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Everything posted by buick

  1. i think you are okay with (i) the bank book (ii) one copy of the pages in the bank book and (iii) the bank letter that confirms the balance in the account. if you've had the money in the bank for a long time, i don't think you need 5.3 (proof of transfer from abroad). i didn't need 5.3 when i did mine in 2021 (most recent). more recently people have been asked to provide monthly statements for the bank account. but i think that is when they apply for the one year extension. not the initial Non O.
  2. have you seen this list of things you need for the 'change visa' process ? https://bangkok.immigration.go.th/wp-content/uploads/2022C1_09.pdf you will need to visit twice, you apply during the first visit and then get the stamp in the passport during the second visit.
  3. when you say 'initial Non O', are you referring to a situation where you entered thailand visa exempt or on a tourist visa and would like to change/convert to a Non O at CW ? if so, that is done at the C desk which does not have much of a line. walk-in is fine.
  4. i recall providing fingerprints from both hands once but all other times it has been just the right hand. and the thumb was not included. i flew in from Saigon in February and Hall 1 (? closest to E/F/G gates) was closed. so i also had to proceed to the Hall nearest A/B/C gates. this was a early evening arrival at BKK.
  5. buick

    Buriram United

  6. it is possible to access the re-entry permit desk AIRSIDE. you go up the ramp into the backside of the immigration hall. there are signs visible as you go up the ramp which will direct you to the desk.
  7. OP - what was your time spent in Thailand over the last few years ? that's usually what gets you over to a desk for an interview, it isn't based on what happens during one year/12 months. i know from experience as i had to enter with tourist visa's for 5 years, waiting until i turned 50 to get the Non O and then one year extensions. i had two interviews at Suvarnabhumi during those 5 yrs, was let in both times. both interviews were conducted after i entered visa exempt, i knew the risk and, like you, i had a ticket out to my home country (USA) within the 30 days. they told me i had to enter with a tourist visa on the first interview but i rolled the dice a few times with visa exempt. they got me on one of those and i had the second interview. i was staying 6-8 months of the year in Thailand during those years (2013 to 2017).
  8. when i post info on this topic, it seems to be rejected by a certain member (and now moderator). if a moderator does respond, it is most useful to explain the full spectrum of options. but that isn't the case here. i keep adding the other option and at times i get the 'confused' emoji from a certain member.
  9. you're wrong. it is meant to be an option for anyone that chooses it. absolute nothing wrong with going into the hall with the re-entry desk and choosing to go through passport control first, then get the permit. you should try it sometime. it would be good if you could add this option to your repertoire. i had a funny one in jan 2023, i had been getting single re-entry permit since travel had been more difficult due to the virus. so i went to the desk (after going through fast track, TG business class area), and the gal explained i already had a multi !!! i forgot that i did the multi in Oct 2022 right after i got my annual extension. i'd had a few singles before that.
  10. i'm well aware of that. a few years ago, i provided one of the first hand reports and you were cirticial of me doing such a thing (getting one post passport control). as if it was 'wrong'. Edit: you should get picture of the signs directing you to the re-entry permit desk from the airside of the airport. they are there as you exit a hall w/o the desk and they are there as you enter the backside of the hall that has the desk.
  11. if i see a short line at the passport control desk, i go through it. i'm not going to wait the 10-20 minutes to get the re-entry permit and risk the line building to 5x what it was when i first walked in there. many people have no idea that you can do it after passport control. it would be good for the moderators/members on this site to provide this information to users of the forum when they help to explain the procedures of getting a re-entry permit at the airport. why ignore the fact that it can be done AFTER you pass passport control ?
  12. it's best to tell people how it can be done (pre or post). they can decide. you've never tried it post immigration so can't comment on the experience.
  13. i have. a few times i flew to Tokyo on my way to USA. those flights left at 7:00 and 7:30am. i was probably getting it about 5:30am.
  14. while the re-entry permit desk is located in the passport control area, it is possible to obtain the permit after you've passed through passport control. you don't have to do it before you get stamped out of the country. i'm on an extension of stay based on retirement and always get it after i've passed through passport control. often i go through a different security/passport control hall and have to walk inside the airport to the hall with the re-entry desk. there are signs directing you where to go. edit - it usually takes about 10 minutes. i might of waited 20 min once.
  15. 10+ years ago, the 'Arab' (as noted by another poster) took over a bunch of bars. two that are now gone were Rio and Sahara. supposedly, the person is really persian/american dual nationality. well known to avoid these bars since he took over, the scams have been going on since Day 1. i know the one referenced by the OP with the french word reference, but can't decipher the one with the booze ban and 7-11 reference. the bars discussed recently by stickman are owned by a different group, one is in cowboy and one is in nana. those complaints were somewhat of a 'misunderstanding'. bars have different rules. in some bars, you cannot call a girl down from the dance floor 'mid dance'. you can tell a waitress to tell the girl to come join you for a drink when she's done or do it yourself. in other bars, you can call a girl down mid-dance. the two bars discussed by stickman have a new rule where the call down costs you a fee - the same amount as a lady drink. so the bill comes and you have a charge for two lady drinks, even though she just got one. if you buy a second lady drink, there would be three drink charges on the bill (two drinks plus the 'fee'). so these two bars aren't doing the 'double drink' scam. it's just a new 'system' that can be confusing. i don't know of another bar that uses this 'system'. there are other bars that typically do the double drink thing. after the first double drink, you can usually get a single drink after that w/o an issue. but you gotta make it clear.
  16. your friend should try to get the Non O (90 Days) versus the Non O-A. i looked at the website for the thai consulate in los angeles and it shows the Non O - retirement as an option. show more than $30,000 in a US bank to obtain that. then once in thailand, open bank account, transfer the money from USA, and obtain the one year extension of stay. that said, i've heard conflicting reports over the years about the Non O's being available from consulates in USA. i know i tried to get one in LA in 2016 and they said 'only NON O-A'.
  17. i don't know how many things your friend has left to satisfy on the 'requirements list'. but it seems like the throw away ticket option is a good option. that way one gets 60 days with a 30 day ext and have 90 days total. if one wants 90 days after coming in visa exempt plus ext, you've got 60 covered but will need a side trip. which is fine if one plans on traveling somewhere. the other thing is it adds a visa exempt entry to the record. if one visits often, immigration doesn't like to see those add up. so two visa exempts - those go on the bad side of the ledger !!!
  18. i hope that's the end of the issue with your immigration 'record', your next entry will be interesting. it's possible the person in Phuket is doing some 'dirty work' with your record right now. i hope not, but you never know. when i was doing long stays in thailand i was getting re-entry permits for tourist visas. to make sure i came in on a tourist visa as often as possible, even if only 10 days left on the permit to stay upon return. for several years, it seemed like my life revolved around getting into the country.
  19. are they asking for a ticket showing a departure from thailand ? you mention to thailand but not leaving thailand. at one point when i got tourist visas from the thai consulate in los angeles, i had to show a roundtrip ticket or two one ways, coming to thailand and leaving thailand. other times, the flights weren't required to get the visa - i think they were promoting tourism during those periods.
  20. OP - i've seen the member '007 RED' help out with some very difficult 'situations' brought up by members of this forum. this person doesn't troll or join in on discussions out of boredom. this person has displayed extensive knowledge on how things work here. it would be wise to consult with this person.
  21. OP - first question asked by my friend after i explained the situation as best as i could was 'what is nationality'. evidently that matters. i read part of the older thread and don't see that info. you could PM me the info if you want to keep it private (maybe i missed it in the old thread). i have no interest in exposing your nationality to the wider forum.
  22. OP - it sounds like you need an Agent based in Phuket to arrange a 'payment' to immigration in order to get this 'item' removed from your history. if not, each time you arrive in Thailand (via land or air) will be somewhat risky. it sounds like you've got 'family' here, could it be a problem even if you come in with a 'proper' long term visa ? (say, non o based on marriage). i moved to thailand in 2006 at age 40 and had to do the visa exempt/tourist visa thing for 11 years (i couldn't get the non O retirement at age 50 due to some complications so had to wait until 51). it was easy at first but got harder around 2012. i got interviewed at survarnabhumi twice. both were when i tried to enter visa exempt. first time i was told tourist visa only. two years later i tried visa exempt again. got the interview again. but i was let in both times. i flew to USA three times each year for tourist visas. i mention this background to avoid any 'troll' labeling. i've been through the 'stay in thailand on short term permit to stay' excitement. another alternative. i'm friends with an Agent in BKK and he does all kinds of 'work' with immigration. mainly with Jomtien but also a land border (i won't mention which one here). i could PM you the land border name and contact info for this Agent and maybe he can help 'guaranty' your entry at such land border. i will send him a message now to see what he has to say about the matter.
  23. the post above has the current status for business class. halls 1 and 3 now have 'premium lanes', can't use hall 2 (fast track). i went through in early november. i was refused at hall 2 back in may and went through the regular line as i didn't notice any premium lanes.
  24. give Fort Bonafacio/Bonafacio Global City (BGC) in Manila a try. everything there is new, built in the last 15 yrs or less. very clean. decent nightlife within BGC. P Burgos is only about 10 minutes via taxi if you leave after traffic dies down (usually about 8:30pm). if i had to live somewhere other than BKK, i'd go for BGC. i like Vietnam, mainly Saigon and Danang, but i couldn't stay long term in either place (a few weeks max). i spent a month in Saigon when the big flood hit BKK (2011 ?). i was ready to get back home to BKK !!
  25. believe what you want. i am friends with an agent in BKK, we meet a couple times a month for dinner/beer. his favorite work is clearing overstays. it pays well.
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