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Everything posted by Trippy

  1. Thanks for the details. I've never really liked kief, but I know it's strong. I think the picture is shatter? I tried it once, and yes I agree with you it's one hit and done, but my old lungs can't handle it, so it's not really enjoyable for me. So I guess I'll just stick to regular old weed which I enjoy. But thanks again for the good info. Only 30 minutes to 4:20, gotta go, 555
  2. How was the GSC? Did it expand? That's a great strain, but unfortunately not all growers are equal.
  3. In 40 years of smoking, I've had one hit s.h.i.t twice in my life, and I think that's because there was something added to it (don't know what) The best I've had lately(about 2 years ago) was whoa si whoa from a dispensary on the Calif-Arizona border, but it still took 3 hits to get a real killer buzz. Where can I find this 1 hit s.h.i.t that you're talking about?
  4. Ok, but I'm sorry you don't believe me. I've never lied to you before, 555 https://www.leafly.com/learn/growing/how-much-weed-can-you-grow-one-plant P.S. I have no reason to lie.
  5. Why are your yields so low? I grow indoors and get 100 grams or more per plant, outdoors you should be getting many more times that amount.
  6. Your always right, I'm always wrong. Thanks for proving my point.
  7. Summary of politics in 2023: If you don't think like me, I Hate you. I'm always right, and you're always wrong. The end.
  8. I hear ya, but really we only have ourselves to blame. Too many people try to hide money, so they make more regulations.
  9. I haven't read this whole thread as American bashing doesn't interest me. But I will say that I'm proud to be an American, and after coming to Thailand for about the last 30 years, and meeting many other nationalities, I know with 100% certainty that I wouldn't want to come from anywhere else.
  10. Thanks! I've been looking for a good supplier in LOS, the cost to ship any liquid over here from the US is insane.
  11. Any cool white 6500k is good for veg. Can be fluorescent or led.
  12. Great News! The more sellers and places to smoke weed the better. Green is good.
  13. Why use a tent if your drying them outside? Maybe just leave them in the shade. 99% humidity sounds like a recipe for mold. If you separate the branches so they're hanging individually they will dry a whole lot faster too.
  14. Considering there's more than 500,000 Thai's growing weed, it's a little too late to put the genie back in the bottle. https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40016549
  15. Well, not really. Even if I was only doing 1 crop, my 800 watt light wouldn't be on during veg. And you can have 1 crop in flower and another crop in veg, either in a tent or another room, so when one is finished you immediately put the next crop in flower like an assembly line. Thus getting 2 crops every 4 1/2 to 5 months.
  16. Ahh, I miss those days of pondering when high, as I got older I just listened to Pink Floyd instead, and let them do the pondering, 555 But power to the OP for still having the ability to do that, it's a nice way to spend a few hours.
  17. My goodness that's some ugly ass weed, looks like it was grown but never taken care of. And what's with all those seeds, wow. Hope it smokes better than it looks?
  18. Germinate yes, but the real test is yield and quality. Please keep us updated.
  19. If it attracts even 5% of the Chinese and the Indians, they don't need the Europeans.
  20. If your daughter is a child, no one will ask. If she's an adult, is 500 gbp really a lot of money to carry? I hear people in the UK are getting hit with 1,000 pound electric bills.
  21. I dried at 80f and 55% RH and it was fine. Just put a oscillating stand fan on low and it should be enough for air circulation. Dried them in the tent with all the openings unzipped and open, the last thing you want is a mold issue. They were ready to trim in 5 days. Hope that helps.
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