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Everything posted by Trippy

  1. Best way to store weed long term as always been a seal a meal machine. https://www.homepro.co.th/p/1225042?lang=th&gclid=Cj0KCQjw2eilBhCCARIsAG0Pf8vXOtmuZ0DGYSFcUK9tUcaWTpyzWVMDJ-EHFBRd7Xc2aWf_Nz_LLFIaAodHEALw_wcB And there's no reason to use a paper towel on a ball jar unless you want to let air in, the lid has a thin gasket already
  2. If the contract was signed through an agent, it should be the agents responsibility. Did you even ask about the TM30 before you moved in?
  3. Supreme court did no such thing, all they did was leave the decision up to the individual states.
  4. Am I allowed to post a FB link? https://www.facebook.com/Canterburytalespattaya/
  5. I put 91 in my old Toyota and it runs like a Swiss watch.
  6. If they're going to make drinking allowed 24/7, then they should raise the penalty for drunk driving to include significant jail time, to hopefully encourage people to drink responsibly.
  7. What's the big surprise? The old school will defend the Lèse-majesté laws with their dying breath. They were never going to let him lead the country. He was foolish to even propose changes to that law.
  8. It all depends on your point of view. And now since reasonable compromise is dead and buried, people are naturally going to be upset if the court doesn't agree with their positions.
  9. That's the way it is here. If you have dinner, just the 2 of you, it's assumed that you're interested in a romantic way. If you go out in a group, there isn't the same assumption. It's on you to adjust to the Thai way in Thailand, not the other way around.
  10. Have fun, don't forget to pay the bill.
  11. I've been spending less every year that goes by. The only time I spend money is when I go out, so I moved into a house that I like to stay in, and go out far less not because I'm trying to cut down, but because going out doesn't interest me as much anymore. I cook at home by choice, get occasional restaurant food delivery, and get girls delivered as well for 1,000-1.200 baht total. Life is good.
  12. Do what you want to do, call me names if you like, but I'm not going to break the rules for you. Bye, and have a nice day.
  13. The rules on which links are allowed or not allowed on here is confusing. So all I can say is google it.
  14. Pita is for higher taxes, higher minimum wage which means high inflation, and he wants to put cannabis on the drug list again. It wouldn't break my heart if he doesn't get to be PM.
  15. Breaking news! It's hot in the summer, film at 11.
  16. He's not a scientist, nobody in power knew what was going on at that time. You think Biden would have done better? Looking back now, a so called super spreader event didn't make anything worse. What about the nationwide riots during the summer of 2020, didn't see any of them wearing a mask.
  17. I remember the dems were impeaching him the January when Covid started. I also remember him listening to Fauci, and having daily news conferences about it. I also remember Trump being called racist when he stopped travel to certain countries that had covid. Yes hindsight is always 20/20, but in the panic the world was facing what could he have done differently given what was known about covid at the time. And don't forget he had the warp speed program to develop a vaccine in months instead of the normal decades it usually takes. So blaming him for covid is just silly.
  18. DNC already said there will be no primary debates, so I think they're all in on Joe.
  19. What did Trump do that "caused the deaths of 10s of thousands of Americans"?
  20. In Pattaya the bikes go the wrong way like it's their right to do so. Never seen any of them get fined.
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