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Everything posted by Trippy

  1. If the tatts are done right, I like them on the girls. It's like having sex with a piece of art.
  2. I could be a fair juror, because I don't give a darn either way. I can't be the only one?
  3. Don't shoot the messenger, but It might be a good idea to see a professional about your anger issues?
  4. Elvis died 46 years ago, what good does it do anybody to dredge up the past. Let him rest in peace.
  5. Ok, who doesn't speak blatant falsehoods? The left with Russian collusion, and the right with a stolen election, both were blatant falsehoods. Politicians and the media are all corrupt.
  6. Who do you feel is a "credibly objective news source"? I've been looking and can't find one that is unbiased.
  7. Am I the only one who thinks that Thailand was a far better place before YT Vloggers? If they were all banned, it wouldn't break my heart.
  8. How do you prepare for new rules, that haven't been written yet?
  9. Before legal weed, i was drinking in the bars, 2 or 3 days a week. Now I drink once a month. My liver is happier, and so is my wallet. Been smoking weed on and off for almost 50 years. Am I addicted? I don't really care, 555
  10. The Dr recs were given out freely before weed came off the narcotics list, no reason to think it would be any more difficult to get one, if it goes back on. I have 3 of them.
  11. Your calling me stupid for saying drunk driving needs to be stopped?
  12. If they're going to relax the liquor laws, I hope they increase enforcement and penalties for drunk driving. Too often farangs that are too drunk to walk, get on their bike and drive away. That needs to be stopped.
  13. I still have 3 Dr's recs from when only THC oil was allowed. 1 with no expiration date. If have to get a new one, "no biggie" Fear mongering just because you hate something, is not cool.
  14. Worse case scenario is people would need to get a doctors note to buy and use weed. Even the weed haters aren't advocating it to be 100% illegal again.
  15. Trippy

    Pot sales

    If he's looking for a chill place with great weed, tell him to go to Up in smoke on soi honey. Nice place and can smoke there, but just like all the other dispensaries prices are a rip-off at 6-700 baht a gram or so, also whichever weed he buys, they will roll it up for free. For a tourist, first time traveling, who cares about the price. https://www.up-in-smoke.org/
  16. Can someone explain to me, why would good weed grown legally, ever be pressed into a brick?
  17. Over-hyped? Legal weed is the best change in Thailand I've seen in the past 30 years.
  18. What about the financial records directly linking foreign govts paying the Biden family? I wouldn't call that nothing.
  19. As long as it's possible to buy directly from the growers, screw the shops and their inflated prices.
  20. Weed actually did just that to my first wife. She was so horny after a smoke, she could finish just by humping my leg.
  21. Yep, it was all just a coincidence. Whatever you say.
  22. The evidence is that nothing happens to them no matter what they do. Here he talks about getting a prosecutor in Ukraine fired for investigating Hunter: https://www.facebook.com/watch/?v=797504800724150
  23. The Bidens are above the law, the worst thing that might happen to Hunter is probation.
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