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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. A conman with an interest in selling the lie says "the big guy" is Joe Biden, and two MAGA Congressmen claim to have documents verifying this, but haven't released the documents. I'll wait for real proof.
  2. "Who is "the big guy""? Are you unaware that scam artists make stuff up? How do you survive? The "big guy" may be in the same location as the Nigerian princes that need help getting money out their country and the pretty farm girls who's parents have a sick water buffalo.
  3. Did you bother to read the full article? The stuff about planning to storm Parliament, ties to Qanon and the earlier plans to kidnap the health minister? How about the paragraph: "The plotters are said to include members of the extremist Reichsbürger [Citizens of the Reich] movement, which has long been in the sights of German police over violent attacks and racist and antisemitic conspiracy theories. " A little further research would have told you that the Reichsbürger movement has 21,000 members (at last count), 10% are considered violent, and 500 have gun licenses (one suspects a larger number have access to illegal guns) and they committed over 1000 extremist criminal acts in 2021. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-63889792 Yet you don't think they should be taken seriously? Curious.
  4. Walker has conceded! https://www.foxnews.com/politics/herschel-walker-concedes-bitter-georgia-runoff-im-not-going-to-make-any-excuses What kind of MAGA Republican is he? He actually acknowledged reality and did the right thing! I'm sure he's on Trump's feces-list now.
  5. Poor Lukashenko. ???? This is what happens when little dictators become too dependent upon big dictators.
  6. Also, many countries without the bomb will want to acquire nuclear weapons in order to defend themselves and/or threaten others. Like it or not, the U.S. must extend its nuclear umbrella to cover all allies and prove that it will stand firm against tyrants like Putin. Otherwise nuclear weapons will proliferate even more than currently and the world will become much more dangerous.
  7. Yet none of those other posters had sources showing that Trump didn't post what he very clearly posted on Truth Social: “Do you throw the Presidential Election Results of 2020 OUT and declare the RIGHTFUL WINNER, or do you have a NEW ELECTION? A Massive Fraud of this type and magnitude allows for the termination of all rules, regulations, and articles, even those found in the Constitution,” https://www.cnn.com/2022/12/03/politics/trump-constitution-truth-social/index.html
  8. Given the certainty that giving in to Putin now will embolden him, and others, to use the threat of nuclear weapons to achieve his/their objectives, how far to you want to let them go before drawing the line?
  9. Trump floated a trial balloon to see what his base thought about suspending the Constitution based on his lies about election fraud. It didn't go over as well as he hoped, so he's back-tracking.
  10. 1. Accurate how? Can you guarantee there are no lies or misrepresentations in the data on the hard drive? 2. The media almost always waits for verification, and generally regrets those rare times when it doesn't. I don't recall any reputable media organization stating Russian collusion as a fact, only as a concern. If you can provide examples of the Russian collusion concerns reported as fact, please do so. Twitter didn't want to play the October surprise game unless the story was verified. That was the responsible thing to do.
  11. So? How does that prove that what is stated in the emails is true? For that matter, what smoking gun statements are in the emails?
  12. 1. Data can be true or false. 2. The story wasn't covered because it was unverified. The author of the story wouldn't stand behind it. Provide a link to lies about the story. 3. Unlikely it influenced the election to the degree that FBI Director Comey did days befoe the 2016 election. Yet Trump supporters don't complain about that. Yes, show that the contents of the laptop contain anything other than claims by fraudsters trying to make money via supposed influential connections to Joe Biden. Any proof Joe Biden was involved in any of his son's shady business dealings, other than statements from a partner hoping to profit from these supposed connections?
  13. "...credible testimony by witness and partner in crime Tony Bobulinski corroborated everything BEFORE THE ELECTION and had the receipts to prove it." Sure. Why would a partner in crime lie? Except maybe to further the crime. What receipts are you referring to? Do you have "credible testimony" from a witness that didn't have a financial incentive to lie?
  14. So you've gone from the radical suggestion that the US should do without its constitution, to implying that I should know what countries have successful democracies without constitutions, to acknowledging you don't know the basics of what you are posting about. That's worth remembering when reading your future posts.
  15. Remember Trump's claim that he hired "the best people"? What a hoot!
  16. A "few" Scots want independence? Maybe you should check your count. I also haven't heard of any Californians who want to secede. There are probably a few, but a trivial number relative to the population. You might also look into things in Northern Ireland. I understand the UK government is still trying to figure out how to keep NI in the union without abandoning Brexit. Now about the democracy part; how many people in the UK voted for your last several Prime Ministers? When can the UK voters count on having an election so the majority can have some say in the matter? There are reasons why few countries want to copy the UK's unusual form of government. I'm still waiting for examples of successful no-constitution democracies outside the UK.
  17. How many Prime Ministers have you had in the last few months? How's the economy doing? How much does that monarchy cost the UK taxpayers? Any parts of the UK trying to secede from the union?
  18. Yes, you really need to tell me, and others, which successful countries have established democracies without constitutions. Not a comprehensive list, just a few examples. Otherwise it looks like you made something up and now realize you can't defend it.
  19. So your statement "Other Countries manage just fine without a constitution" should have been "One country with a unique history of restraining monarchy and slowly evolving democracy has done reasonably well without a constitution." Why do you think that is an endorsement of democracy without a constitution; i.e. democracy without rules?
  20. A few questions: Where are you from? Do you know anything about U.S. history and government? What countries are managing fine without a constitution? Yeah, I know, the UK, but where else? What do you propose replacing the U.S. Constitution with? A dictatorship?
  21. Noted: You supported Trump for his entertainment value, not because he was in any way qualified to be President. You are definitely no patriot.
  22. Really? You have a source inside the FBI stating the laptop investigation was suppressed? I thought that considering the origins of the data and the fact that there was no credible evidence of a crime that the investigation was a low priority for the FBI.
  23. Do you think responsible journalism should use stolen, unverified data from a private laptop that was so questionable in its origins that the author of the story wouldn't stand behind it?
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