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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Are you serious? Those wouldn't be Chinese made videos, would they?
  2. Is Tucker Carlson a useful idiot or a traitorous Russian sell-out?
  3. Democracy doesn't work unless people accept election results. The MAGA crowd has made it clear that even after numerous recounts, audits, court rulings (many by Republican appointed judges) and in spite of the complete lack of credible evidence that there was fraud on a scale to influence the election result, they won't accept that their candidate lost. Winning is more important to them that keeping the US a democratic republic. That is a third world attitude.
  4. Why would we attack anyone? I also think that Israel would not threaten to nuke its neighbors if US ships visited neighboring countries.
  5. It took seven years from the time charges were filed in the Trump University scam and a final settlement, and that was a much more obvious and simple fraud. Financial crimes take a long time to resolve.
  6. Also, let's not forget, he used Florida tax money for what is clearly a campaign stunt. I am puzzled as to why he is not being charged with misuse of public money.
  7. Right. It's not like North Korea is building nuclear weapons, testing ICBM's, threatening its neighbor, or has ever attacked anyone. Oh, wait.....
  8. I believe Europe is at 90% storage capacity now. There will be shortages and high prices, but with what is in storage and gas coming in from the North Sea fields, North Africa, and LPG ships Europe will survive. I don't expect rioting. After this Europe, and everyone else (including China), will know to never again trust Russia as a reliable supplier of anything of importance. Europe will rely on the Middle East, Africa, the Americas, Australia, pretty much any place but Russia. Russia, with its fossil fuel dependent economy, will be screwed.
  9. Really? You don't think Iraq was "sanctioned" after it invaded Kuwait?
  10. Ok, this is definitely looking like a purge. Two obvious questions: Who is purging whom? Why?
  11. I think it's certain that Ukrainian commanders are asking for advice from NATO on how to proceed with the NATO weapons they have received. This would go beyond basic instructions on use and maintenance and extend into how to adjust tactics to take full advantage of these weapons. NATO has been practicing and planning with these weapons for years while they're completely new to Ukraine. It would be foolish not to ask for recommendations. I don't believe Nato generals are actually in command of Ukrainian forces.
  12. I wonder how many of these Russian tourists will find a way to never return to Russia. Minutes after posting the above I came across this: https://www.yahoo.com/news/russians-google-leave-country-while-193742609.html
  13. Being wrong isn't a crime. Being so convinced you are right that you storm the Capital in an attempt to prevent the certification of the legitimate election result is a crime. That is the kind of Maga ideology Joe Biden was warning about.
  14. The immigrants/refugees were rounded up in Texas using lies and abandoned in Martha's Vineyard (not where they were told they were going) without any assistance. That means part of the illegal actions took place in Texas. Hopefully someone in Florida will investigate the use of taxpayer money that was supposed to be used to keep illegal immigrants out of Florida (enforcing laws against hiring illegal immigrants would have done that) for an election campaign stunt.
  15. Belief in Qanon is in there with belief in vodoo, black magic, sorcery, etc. It's disturbing that the Republican Party has degenerated to the point that a large number of its members believe this. It's scary that a past and potentially future President is catering to this kind of primitive superstitious nonsense.
  16. The mistake these Venezuelans made was arriving in 2022, when the Republicans are demonizing immigrants and refugees. If they had arrived in 2020, when the Republicans were demonizing Venezuela and socialism, they might have been welcomed with open arms. In fact, by using refugees from a brutal, failed socialist government as pawns in his political games, DeSantis may have alienated a great many Latino voters who also fled socialism. They are an important swing vote in Florida.
  17. I assume that means you approve of DeSantis using the kind of corrupt campaign tactics that undermine democracy. Well, you are a Trump supporter...
  18. I take it you approve of DeSantis using Florida taxpayer money to fund a stunt that does not benefit Florida in any way, but does help him with his re-election campaign and with his future plans to run for President. Do you approve of all elected officials using taxpayer money to pay for their campaign stunts, or only this one?
  19. Good example of a nothing burger. Point out the lies, corruption, and corroboration by credible witnesses. It isn't there.
  20. The old "if you don't know I'm not going to tell you" answer. It didn't work when I was a child and it doesn't work now. Give a few examples of the terrible things happening in Washington that got Trump elected and explain what Trump did to improve things. If you can't do that, don't bother replying.
  21. Funny you should mention six years of accusations. Trump university closed in 2011 after multiple accusations and charges of fraud. Trump settled in 2018, seven years later, and might have dragged out the legal proceedings longer if he hadn't become President. Multiple investigations of Trump's finances and election interference are ongoing, but Trump is an old hand at dragging things out. Just because Trump has been successfully opaque so far doesn't mean he's clean. BTW: Don't you think a President truly interested in transparency would show his tax returns, put his financial holdings in a blind trust to avoid conflicts of interest, return government documents to the government, etc.? Regarding the lack of Biden transparency, it would help if you provided specifics supported by credible sources. Otherwise you come across as just another raving pundit.
  22. Trump is a clever conman who is good at selling BS to gullible people. That doesn't mean he has any knowledge of or respect for the rules of securing classified material. His history of revealing classified indicates that he does not.
  23. It seems like you can't give any specifics about what is wrong in Washington, but you trust Trump when he says things are bad and he will make it better. Typical MAGA.
  24. Care to give examples of this government overreach? Care to give examples of Trump draining the swamp? Care to give examples of the Republican Party trying to eliminate dark money in campaigns?
  25. Most of the people complaining about "what has been going on in Washington D C for decades" haven't got a clue about what has been going on in Washington D.C. They complain about the swamp without being able to define what the swamp is, how it operates, how to clean it up, how to measure progress on eliminating the swamp, and, most important, what Trump has done to "drain the swamp". Answer to that last one: Nothing. One thing we can be certain will reduce corruption is greater transparency in government operations, the financial dealings of elected officials and the funding of elections through PAC's. Trump and the Republican party have actively fought such transparency.
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