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Everything posted by Trippy

  1. That's typical, no worries. Sometimes they burst, sometimes they just go away temporarily, but then fill up again months later. Been going through it for many years.
  2. The good news is, it will burst eventually.
  3. Sounds like a cyst, probably from an ingrown hair. I get them too, about twice a year or so. I just let them drain on their own, then they get hard and are not noticeable. I had a real big and bad one about 4 years ago, went to the Doctor in the US to get it lanced. He refused and just gave me some antibiotics, which cleared it up in a few days.
  4. isn't a rider the customer, and the driver the worker? Does anybody proofread these stories?
  5. Another day, another cover-up. Nothing to see here, 555
  6. As a foreigner I know I don't have a say in, or should make judgements concerning Thai politics. There's nothing I could do about it whatever the outcome. Don't worry, be happy.
  7. It's going to be very interesting times when she becomes POTUS. I'm guessing a squad member, like AOC will then become VP. Thank goodness I don't live in the US anymore, 555
  8. I hope so too. But Chinese made and high quality aren't usually in the same sentence.
  9. Have you ever thought about using cannabis and skipping the whiskey?
  10. Of course wait until the politics hashes out, but it is a good business if done properly. Either you need a great location with a lot of tourist traffic, or very cheap rent. Also good genetics are not easy to find, so make sure he's growing top shelf, or the shop won't do well. It's pretty easy to find good weed online for less than half price of the shops, so you would need to stand out either with great weed for tourists, or great prices for locals. Hit me up if you need an independant tester. I'm a experienced grower and 40 year smoker.
  11. What are the withdrawal symptoms exactly, for this mythical addiction?
  12. This forum has so many closed minded people looking for an argument, leaving an emoji kinda gets your point across without the risk of a personal attack. Sad, but true.
  13. The policies are good, unless the insured acts stupid. They don't cover stupid actions.
  14. After 5 years together, can't you tell? But on the other hand, if the trust is gone, it might never come back. Good luck.
  15. Maybe this is a crazy idea, but why don't you just calmly talk to her about it, and tell her you know she's lying. And if the land is in her name, and your not married, do you really have any rights to it?
  16. How did we rip off a language? We needed to read and speak english to understand and pay the tax bill coming from the UK. You want to talk about rip offs, Pattaya was popularised by the Yanks, but now it's like little Britain.
  17. Nothing wrong with copying a style of music, and making it their own. Most of the great rock bands were British. Beatles, Who, Stones, Led Zep, etc.
  18. Probably depends on the amount, I almost never deposit more than 30,000 at a time and can't remember the last time I was asked for my passport doing a cash deposit.
  19. I don't know that, but since they never asked me for ID, you can just put any name and number you want.
  20. I've deposited cash many times in people's accts and my own with no ID required in Pattaya. They just have you write your name and phone # on the deposit slip.
  21. They sell liquid also. https://www.exoticchilliplantsthailand.com/product/exotic-energy-grow-micro-bloom/
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