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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. I had one pedal driving in a HEV i owned, as it was the first car i owned with any regen i started off on the lowest level through to the highest before i went one pedal driving and loved it. It’s all about moving your parameters for coasting and once you get the hang it is great. But going straight into one pedal driving would definitely be strange.
  2. Maybe they are one and the same ? I mean, has anyone ever seen them under the same bridge at the same time ?
  3. If, like me, you wash your Seal yourself and nine times out of ten forget to leave the wipers in the upright position before washing, then decide not to bother raising them as it involves turning the car on, going to service/overhaul and clicking on the “front wiper check “ switch ( is it me or was that called something else before ? ) ! Do not despair as after stopping the car you can just hold down the wiper stalk for a few seconds and the wipers move to the upright position. Thankfully using both options the wipers do not automatically go to their normal position when starting the car, causing possible damage to the bonnet if you forgot to place them back on the windscreen, unlike my previous car !!
  4. Very useful to know this, seems like it is something to do with leaving the car with an open door or trunk for a period of time sends it into sleep mode. Seen a few cases on FB and the solution seems to be, as in the video, by pressing the door handle button. Incidently, i have had the steering wheel message a couple of times, turning it fully to the left and right clears it. I thought it might have been something to do with leaning heavily on the steering wheel when entering and needed re-zeroing but apparently not, found this:
  5. I agree, i didn’t know that a yellow book would be accepted by DLT for driving license renewal in some locations. Will look into that if i need another , maybe i will get lucky and not have to go cap in hand to immigration, although hopefully in 6 years time they will have forgotten!.
  6. The op doesn’t have a yellow book but he does have a COR.
  7. I am a Brit , British Embassy unlikely to help I would imagine .
  8. Hissy fit appears to be coming from you and your obsession with location. Not looking for approval at all , am asking did i do the right or wrong thing, will accept both answers
  9. I am not saying I did the right thing am just asking what others would do in this situation. Caught me on a bad day i suppose and normally I would offer 500 baht, if they insisted I would pay the 800 and spend the rest of the day angry at myself for not standing up to them.
  10. Yes, i have heard of this before. My IO requested nothing only my passport and the filled form ……. oh and 800 baht !
  11. Thanks, that makes me think I did the wrong thing.
  12. Thanks for your answer, i think i overreacted, hopefully i haven’t caused myself any future problems.
  13. Why is the location so important to you ? The question is: Did I overreact or what would you do in this situation ?
  14. My own opinion is that I overreacted and any other day would have put 400/500 baht on the table before walking out.
  15. Because that is what my DLT request for drivers licence renewal
  16. Yes, but what would you do if they asked you for 800 baht next time ?
  17. The location is irrelevant, my question was “ what would you have done in my situation ? “
  18. So as the title suggests I was asked to pay 800 baht for a Residency Certificate ( for driving licence renewal ). 3 things stood out for me: 1) I was asked to enter a small back office with ( presumably ) no cameras and away from colleagues. 2) the residence certificate had nothing on it stating 800 baht or any other amount. 3) when i asked for a receipt I was given the “ no have “ reply. The reason i was given is that Residency Certificates should be issued by the Embassy and not Immigration and this service was not their obligation. Now i always understood ( rightly or wrongly ) that the issuing of certificate of residence was immigration responsibility, a free service which could take up to 2 weeks or an express service for a small fee ( 200 to 500 baht ). When i presented my passport and filled form I was told only to return after lunch, wasn’t offered any options and when i returned was ushered straight into the small office behind the IO’s desks. The IO gave me the cert in an envelope and said “800 baht”, i said “ i thought it was free “ to which he laughed and said again “ 800 baht “, i then replied “ i give you 800 baht and you give me a receipt, yes ? “. His face changed drastically and he answered bitterly “ no receipt !! “, at this point i knew i was going to stand my ground. I dug my heels in and refused to pay and was told that the next time I had to go to the Embassy for C of R. I left with the residency certificate, one of the office minions followed me out to explain in better English but was surprised to see my wife sitting outside and said more or less “ this time okay but next time go to the Embassy “, my wife thought it suspicious. I have had 2 residence certificates before but my memory is a little cloudy, more or less this: Dec 2016 : FOC and instantly issued at another Immigration Office. Dec 2018: maybe FOC but possibly a small fee ( certainly not more than 300 baht ) at my current IO. I understand your experience will differ as every IO has their own ideas so this is not about what they charge you elsewhere but what would you have done in my situation ?? So: Did i do the right thing ? Did i act like an arrogant Farang ? Have i set myself up for immigration grief in the future. ? Should i have put 300/500 baht on the table as a compromise ?
  19. Cat saga ( part 2 ) So, after discovering the kitten was still inside the car ( much to our surprise ) we attempted to coax him out to no avail, 4 large salivating dogs were not helping !! Tried some cat treats which weren’t a success although those sneaky farkin dogs liked them ! Time was limited as the family funeral was imminent ( although it was more of a 7 day remembrance service as there was no body, donated for medical science ) so we just had to hope that he could hang on until we got back home. Just arrived home an hour ago and the mother was waiting, a few meows from her and the invisible kitten appeared from the bowels of my Seal. Apologies for the p1ss poor photo, didn’t want to get too close: No apparent ill effects after 30 hours tucked up inside and close to 40°c today . Just to inform you that kittens ( possibly puppies, snakes and rats etc also ) like the tardis like interior of the Seal and take some persuading to leave !! The moral of the story: If cats had the necessary ability to buy a car they would also choose the BYD Seal.
  20. So, my cat saga continues !! At the beginning of May a stray cat ( who used to visit us and we would feed, so I take the blame !) gave birth to 4 kittens which took to climbing into the underneath of the car and would only come out with the mother’s call . Our daily routine was to encourage them out of the car by calling the mother ( with a cat audio sound on my phone ), who, feeling threatened would call the kittens out and take them to safety. This didn’t always work out and we realised that if they stayed inside we could drive locally and they would stay tucked inside . Until one decided to descend while reversing out of the garden and I ran over it (😞), felt terrible. Tried cat repellent, moth balls and mosquito spray but after the initial strong smell disappears they return and climb inside. Yesterday was a typical day, we coaxed 2 out but no sign of the 3rd, after an hour trying, the mother more concerned with protecting the 2 rather than finding the missing 3rd stayed away. Having to travel to a family funeral today some 210 km’s away we were determined to remove number 3 despite not seeing or hearing it and not 100% sure it was still in the car’s underbody. Then Mrs D had a good idea💡 and we visited the local Be-Quik, put the car up on the ramp and 5 or 6 employees started looking for the missing kitten in the front and back underneath trays. After 10 minutes or so we determined there was nothing there so set off. Yesterday afternoon I looked at my house cctv camera and saw only 2 kittens and the mother sat in the car port as if waiting our arrival. So, here I am at 5.00 am on a Sunday with a funeral shortly trying to coax a distressed kitten from out of the rear underneath tray of the car before one of the mil’s 4 dogs has it for breakfast . !! An hour coaxing, an inspection by several Be-Quik employees, a 210 km highway drive, a 20 km round trip during a thunderstorm and a night surrounded by 4 hungry dogs and now it makes its presence known !! More to follow !
  21. What a load of verbal diarrhoea !! Do he ever get to the point ?
  22. In the U.K. the majority of EV’s have a vertical green stripe on the license plate. I say “ majority “ because it is not mandatory and on my last visit i spotted many without the identification stripe, mainly Teslas. Seems like not making it mandatory is achieving nothing !!
  23. This isn’t going to help the Tesla Cybertruck promotion in Thailand. Tesla issue another Cybertruck recall, the fourth so far. https://www.tesla.com/support/recall-cybertruck-accelerator-pedal-pad
  24. If he could spell the word “ percentage “ he would get more respect …… nah, only joking 🙃
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