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Andrew Dwyer

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Everything posted by Andrew Dwyer

  1. Watched this as am a Stephen Graham fan but frankly was disappointed. Graham stars as head chef in a trendy/popular restaurant dealing with the daily problems of staff, customers and trying to juggle 10 dishes at the same time. It all adds up to a stressful experience, hence the movie title, as tempers are flared during the course of the evening. Halfway through you will begin to wonder if anything is actually going to happen or is it just a fly on the wall documentary. While Graham’s acting is up to his usual high standards I feel the movie is let down by a non eventful yet predictable storyline. Gets some good reviews but someone commented that this is what would happen if Gordon Ramsey had starred in Uncut Gems which summed it up for me. A tense 90 minutes which promises to deliver a thrilling climax but unfortunately didn’t !
  2. The Thai consulate in LA seems to have their own rules, not only is it asking for 3M baht insurance for an O visa it is also quoting 1,200,000 baht financial requirement for the OA visa !!
  3. While it was true that the advantage of an OA over an O visa meant that you could get 2 years from it ( great if you renewed in your home country every 2 years ) and didn’t have to keep the financial requirements in a Thai bank. That has now been downgraded with the introduction of the initial 40/400k mandatory health insurance which has now been increased to 3M baht coverage meaning the OA visa has lost its edge and many on retirement extensions from an initial OA visa are now taking steps to change to an O visa.
  4. Just watching this and loving it , a great cop drama with a host of familiar faces .
  5. The multi coloured bread Krathong are neat and the fish snap em up, although they didn’t seem too impressed with my half a coconut shell and candle wax flower !!
  6. Here in Ayutthaya it’s business as usual, traffic an absolute nightmare heading to the larger Wats. We went to our usual smaller Wat with good river access, krathongs loaded with the usual strictly observed offerings ( hair and nail clippings, 4 x 25 satang coins for me and 2 x 50 satang coins for her + 2 x 1 baht coins each ). A handful of stalls selling multicoloured bread Krathong in a variety of shapes and sizes. Light em up and send them on their merry way, a few fireworks in the distance but not a lantern in sight as is usual in these parts. It’s all Greek to me but keeps the little lady happy, worth the inconvenience to see the [masked] smiles on the little kids faces.
  7. Used to visit a factory on the Jeddah/Mecca road, there’s big signs on the highway as you get maybe 25km from Mecca . “ Muslims ⬆️, Non- Muslims ↗️ “ Non- Muslims took a slip road which went over the highway and back down the other side, sending you back to Jeddah ????. The owner of the factory bought land and made a huge parking lot for the drivers of all the buses bringing the faithful for the Haji, clever guy became very rich. Saudi is an interesting place, but have no desire to return !!
  8. Yes, Titanic was filmed half way between Tijuana and Ensenada, there used to be a studio there with a giant replica of the front half of the ship visible from the road. A great place for whale watching and a beautiful coastline.
  9. @OJAS here’s a thread which includes some good info for obtaining the, now required, $50k insurance for entry to Thailand for 80+
  10. My thought process being that to return visa exempt, after having dumped my OA extension ( leaving with no re-entry permit ) , I would have to pay for 30 days coverage of the $50k insurance which is surely much less than the 3M baht insurance cover to renew my retirement extension ( from an OA ) . My renewal date is Sept 25th so have time to reflect on my options but , like yourself, I do think the mandatory insurance cover required to enter the country will remain in some form or other. Am a mere 60 yrs old so I do have some breathing space to consider my long term options here, currently top of my list is to free myself from the restraints of my OA based retirement extension.
  11. Will Ferrell has had an up and down career that is for sure and I think this “ Shrink “ series is definitely on the low side. But, I liked some his stuff: Anchorman 1 & 2 Blades of Glory The Campaign Step Brothers Talladega Nights Elf Old School imho are all watchable, but I can understand if you don’t care for the guy then he is hard to watch, i am the same with Adam Sandler.
  12. The shrink next door Starring Will Ferrell and Paul Rudd should be fun , although going by the trailer maybe not so much, gets a 6.8 on IMDb. Maybe not the usual humour we have come to expect from these two, looks more like a Woody Allen type of humour, I’ll give it a go. Available on Apple TV , also fmovies.
  13. Okay, so I watched what was supposedly Nightmare Tennant and it did indeed show a movie called Scarlett. So, yes there does seem to be an issue with the name YouTube shows and the actual title.
  14. Just watched the opening credits of another 3 and they are good too . The Killer Teacher Gallentines Day Nightmare A Predator Returns Tell us the name of the movies that are giving you false info and I can take a look. Of course it might be an issue with the software you are using to download.
  15. Well, I just watched the start of the first 3 Lifetime Movies that came up on my YouTube search. A perfect wedding Burning little lies Deceived by my mother in law. Don’t ask me to watch any more as they were all akin to daytime soaps in my opinion. !! But , as per your request, the title on YouTube and opening credits were the same.
  16. Guilt season 2 (2021) Worth watching season 1 if you missed it, brothers Max and Jake run over and kill an old man while driving home after a few drinks at the pub. They make a snap decision to cover up the crime despite Max being a well connected lawyer but it all starts to go pear shape when neighbours and relatives start to have doubts about the way the old man died. Season 2 focuses on Max, a couple of dead bodies, some corrupt council officials and some old friends. The story is complex as many characters appear initially only to find they are connected through the world of greed and revenge. Available on iPlayer , fmovies and probably your regular source for d/l.
  17. The Sofa is back up and riding, short rides currently but looks promising of a full recovery .
  18. Okay, must be a different version of Mor Prom app ( mine is IOS ) because mine looks like this: and doesn’t have my nationality anywhere, that I can find, except for when I try to apply for the international certificate and it has me as THAI, i can change it to what I want but it always reverts to THAI if I don’t complete the application.
  19. That’s the message i was getting, I looked on the MOPH website but couldn’t understand it or find a contact number/email so I resorted to the hospital where I got vaccinated and they sorted it. Try the website for your hospital, maybe an email will get to a person who understands your dilemma and can help better. Worth a try ? Where is your nationality appearing ?, I don’t see it on my Mor Prom app, or the certificate and digital pass.
  20. Thanks for that, I hadn’t heard that phrase before but knew of the science behind it. I would say , in this case, that the monkeys were overly greedy and suspecting a banana famine in the near future had stored more than their fair share . Of course they misjudged and the banana harvest was a bumper crop , so much so that in fear of choking they spat out their “ reserves “ skins and all !!
  21. “ monkey cheeks “ ?? Hopefully , with lower river flow it won’t get any worse but it is such a vast area flooded its going to need zero rainfall for a week or so to help get the levels down. The infamous Ayutthaya/Suphanburi plain is clearly shown, some of these “ lakes “ disappear off into the distance .
  22. Just had a drive on the Pa Mok/Suphanburi road and the rice fields look like the Great Lakes !! just the rooftops of many lean-to’s and the odd tree to distinguish that they are not actual lakes. A few houses stranded out there also, their driveway/roads nowhere to be seen and the brightly coloured flat bottom boats their only mode of transport. A few of the newly appointed U-turn underpasses ( to replace the central u-turns ) on highway 32 out of action around Ang Thong area , saw a Ford Ranger struggling to make a 3 point turn in front of a flooded u-turn despite the warning sign and barricade !!
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