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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Simon, I tried toe separators also with zero success. Looks like you need something like this: I have seen a wide range of contraptions like this intended to pull the big toe rather than separating, presumably you would wear this while sleeping and increase the pressure occasionally. After my failure with the toe separators I considered one, or two in my case, of these but never pursued it as mine, although are obvious , have never caused me any issues other than aesthetic, have had mine most of my life. Probably available from pharmacies, the photo I got from Lazada.
  2. Available for streaming on fmoviesz.to if you are interested .
  3. That I don’t know. You asked about the process of obtaining the yellow book and I recommend you visit your Amphur for guidance as it varies.
  4. Visit your Amphur for the requirements as it varies vastly from a downright “ No “ to handing over your passport and 20 baht.
  5. Difficult to recommend either as it depends on your driving/car preferences, i would make a pro/con list, mine would be. Looks - MG, a good looking car even without the roof spoiler. Driving experience - MG , rear wheel drive and 50/50 weight distribution makes for an excellent ride. Sunroof - ??, used very infrequently imho, some like the novelty others find it hot. Price - MG, but going for the X model makes them pretty even. Servicing etc - Both, now with 1 yr insurance, no charger and paid servicing I think very similar, BYD catching up with service centres now. Tech - Dolphin, the larger rotating screen appears to have a lot more options and apparently very easy to add apps. Response seems better according to reports. Range - Dolphin wins but not by much. Comfort - ??, a test drive in both needed.
  6. As the one pedal braking is quite abrupt I have dabbed my brakes on occasions when i see some fool behind me approaching rapidly . The other day on the start of highway 32 it was chaotic as rush hour and some lanes closed for roadworks, a kid on a motorbike was driving close behind me and not paying much attention, I had dabbed the brakes a couple of times to make him aware of the stop start traffic but eventually he hit my rear end. Thankfully no damage and he was most apologetic but i think the one pedal/brake light situation is a bad one.
  7. Thanks, if I remember rightly in the ZS EV the 3 modes have a dedicated button to scroll through and therefore easily available, mine are buried in the screen so once i decided on one pedal i will leave it there unless someone comes up with a reason not to use it on the highway for example, laziness on my part i guess.
  8. Regen braking and one pedal mode: Regen: I would like to hear the thoughts from users here about regen braking, as it is common to have at least 2 options, standard and high for example ( 3 on an MG ZS EV I think ) therefore it’s being implied that different levels of regen to be used at different times ? i.e. standard on the highway and high in the city would be my thoughts. The fact that regen is definitely an advantage goes without saying, one YouTuber ( Aus or NZ ? ) claims his Atto 3 battery energy is created by 75% charging and 25% regen ( high or standard not known ). Some FB group members claiming that the difference between high and standard is negligible as high creates more energy but as it slows the car down more more energy is required to pull away again. Would probably take an in-depth test from someone like Björn to give the actual figures. How do regular regen users use their regen function ?? One Pedal: I use one pedal on my HEV and class it as a very high level of regen, physically brings the car to a halt and works well in stop start traffic ( takes a little getting used to especially over speed bumps ). My main concern is that the brake lights only appear to illuminate when the car is stopped, a little difficult to check but have seen the reflection a few times when a large vehicle is stopping behind me ( bus or truck), this makes me a little nervous on the highway when traffic stops abruptly for an accident or police check etc although i can use the physical brake as normal. Any other one pedal users noticed the brake light issue ??
  9. I find that these streaming sites are a little buggy depending on your browser. I use fmovies with Edge browser but have also used, with varying degrees of success, hdtoday.tv and tinyzonetv.
  10. They lift the “ Lavatory “ sign on the door and slide the latch to lock or unlock the door, they lock it this way when the plane is coming in to land, seen it many times.
  11. Yes, you are correct @vinny41. So a little bit of shuffling the figures around, perhaps in response to BYD reducing the initial estimate cost of the Dolphin by 100k , removing the free charger and free servicing ?
  12. Seems like my MG4 price reduction post earlier might have been a red herring but there is the opportunity to get the MG4 in a new colour ( from the official MG website this time ) at the usual price of 869k (D) and 969k (X) . But hurry because it is a very limited edition at only 8 units !!
  13. Think you could be right, had a quick browse and couldn’t find this offer stated elsewhere or where I originally found it !!
  14. Is the Dolphin having an effect ? MG4 down 100k .
  15. BYD releasing a Champion Edition of the Atto 3 in China in under a week. A couple of new colours, the current red colour to be discontinued, and a new interior colour. Some other minor changes hinted at but not much released as yet. But more importantly a price drop !! Will it be coming this way ? Are bears catholic ? Does the Pope <deleted> in the woods ? ( yup, I don’t know either ) https://carnewschina.com/2023/09/08/byd-yuan-plus-atto-3-champion-edition-will-launch-on-september-15-in-china/
  16. Very sorry to hear that Thujone, I can safely say that we were all routing for you to have a satisfactory outcome. I don’t have any advice to offer but do hope things will turn around for you.
  17. Who is bribing an immigration officer ? What I see is someone who went to the U.K., forgot to get a re-entry permit and has now returned visa exempt, the agent has got him a 90 day non imm O visa ( which he could have got himself ) and he will get an extension, to his permission to stay, based on retirement. Other than confusion over the terminology used I don’t see anything untoward here.
  18. On my phone I screenshot a few reviews, usually the 1 or 2 star reviews and then use google translate to read them.
  19. EV registrations for August 2023 Atto 3 leads the pack, with Dolphin making a good start. Interesting to see MG EP still selling strong, where are they finding them ?
  20. So it’s zero from 12,000 for BYD fires in Thailand so far ?
  21. December 5th , mark it in your calendar, the day Thaksin gets to walk.
  22. Latest from BYD/RÊVER : Make of it what you will: Dear all customers (2nd edition) Progress update on BYD ATTO 3 electric car case. Smoke occurred in the front bonnet area while charging DC at that charging station. Today BYD and Rewe engineers team have expedited inspection of all systems, equipment to fully find the cause of the incident in this case. Preliminary findings from the BYD and REVE engineering team. After checking the exterior of the front bonnet area, damage was found around the wiring kit connected to the 12 volt battery which could have caused heat, resulting in damage to the AC ducts causing the AC fluid to leak and smoke from the A/C that was mixed with the heat in the area but no flame. In parts of other systems, such as the Control Module, which uses the high-voltage battery, wiring kit and connectors, the high-volume battery, were not damaged. However, BYD and RAVE's engineering teams are speeding up the investigation to find more evidence in all vehicles' systems with full confidence. Next step, BYD and REVE prepare to introduce new spare parts, change and replace damaged parts until the car can enter ON mode and activate normally so that the special tool can further analyze the car's performance in detail.
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