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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. GWM have had to follow suit to compete with MG and BYD and their aggressive pricing. Following the reduction of their HEV’s: 100k off Jolion HEV 250k off H6 HEV 450k off H6 PHEV and their EV’s : 170k - 240k off Good Cat EV They have also reduced the price of their latest releases: 180k off Ora 07 EV 200k off Tank 500 HEV 300k off Tank 300 HEV Expect to see some angry reactions from those recent acquirers of the last 3 in particular!!
  2. Always looking for that short cut ……. sometimes it works……. sometimes not !!
  3. I just saw the BYD M6 at my local mall, it is a nice car and a six seater which would fit in perfectly with your needs ( normally 4 but occasionally 6 people ). The rear row folds down to make a good sized luggage storage area.
  4. I wouldn’t say that EV guys are cranky but they have been trolled pretty hard on this thread, thankfully the two main losers doing most of the trolling have ( been ) moved on so things should be more friendly now ….. either that or EV posters have given up answering the same old questions ?
  5. He already did ! From what I have read he has been here around 3 years already renting an MG ZS, was interested in a Chevy Captiva and now looking at the BYD Sealion. For someone who is looking to leave Thailand in a few years then a second hand ( EV, HEV or PHEV ) can be found or as mentioned in the attached topic great bargains on the MG ZS EV right now.
  6. Slightly up from yesterday ? A worrying trend ?
  7. Sounds like a pram would be more appropriate.
  8. Yes but you have to be a fan of Ryan Reynolds sarcasm otherwise it will be annoying. I liked it, an impressive cast !
  9. Maybe, but that is still 60 less than Aussie gals !
  10. Rained all night and all morning here in Ayutthaya, the rivers look full to bursting !!
  11. Plus in Sydney it would be a draft beer and a large woman !!
  12. Used to buy the copy watches in S Korea and Singapore back in the late 80’s, family and friends would put orders in ! Best copy i got was a “ Rado “ in Jeddah.
  13. In my local mall they blatantly sell fake products, most common are Gucci and Adidas, they usually use the correct letters but not necessarily in the correct order:
  14. How do you come to that conclusion ?? You do know that he has a wife and the 20 year old that he raped is female ??
  15. Yes, i would agree that it is the current campaign ( with the addition of window film ). The FB thread i read concentrated on the trade in value hinting that it was somehow connected to a “ special price “ but that doesn’t really appear in the above article.
  16. That is what i initially thought but the attached comments ( from the FB post i got this from ) all talk about part exchange, some asking “ if i don’t have a car to exchange can i still get the deal “ ? It is a bit vague and as usual translating from Thai muddies the water even more !!
  17. I think it is about part exchange an old car for a Seal and get up to 240k discount, but am not sure.
  18. Didn’t you just leave, went back to Canada and slagged Thailand off big time, then in the flicker of an eye you were back here ?? Sorry, but can’t believe anything you write on here.
  19. Actually there’s a TOU ( Time of use ) meter that can be installed which will provide electricity at 2.6 baht/kilowatt on off peak hours ( 10.00 pm to 9.00 am Mon thru Fri and all day on Sat/Sun and public holidays. I have one purely designated for my EV. But there’s a regular poster on here who charges his car with solar during daylight hours and uses the car to power his house at nighttime.
  20. I binged the whole 6 episodes, I liked it but then I like David Mitchell, without him it would probably be a bit lame.
  21. Overtaken by BMW https://www.theguardian.com/business/article/2024/sep/10/bmw-shares-fall-recall-braking-fault
  22. Seems like it was bound to end badly then !!
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