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Posts posted by JamJar

  1. 34 minutes ago, Stocky said:

    Well that is plainly laughable.


    Now you're rambling.


    I think I have made my points quite clear, including my assertion that the only reason your family is utilising any form of Linux, is because you installed it to their devices and you are supporting them.

    It's also clear that you cannot rebut anything that I have written.

    The fact that you and the other Linux advocates on this thread have to stoop so low as to try to resort to personal insults, speaks to the weakness of your arguments.

    That is the whole point. bert bloggs does not have the knowledge to know which questions to ask, so it's up to us to debate it and for him to read and digest the replies.

    Windows 10 clean installed cleanly to a new SSD is the way forward for the OP.

    No need for a new PC. No need for any weird alternative OS. Where exactly do you suggest he install Linux? On the old drive....or on to a new SSD?


    It is clear to all, that yours and the other Linux devotees posts are based on personal enmity. That just confirms that your arguments are weak, so you try to resort to insults and giving each other emotional support.

    I don't care about that. My concern is that the OP gets the best advice and not misled by some wild and wacky partially thought through ideas.







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  2. 11 minutes ago, Stocky said:

    Well it clearly isn't because it works. I'm not exactly sure why all this winds you up so tight, just relax. There's more to life than plugging SSD drives and Windows 10, get out more and unwind.


    windows xp upgrade to whats best?


    Windows 10 on an SSD is the answer. Future proofs the device.


    Linux is just for people who refuse to utilise Windows for one reason or another. That's not the OP, since he actively used both XP and Windows 7.


    Wrapping your feet in sheep's wool will work as a shoe to a certain extent...but then you'll soon notice the flaws in that plan.

    Better to start with decent footwear in the first place.

    We have a Linux board, why don't you post your far-fetched ideas there?


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  3. 5 hours ago, genobkk said:

    Thanks.  I am not sure if it is the SFF model or not, currently it has a graphic card slot  certainly not onboard.  Yes it still seems ok, especially compared to my 2009 MacBook Pro. That thing takes a decade to boot and can not even use Lightroom because I can not upgrade the OS.   Ok I may give the SSD a try   I wanted them to instal one when I bought it, but they insisted they could not move the windows and wanted to buy another copy, I guess imaging is much more common now 


    You don't need to image anything and anyway, Windows 10 Pro can be had for as little as 100 baht. What is the Service Tag/Express Code on it?

    • Like 1
  4. 5 hours ago, genobkk said:

    Thunderbolt I would want more for laptop. The C connection for my camera but SD card reader can solve that.  I don’t remember exactly when I bought the PC, 5-7 years ago.  I wanted to install an SSD when I bought it but they said I need to buy windows again, not sure why they could not just copy it over but seems now the imaging thing is mush more common. I have rarely used the PC but the photo hobby has gave me a need for it.   I did not realize the 4th generation i7 was still still decent   Thanks for all the imput lately and have gotten a bit rusty on PC stuff  


    Utter nonsense. No need to do that and not even a need to clone. Just incompetence or plain lies.


  5. 5 hours ago, Stocky said:

    Actually he said


    Last I read he was going to use the wife's PC for a while, clearly still considering his options. The only person overly excitable here is yourself. It's a forum, not JamJar's bulletin board, just relax, people have different views and opinions, you need to accept that not everyone will agree with you, no need for snide comments.


    Sorry, but forget about your crazy ideas of the OP installing Linux and utilising User Agent switching applications in order to fool his bank into thinking that he isn't using Linux.

    It's just nonsensical. For 100 baht he can have genuine Windows 10 Pro, compatible with all.

    You can have your 'different' view.

    I on the other hand, represent the point of view of a relative novice who wants the best solution going forward.

    My solution brings the PC up to date and will have the least issues going forward.

    The Linux forum here is is hanging on by a thread. Ask a question on Windows and you will have many more people at hand to help.

    The OP doesn't want to install some obscure operating system, only to have no support when he cannot figure something out about it.

    Doesn't want to be put in an awkward situation with his bank, if it comes out in the end that he was fooling them by using Linux instead of what they recommend. It's all just totally unnecessary.

    Why you keep banging on about it, no one knows.

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  6. 6 hours ago, Balooo said:

    On ais website I can't find limits about Net Marathon, do you mean is capped over an amount of gb without advise?

    I tried to search on forum about this topic but may be I used the wrong keywords, so I open one, If you would suggest me any good and updated post about this topic I will be grateful.


    Try clicking on the Buy now icon on the page that you posted for Net Marathon.





  7. 7 minutes ago, khunken said:

    The conjecture and fiction is all from you. Added to that is your one-track agenda of not even considering any alternatives to your one-trick-pony.


    I have had numerous PC, most of which have died - not worth fixing - after 2-3 years, so a 10 year old PC certainly is way past its normal working life.


    Your arrogant comments towards many other posters advocating Linux is contemptous as, though I don't use it, it is definitely an option and they are only proposing an alternative, unlike you.


    In addition, suggesting to someone who has never looked inside a PC cover that they would find installing RAM and a SSD easy, is not very clever - to put it mildly. In other words you are leading Bert Bloggs astray.



    Two to three years and defunct??!! That tells more about your poor choices than to your expertise.


    You might have had numerous PC, but I have helped thousands of people with the installation of OS, firmware and hardware, including RAM and SSD.


    There is no doubt in my mind that bert bloggs can tackle the single screw needed to remove the side panel. There is also no doubt that he can slot any RAM into place within one minute and equally can unplug the leads from the back of the HDD and to plug the same leads on to the new SSD.




    To suggest that he cannot is to insult the man. 

    I contend that he can do it. It's only the fear of doing something wrong that deters people. So they need a little reassurance.

    People like yourself are not helpful, in any way.

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  8. 2 hours ago, Balooo said:

    Thank you for your point of view. 

    I don't like to have max amount of GB, anyway I already done some test and for my normal use I think nothing less of 50 GB per month could be appropriate.

    I will stay in big cities.




    Up to 100 Mbps means nothing. What matters is what you get at your particular location.

    https://th.linemobile.com/en/packages DTAC/LINE mobile offers 40 GB for 329 baht per month.



    In addition to the Truemove H SIM in post#4, you can look here;





  9. 2 hours ago, Number 6 said:

    This plan sounds similar to my wife's. She says it's slower than when she was with dtac. Speed inconsistent. Central Bangkok.


    I've always hated ais since Taksin owned it. I told her not to switch. It was the 7+pro package. She saved a pittance from buying it outright. Thais so lol.



    lapd has simply misled all that replied to his post. Of course the people commenting on his post bear some responsibility for not bothering to take note of what they have read.


    Once again, my post #4 concerns Truemove H SIMs. lapd replied by posting a totally unrelated AIS package.


    Hopefully now all is clear.

  10. 8 hours ago, trd said:

    I just checked. The package is limited to 20GB and thereafter is still useable but at a much reduced speed of 128kbps. So he's not talking rubbish. It's easy enough to check for yourself. Google is your friend. 












    Is there something wrong with you??


    My post concerns Truemove H SIMs. How did you manage to morph it into being about an AIS package?

    • Like 1
  11. 7 hours ago, Tayaout said:

    What users often forget about drivers is that the manufacturer offer all of them on their website. If you search on google then you get the dodgy downloads. 


    BTW, I don't have and agenda. I only suggested Linux. It's always my first reflex but then if the users really need Windows then I install it for them. 


    What you might have forgotten is that some manufacturers did not release Drivers for some operating systems.

    So you would have to utilise Hardware IDs to find a suitable Driver....which is what many of the so called Driver updaters, such as the likes of Driver Booster, claimed to do...before they messed up your device.


    Windows 10 is a lot better at installing Drivers than previous operating systems.

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  12. 6 hours ago, Stocky said:


    Sorry but I don't have any kind of 'agenda' I use both Windows & Linux. 


    But I find for general stuff Linux Mint (I've no experience with any other versions) works fine. My wife & children, and now granddaughter are perfectly happy with accessing the Internet, watching movies and listening to music on their Linux desktop. Even though the school was insisting they needed Windows and MS Office, they were perfectly able to complete homework and projects using Libre Office.


    Your comments on Linux and the need for the terminal window and sudo (admin rights) is just scare mongering, much as claims Windows 10 takes days to install. It's very seldom I need to use a terminal window and for the family they never do.


    Linux is an option, just as Windows 10 is, the OP was looking for suggestions, he now has them.


    He already stated that he won't be using Linux. Perhaps you missed that in all of your excitement.


    No scaremongering on my part. I related a very recent experience of a novice in trying to install Linux Mint, Ubuntu and MX Linux to an old laptop. He gave up after days and just installed Windows 10, which worked straight away. 

    I've used Linux and have also supported others in using Linux. So I know, that a novice would prefer to have a mainstream OS installed.

    I can assure you that the only reason that your family is using Linux, id because you have installed it and are supporting the devices.

    They would be equally happy if Windows 10 were installed to their devices.

    • Sad 1
  13. 5 hours ago, khunken said:

    I don't run Linux so I'm not going to get into that argument.


    But if one has a 10+ year old pc running Win XP, as I have, there is no way I would exchange a HD for a SSD, add some RAM and instal Win 10. Why?

    Because after 10 years the PC has outlived its normal working life and is quite likely to have failures with various components. If the Motherboard or power pack go, its an expense to replace them with no telling how long something else goes.

    I'd advise Bert Bloggs to let his Win xp PC die when it has a major failure & continue to use his wife's Win 7 machine for his banking and take some time to see what PCs or Notebooks or Tablets are on sale and earmark one for his future old PC replacement. Yes, despite my dislike of Win 10, the replacement would be best with a (legal) Win 10 pre-installed.


    Sorry, but just more conjecture and fiction. Why?


    First of all, you have just made up the parameters of "useful life". Completely fabricated them. 

    All of my devices are ten years old and more. All have SSD fitted and all are useful.


    Secondly, let's say after another year or two after purchasing an SSD, the whole PC falls apart......the SSD can be moved to any new PC. So no loss at all in purchasing an SSD, only positive benefits.


    Thirdly, he does not have a Windows XP PC. His PC was built around the time that Windows 7 was released and therefore will be capable of running that in it's current state. So, in fact, he could install Windows 10 Pro right now, for a cost of perhaps 100 baht. 


    But it makes a lot more sense to install Windows 10 cleanly to an SSD. One for the much improved performance and two, that it leaves everything on the original hard drive untouched. In effect, all his old data retained on that drive.


    As I stated earlier, lots of comments by people who have not even bothered to look at the hardware involved.



    • Sad 1
  14. 2 hours ago, lapd said:

    I doubt it's unlimited.  AIS 4Mb/s 30 day plan is limited to 20GB.  It may be in the small print or if you use too much they may have it set to slow you down or something.


    Why do you re-post this rubbish time and time again?

    It doesn't seem to matter how many times you are told. You have no evidence to the contrary, but yet you just post it anyway.

    Why not seek out the evidence and post it here if you find it, instead of just posting baseless nonsense.

  15. 19 minutes ago, thaibeachlovers said:

    Agree. !0 sucks hugely, but my old computer died and can't get anything else.

    I'm still running 7 on one, and that is way better than 10. The idiots that designed 10 are demented, IMO.

    At least I avoided that monumental <deleted> 8.


    My XP came with photoshop elements which was great, then the <deleted><deleted> stopped including it. 10 has something that does basic photo editing but it's not very good.


    Need I add that I hate MS and all that sail in it. 


    I don't have any problems with it all. It's actually easier to deal with Windows 10 than Windows 7 or XP.

    I know, because I have probably assisted with more installs than anyone else here.


    With Windows 10 you can do a reset without disturbing your programs, With Windows XP/7, it was possible, but then you would need to have the installation media and to have a mini-guide to run a 'repair' installation.

    Drivers? A whole ecosystem of dodgy Driver installation software sprang up around this simply because people often tired of searching for and installing Drivers for themselves

    As usual, certain people complain about what has changed without mentioning the improvements.



  16. 21 minutes ago, bert bloggs said:

    thanks ,never seen that before .dont know if i would use it though .


    As I told you earlier, some have their own agenda. 

    Now stooping so low as to suggesting that it takes hours to install Windows 10, when in fact it takes minutes.

    Knowing that with any form of Linux, you will have to mess around simply to sign into your bank account.


    When you have a problem with any form of Linux, you will often have to solve it by typing certain commands. Where will they be then? You won't find them for dust.


    Just the other day I left some Linux experts to it when some of them suggested someone try Linux on an old device. He ended up having problems with the installation due to having Broadcom cards installed within. Days later he just gave up, as he was bewildered by having to go to the Terminal and having to type Sudo this or su that and it still didn't work.

    He instead tried Windows 10 and was up and running within minutes.


    Windows 10 isn't like the Windows of old, wherein you often had to look for Drivers separately or that it was expensive to purchase.


    You can can a look at the Linux board here; https://forum.thaivisa.com/forum/67-linux-in-thailand/


    Once you have woken up from the stupor into which it sends you.....










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  17. 5 hours ago, Tayaout said:

    I see you are often sad. I don't exaggerate at all. Once you spent 14 min installing win10 you still have a lot of work to do to make the OS updated, safe and usable. Depending on internet speed it's more like 2-3h. 


    Sorry, but your story is just nonsense. Fiction. 

    • Sad 1
  18. 2 minutes ago, Tayaout said:

    We obviously have a complete different experiences. Interesting. I install Linux regularly. Windows 10 about 6 months ago. 


    Yes, we do. 





    The Installation-Time for Windows-10 on Notebooks and Desktop PCs  


    So, in my test system INTEL Celeron G1610 (2.6 GHz) with 320 GB SATA hard drive:
    17 minutes for x32/x86 32-Bit and 22 minutes for x64 64-Bit. 

    On a SSD same computer 14 minutes for x32 and 16 for Windows-10 x64 installation.    

    In Virtual-box: on the same computer 25 minutes for x32/x86 32-Bit installation. 

    On very old (2005) Asus Notebook: AMD Turion X2 ( 2 x 1,66 GHz) with 120 GB IDE 24 minutes for x64 64-Bit installation
    on the same computer from USB 19 minutes for x32 32-Bit installation! 

    Upgrade time from Windows 8.1 to 10 20-40 Min! Depending on installed programs , it can take a few hours.  

    Of course, the hard disk speed is the decisive factor. Installation takes less time on the faster computer and the faster transmission rate of the hard drive and the DVD-Rom



    Always sad when people exaggerate to make their arguments look better.

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  19. 16 minutes ago, Tayaout said:

    99% of the time. I install Linux it takes 20min and I'm done. 


    100% of the time when I install windows it takes hours then if the internet works I need to go to the manufacturer website and get the driver. If the internet doesn't work then I need to use my Linux laptop to put the driver on a USB key. Then I need to install a proper browser, security software, maybe office, etc. While. I install all the software I need to double check the install pop-up for trap. Then I need to clean all the junk that was installed anyway. Then I'm done until I get a call a couple months later because the pc has slowed down and I need to clean a bunch of stuff again. ????


    This is really nonsense.

    Windows 10 installation is much quicker than ever. Not even twenty minutes and you rarely need to look for Drivers.


    You don't need to install any 'security software' and yes, you have a huge range of Browsers you can install.

    Your ideas and experience appear totally outdated. I support people with their installs. The last person who tried some Linux installations on an old laptop, gave up after a few days and installed Windows 10 instead. Everything just worked from the outset. 

    So obviously different for everyone.



  20. 4 hours ago, shady86 said:

    Unless you really cannot get broadband line, I would not recommend 4g as the speed fluctuates according to user volume. Also 10Mbps is slow for today standard. Loading heavy we pages and streaming video/TV might not be smooth especially high def videos.


    10 Mbps(1.25 MB/s) is more than good enough for 'heavy web pages'. Even for streaming.

    Of course the stability of the connection is important and it's not really a suitable substitute for a terrestrial connection. 

    Though it's generally not as bad as you suggest and certainly a whole lot better than nothing.


    SIM Marathon has a data limit these days and DTAC's 10 Mbps speed is subject to location.


    There is a lot on info on the best packages on offer at the moment, so no need to repeat them again here.

    Balooo should simply just check the recent threads.

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