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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. It depends on what vaccines you had for your first two, i.e. 2 x AZ Pfizer booster 3 months interval 2 x Pfizer Pfizer booster 6 month interval If you qualify for a booster and are interested I would recommend contacting your hospital. My gf had 2 x Sinopharm at a local walk-in and was notified that she can get a Moderna booster.
  2. Thanks, I watched “ Priceless “ ( Hors de Prix ) last night , a nice romance story with Audrey Tautou playing a conniving gold digger. Audrey’s sensuality really shines in this movie.
  3. 1950 that Blue Lamp movie, led to Dixon of Dock Green a few years later . George Dixon , getting shot in Fredscats video, went on to become a household name in the series which ran from 1955 to 1976 .
  4. Found a couple on Lazada that are probably what you were looking for : Similar to what i had as a kid, I think mine came with a board and some pins to hold the larger circle in place.
  5. Amelie (2001) 8.3 imdb rating. Have just been recommended this by a friend, it is a beautiful comedy romance, it’s in French but English subs are available on fmovies anyway. Well worth a watch imho. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0211915/
  6. That sounds like the most logical solution. Will be interesting to see if anyone who has been unable to report with the two previous online systems can now report with this new system . Until then it is ,as John Fogerty once said, “ Deja Vu all over again “ !!
  7. 16c/27c a few days ago, but that cold spell has gone north and it’s back to 22c/31c tomorrow here in Ayutthaya.
  8. The OP’s question covers this: When on an OA visa it is true that no financial requirements are required in Thailand for the period of up to 2 years. But the question remains why is mandatory insurance required for an extension of permission to stay on an OA visa when the financial requirements are required as per an O visa or extension of ?? Plus , who is Mister Koeler ??
  9. Well, I managed to login just now but it was a struggle, probably 25 previous attempts!! Changed nothing other than typing my email address rather than using auto .
  10. I got to that page yesterday: Now when I try to login I just get “ unsuccess “ in red at the top. Tried many times with a copy and pasted password, email and the dodgy Captcha !! Not sure what is going on now !
  11. Yup, I got a similar password, just copied and pasted , no way am going to attempt to type it .
  12. Yes, I hit the refresh button a few times, most are the usual type with some of the more cryptic versions ( as in photo ) thrown in for good measure ????
  13. Looks like my first hurdle has arrived already: How’s that for a Captcha !!
  14. Registered this morning, got the email around 1 1/2 later with the password, went to gmail junk folder. Haven’t tried it out as yet, next 90 day due 25 January.
  15. I’m all over Kin right now ( just starting EP 4 ), loving it. Watching on fmovies.
  16. You should probably invest in some Kevlar undercrackers if you are considering using that chair !! Looks like it would play havoc with the low hanging fruit !! ????
  17. I had a rabbit a while ago, one day I was eating a ham and cheese toasty from 7-11 and offered him a nibble. He loved it and it became a big part of his daily intake. Until one day 7-11 had run out of ham and cheese so I bought a bacon and tomato toasty. Flopsy came for a nibble but after tasting it immediately dropped down dead !! Out of curiosity I took it to the vet and he said it had died of “ mixing-ma-toasties “ !! Apologies in advance ????
  18. I’ve converted a few to LED from the fluorescent and agree, much brighter, apparently more economical and goodbye to that annoying flickering which was PITA especially in rooms you are inside and out all the time I.e. kitchen !
  19. The 90 days online reporting can only be described as hit and miss at best !!, your record of reporting must be near the top of the “ lucky list “. Mine is a chequered past of success and failure ( but enough about my love life ????) , currently unable to report online and due to the app showing a 66 day overstay ( last ext 25/09/21 ) I suspect I will not be able to report online again unless some intervention is made by immigration staff.
  20. The Harder they Fall ( 2021 ) Liking this, has a Tarantinoesque feel about it. Idris Elba and Regina King (Lydia from Southland) star in this Western about revenge and rival gangs etc, etc. Plenty of blood and gore and profanity in this movie but what sets it apart from the usual western offerings is that the main protagonists are black !! https://www.imdb.com/title/tt10696784/ Gives it a sort of surreal , filmed in an alternative universe, type of feeling especially with the soundtrack ranging from Bob Marley to Hip Hop. As strange as it sounds it actually works well as an action movie and I enjoyed it. available on Netflix and fmovies.
  21. Yes, I have heard good things about Mr Ken fans. As mine replaced an existing ceiling light I wanted a fan with a light which cut down my options and was somewhat swayed by the appearance ( fit in with styling of house ), the only saving grace is it has a remote. But, it’s all good, in hindsight with more searching I would have probably found a more suitable/efficient ceiling fan.
  22. While not as pretty as the one in the photo they are more versatile, we have one in the sala in the garden, works very well but I agree it wouldn’t look good in a lounge or bedroom.
  23. Fit a ceiling fan in the lounge 4 years ago , rarely use it , fit a wall fan in the kitchen, use it everyday. The problem with ceiling fans is you don’t feel the benefit unless you are right underneath them, floor and wall fans are much more flexible. I could see the benefit of a ceiling fan in the bedroom over the bed .
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