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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. I changed browser to Brave from Safari, the newsletter pop up still annoys from time to time but it did remove the super annoying video pop up in the bottom right hand corner.
  2. Keep an eye out for the Seal ???? Word on the street is the Seal is hoping to achieve over 100k km on its visit here at around 2k km a day. 2 Chinese engineers accompanying the Thai driver ( hopefully there is more than one !! ) who was part of the team that drove the Atto 3 for 160k km recently.
  3. Yes i agree. There isn’t any info on the FB post i got the photo from, someone just spotted and posted it. Of course it has caused some speculation split between “ available here now “ and “ this guy spent a lot shipping it here “ !!
  4. Brooms at the ready. Mrs Owl will want one of those. Her favourite one was shot down by the Russians over the Black Sea. She was lucky to escape back to the village. Good job she had a spare strapped to her back. You are a brave man Owl ! If Mrs Owl found out ,that broom handle would be disappearing very quickly where the sun don’t shine !!
  5. @Scouse123 I suggest you seek assistance by PM to @DrJack54 and @Red Phoenix These guys can give you your friends options clearly and without bias. The open forum, whilst often very helpful, often resorts into name calling, miscommunication and poor taste humour.
  6. Neta V have a stock pink colour, a little less shocking but still pink ! Read a FB post today about someone ordering the orange Trophy MG4 in the U.K., they got a delivery date in September ! , very much in demand.
  7. I generally avoid the sun but as a daily moisturiser i use Nivea Men which has UV written on the tin but I have no idea of the level of protection. The standard Nivea Creme , in the round blue tin , is extremely sticky and if you’re not careful you end up looking like one of those old Thai ladies who overdo the powder and resemble a ghost !
  8. Not satisfied with the choice of colours available for the Atto 3 owners in Thailand decide to make their own !!
  9. I got the donut for the ZS ICE as is lighter and means I can still put the floor on the lower level. But on the Atto 3 a donut might not be easy to find and the tyre well is sort of “ half a tyre well “ so probably a full size might not fit. A bit of a work in progress.
  10. Just a quick, I promise to be quick this time ????, thought on donut spares. After researching a donut for a RAV4 I learned that the donut for the PHEV version is different from the other versions as the PHEV has upgraded brake callipers and there’s a danger of interference ! So, wouldn’t it be great if all car manufacturers offered a donut ( MG does , at least for the ZS ICE anyway ) as a paid for alternative to the pump and foam, after all we have discovered that the Atto 3 , and probably others, has a tyre well which is filled with a big chunk of foam !!
  11. Okay, I’ll look to see if a space saver for RAV4 is available. On my two flats B-Quik also fixed them for me FOC. Full size spares are rare now but pickups and larger SUV’s are more likely to carry them.
  12. While carrying a spare is not strictly on topic to Electric Vehicles it does have some relevance … so here goes. Most regular posters on this thread are EV owners or, like myself, on the verge of buying an EV ( the Yorkshireman in me being the cause of my procrastination). EV’s, Hybrids and PHEV’s are already carrying the bulky and weighty battery so the spare tyre is a rarity, in fact a rarity in ICE cars also, being replaced by a light and diminutive air pump and foam. So, the question of carrying a spare is common: Cons : Weight ( with range at the forefront losing a few kilos is paramount) Space ( early EV’s, and now HEV and PHEV utilising the all important space under the boot ) Necessity ( with the pump/foam and roadside assistance offered on some new EV’s is a spare even required ?) Pros : Piece of mind ( knowledge that a flat will not cause a lengthy wait cutting in to your well earned weekend away if the rim is damaged or sidewall damage rendering your pump/foam fix ineffective) So, risking travelling without the spare, jack and tools etc is the easiest option but obviously some are still going the spare wheel route. Disclosure: my Honda Jazz came with a donut and I used it twice in 4 1/2 years. I bought a donut for my ZS ( ICE ) 2 1/4 years ago, still unused. Will i buy a spare/donut for my EV ? I am still on the fence. As it’s looking like an Atto 3 a full size spare is the cheapest and easiest option as there’s plenty of tyre/wheel combo’s available on FB for around 4k baht a set, due to the dubious quality of the Batman tyres and many owners going for new rims ( seen some going up to 19” and 20” ! ), but it’s doubtful the 18” will actually fit in the space. A quick search for an emergency spare, donut, brought up nothing and as it seems Toyota RAV 4 wheels are compatible a 17” spare could be utilised, albeit on a slight angle as in the photo I posted earlier. So, finally !!, a couple of questions: Have you gone the spare or donut route ? How small can you go with a donut ( my official MG donut is 16” on a car using 17” wheels ) can you go smaller ?
  13. 3 x BYD showrooms opening March/ April Damn you temptation !! I live 5 mins away from the Ayutthaya site.
  14. This is a little older ( 2nd Dec 2022 ) and haven’t seen any further update on it. https://topcarnews.net/aiways-to-set-up-car-and-battery-assembly-plant-in-thailand-s181435.html Interestingly the initial order for the U5 are destined to be taxis here in Thailand and might cause a drop in interest by the general public but hot on its heels is the U6, which as we have come to expect from Chinese EV’s, is another sporty, space age, multi coloured car brimming with the latest tech. Hopefully both these Aiways ev’s, the BYD Seal and the Neta U Pro will be represented at the Motor Show later this month. I have a feeling there’s going to be a few surprises in store.
  15. BYD breaks ground on Thailand plant. http://www.chinadaily.com.cn/a/202303/13/WS640e7f7da31057c47ebb40c2.html?fbclid=IwAR23xPVySQKZV7NmVxsAGNJ3g6zcnjzejXUAKlR5Cb5K6DasJcwV3QtzqyY
  16. Seen a “ new “ BYD Atto 3 ext range for sale on a FB page 1.2 million baht down to 1.1 million. Straight away saw a few offering 1 million, don’t know the outcome.
  17. Not illegal and very common to change visa status from tourist visa to non imm O visa, or apply for a non imm O visa from a visa exempt entry. Google TM 86 and TM 87 for the required documents.
  18. So, just to add more temptation to EV enthusiasts here’s the pricing for the new MG ES ( EP facelift) , less than anticipated + register between March 13 -19 with 10k deposit gets 20k discount!
  19. I left all my cd collection to the ex in a divorce settlement several years ago. Of course they were all pretty worthless except for this gem I bought in Korea in the early 90’s
  20. Sounding a bit disgruntled yourself there Owl ! But, as a Leeds fan i have more than good reason to be disgruntled !!
  21. Wonder if you have tried your full size spare ( 18” ) in the hole ? Read a report of a guy using a Rav 4 wheel and tyre as a spare and it fit in on an angle, but it’s only 17” .
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