in favour of it, obviously. I was merely discussing it philosophically. I understand it perfectly. Obviously, and I haven't said anything to the contrary. Why then do you think it is not a case of removal of bodily autonomy when a woman can decide what is done with a man's body? The woman can choose whether the father of her unborn child is compelled to use his body to earn money to support that child through her choice of whether to keep the baby or not. The man has no say in this use of his body. His bodily autonomy is removed by the woman's choice.
  9. How does working for 18 years have no affect on someone's body?
  10. It's more about what choice the man has in whether the baby is born. The woman can choose to terminate or keep the baby, based, apparently, on her bodily autonomy in chosing not to suffer the physical cost that carrying and birthing a baby has on her body. The man, however, has no say in whether the baby is born or not, even though he can be compelled by a court to support the baby financially until it is 18, suffering the physical cost of doing 18 years of work. (I realise it will not be all of his physical labour over those 18 years, but it is a significant proportion.) A woman suffers a physical cost when a baby is born, but a man too suffers a physical cost when he is compelled to use his body to work for 18 years in order to support the baby. Ergo, the woman has bodily autonomy in terms of the baby being born and suffering a physical cost, while the man does not. CC: @ozimoron
  11. I don't think it has a bearing on my original point. Women's bodily autonomy re suffering to carry a baby and giving birth, vs. a man's bodily autonomy re having to suffer to work to pay for the upbringing of the baby, when factored into the decision as to whether a man has any say in whether a baby is born or not. how could it?
  12. You're confused because you don't even know what is being discussed. When did I define what a woman's right is regarding abortion? I haven't defined anything. You've come into the discussion half way through and you're arguing from a point of obvious emotionally investment. You think I'm anti-abortion, so you're just trying to attack individual comments without even knowing what I have said.
  13. How do men support a child without a supporting father? Please read comments before responding.
  14. How could you possibly be asking me this question when you have been replying to me countless times? I've already stated it very clearly above. What are you doing discussing something when you have literally no idea what is being discussed? I guess this explains why your responses fail to make sense or relate to what I am actually talking about.
  15. I think it's more the other way round. You're the one who thinks that "women work too" has any bearing on what is being discussed.
  16. They don't. Whether they want the child or not, they have to work to pay for it.
  17. So you don't think men should have bodily autonomy when it comes to pregnancy and child rearing?
  18. @coolcarer if the above confuses you, why have you even been engaging with me? This is the core part of what I have been discussing. Why waste both of our time?
  19. So in the question of abortion, women have bodily autonomy, but men do not?
  20. Lol. I'm trying to have an objective discussion. Something you seem incapable of.
  21. No. It's probably more a parental thing.
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