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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Whether Trump can be charged with Dereliction of Duty remains to be seen. However most Americans want a President who takes action when the country is under attack, and an assault on the Capitol while Congress is in session and certifying a Presidential election definitely qualifies as an attack on the country. However it is clear some people aren't interested in Constitutional government, democracy, and rule of law. Those people are Trump's base.
  2. I assume you disagree with the use of the National Guard during the George Floyd protests, to restore order and prevent looting after natural disasters, and other occasions.
  3. Trump could have done many things. He had an obligation to do something. HE DID NOTHING! That's not just bad, it's dereliction of duty. It displays how unfit for office he was and always has been. "He did not actively foster the protestors." BS. He told them to march on the Capitol and told them they had to fight like hell. He threw in the word "peacefully" at one point to cover his *ss, but his supporters knew, or thought they knew, what he wanted. If an attack on the Capitol was not what he wanted, a single tweet could have cleared it up. But, as mentioned repeatedly, Trump did nothing. If you don't think what happened on January 6 was an attack on the Capitol you are practicing willful ignorance to the extreme. Get out of you echo chamber and get some real information.
  4. As has been explained, doing nothing is not an option for those who have taken the oath of office. And as also has been explained, sending a tweet telling his supporters to leave the Capitol would have, at the very least, absolved him of some responsibility for what happened that day. It's reasonable to assume that it would have taken a lot of steam out of the attack. But since we can't replay history, we can't say for sure. Just as you can't say for sure that a tweet would have been used as an excuse for the investigation. Why didn't Trump send a tweet? Tweeting is one of his favorite activities, along with eating and bragging about his greatness. The only reason I can think of for not tweeting was that Trump hoped the attack would succeed in preventing the certification of the election
  5. It's also worth noting that Trump had options other than calling out the National Guard. However, as the title of the topic says, Trump did nothing. Longwood50 is doing all he can to divert attention from the topic; Trump did nothing while the Capitol was under attack.
  6. You are remarkably diligent in ignoring the core of my posts. TRUMP WAS NOT LEGALLY PROHIBITED FROM TWEETING TO HIS SUPPORTERS. "So What"? Wow, where is your head? The Capitol was under attack. Congress and the Vice President were being escorted to safety. Trump could have easily ended the attack with a tweet. He did nothing. That is not a "so what" issue, that is a BFD. He betrayed his oath of office. He and all those who supporting him are betraying the United States. He also was not legally prohibited from calling out the National Guard. If that were illegal Mike Pence would be facing charges. Stop making stuff up.
  7. "According to a law professor a formal declaration of an insurrection must happen prior to troops being dispatched. " Reference your information unless you want us to think you're making stuff up. What law professor? In what context did he make this statement? Does this mean that every deployment of National Guard in history was illegal? I don't recall any of them being to put down an insurrection. "no matter what Trump did, they would have used it as an excuse to hold hearings to distract." No, if Trump had sent out a timely tweet telling his supporters to leave the Capitol it would not have been used as an excuse to hold hearings. If it were, the tweet itself could have been used to discredit the hearings. Too bad Trump never sent out such a tweet. "
  8. Allow me to help your focus a little--the title of this topic is: Trump did nothing to stop his supporters as they attacked Congress, threatened Pence, witnesses tell Jan. 6 committee Try to post something that is on-topic.
  9. There's progress; you acknowledge Trump took an oath to defend the US and its Constitution. Will you also acknowledge the obvious, that Trump did nothing to fulfill this oath on January 6? Regarding: "this crazed notion that 'ONLY TRUMP' could act is pure political rhetoric" That's political rhetoric that you invented. No one on this topic has argued that "ONLY TRUMP" could act. As I've repeatedly noted, Trump could have called off the rioters with a tweet, but he didn't. Regarding your attempt to deflect to the border situation; no.
  10. As of June 15 840 people had been arrested and 185 convicted and sentenced. https://time.com/6133336/jan-6-capitol-riot-arrests-sentences/
  11. The people at the doors had already seen thousands of protesters violently attack and overwhelm everyone who stood in their way as they stormed the Capitol. What do you think they would do under the circumstances? Regarding "I was lead to beleive..." perhaps you should examine facts and reach conclusion on your own, rather than let people with agendas lead you to believe nonsense.
  12. Just because a bank teller hands over money to the robber pointing a gun at him does not make the teller "sympathetic" to the robber's cause.
  13. Not protesting against the government? ???? They stormed the Capitol building chanting "hang Mike Pence" and forcing Congress and the Vice President to evacuate to safe locations. They attempted to prevent the legal certification of the 2020 election. That sure seems like a protest against the government that degenerated into a riot attempting to topple it.
  14. You have an insultingly low opinion of the patriotism and professionalism of the National Guard. They were not going to side with the protesters.
  15. "However the point still is that this was a "civil unrest" not any different than those that happened in Minneapolis, Seattle and a host of other cities." The "civil unrest" that happened in the cities mentioned resulted in 62,000 National Guard being deployed. https://www.forbes.com/sites/alexandrasternlicht/2020/06/02/over-4400-arrests-62000-national-guard-troops-deployed-george-floyd-protests-by-the-numbers/?sh=ea4c4bfd4fe1 Clearly calling up the National Guard is standard practice when protests turn into riots and exceed the ability of the police to contain them.
  16. Thank you for making it clear that Trump's base didn't care if Trump did his job. "Yep the "left" now judge someone guilty of crime for "something they did not do" " Two of the police officers convicted of felonies in the George Floyd murder were convicted of failing to stop the murder and render medical assistance. The UCMJ makes Dereliction of Duty a serious crime and imposes stiff penalties on those convicted of it. People who take an oath to defend the law and the Constitution have a legal requirement to do their duty. Trump could have ended the attack on the Capitol with a single tweet, but he did nothing. Dereliction of Duty is a serious offense, and you are ok with it. That says a great deal about your and Trump's lack of patriotism.
  17. Weren't people saying something similar about Russia/Ukraine six months ago?
  18. You don't believe the reports of China's military exercises and missile firings are true?
  19. 4bht/gm for cannabis, or a little over $100 for a kilogram? Is that cannabis or hemp?
  20. I'm sure you could divert indefinitely with posts about how someone else could have done something, but that is irrelevant. Trump had the authority to call in the National Guard and did not, but he did try to take credit for Mike Pence calling them in. Read the title of the topic. Trump did nothing to stop the assault on the Capitol. He could have called it off with a tweet telling supporters to leave the Capitol, but he did that only after it was clear that they would not prevent the election certification. Trump broke his oath of office. He is unfit for any public office. Trump is no patriot, and neither are those who support and defend him.
  21. How is being ordered to pay money in a defamation case worse than being locked up for decades or executed following a murder conviction?
  22. I'm sure the U.S. places strict limits on the use of these weapons to ensure they are used in compliance with the rules of war, aren't used against targets in Russia, and don't fall into Russian or other hostile hands. However regarding approving targets, I assume the U.S. allows broad use against legitimate military targets whenever the opportunity arises without a requirement to check with the U.S. before firing. Not all targets stay in the same location for hours or days; people in the field need the flexibility to quickly fire when the opportunity arises before the enemy river crossing is completed or the enemy's mobile artillery is relocated.
  23. I doubt that it is true, but if it is the Russians should be happy it is the Americans choosing the targets, not the Ukrainians.
  24. The fact that Trump could have called off the coup attempt with a tweet, but didn't ask his mob to leave the Capitol until after it was clear the coup had failed. Anyone who condones that is putting Trump before country.
  25. I made it very clear that my father's house had not appreciated in inflation adjusted terms, but the IRS does not adjust for inflation in determining if an investment was sold at a profit. Surely a real estate whiz like you understands this. You had the luck to be living and working in an urban area that was appreciating rapidly. Most of the country doesn't appreciate that much. You also had the luck to have parents who could loan you $10,000 many years ago. What would that be in today's dollars? If you got the loan in 1980 it was the equivalent of $36,000 in today's money. If the loan was in 1990 it was the equivalent of $27,700. Most of us don't have parents that can spare that kind of cash. So, as I posted much earlier, if you are lucky enough to have the means to buy at the right time and place, real estate works out great. However for most most people in most times and places it not a great investment, and can be a costly mistake. And even for those with the means, you can never be sure you're buying in the right time and place. The real estate market is like a Las Vegas casino. When you're in the casino you hear lots of people talk about how much they've won. The majority, who lost money, keep quiet. People do the same regarding real estate profits and losses. That's why people entering the real estate market need to take the stories they hear with a huge grain of salt.
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