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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Big guns and supercars; loud, ostentatious, and totally impractical. The perfect distraction for men who are feeling insecure about what's happening below the belt.
  2. Seriously? You don't understand the difference between countries choosing to not by something, and not having the choice of buying something?
  3. People who want high capacity weapons want to be able to fire many bullets in a general direction and hope for maximum carnage. People like that shouldn't have any kind of weapon, especially in an urban area. To answer your question, if I felt the need for a lethal self-defense weapon in an urban setting I would go for a large caliber handgun with hollow point bullets. That would give me a lot of stopping power but less penetrating power, so less potential for collateral damage. People who feel they must have a weapon capable of great slaughter but who can't aim should seek mental help. However if they chose to arm themselves with a slaughter weapon that requires no great accuracy they should get a shotgun. It does terrible damage up close but at least wild shots won't kill people far away.
  4. I see. You want Russia to be given a free hand to crush Ukraine because you are unhappy with gas prices. No doubt the people of Ukraine sympathize with your terrible hardship.
  5. That explains why you haven't supported any of your posts with facts and sources. Do you believe in any source for "objectively confirmible evidence"?
  6. Wasting a large portion of the invasion force was not a tactic, it was incompetence. The Minsk accord was doomed in large part because Russia refused to admit that it had a significant military presence in eastern Ukraine, which was a violation of the agreement.
  7. I think I know more than you because you posted that Biden was "sanctioning the EU with silly restrictions and forcing a gas and oil ban on his EU partners while he is "selling" expensive new toys to Ukraine". You also stated "knowing the story of the US and the Pentagon in particular when it comes to "selling" toys". Yet you have not come up with anything to support your claims of knowledge about US dominance of the EU or the US hitting countries with unexpected bills for weapons sent to them. You post fact-free opinions and insist they are correct because you have superior knowledge that you won't disclose. You may have sold yourself on that nonsense, but you don't appear to have convinced anyone else.
  8. Ukraine is also far ahead of Russia in motivation. Ukraine's soldiers are fighting for their homes and nation. Many Russian soldiers didn't know they were being sent into a war until they were fired upon. From then on they were simply trying to stay alive and loot, rape and drink as much as they could.
  9. In other words, you have nothing to support your claim that Ukraine will have to pay for the weapons sent to it, other than your claim to know something about the US and the Pentagon. I suspect you know little or nothing about this topic.
  10. If the war had gone according to Putin's plan with all of Ukraine subdued and a puppet government installed a week after the the invasion it would be correct to say that the western aid provided before-hand was all for nothing. However when some kind of truce or peace is negotiated after fighting the Russian "superpower" to a bloody stand-still it will leave Ukraine as an independent nation. That is what Putin was trying to destroy. It also will have exposed Russia's military as so incompetent it couldn't beat a much smaller opponent. That is not "all for nothing".
  11. I have read many news stories that said the US is sending, supplying, providing, etc. weapons to Ukraine. I have never read a story stating that the US is selling these weapons or is expecting any kind of payment. I just did an internet search, still nothing. On what do you base your assumption that Ukraine must pay for these weapons? BTW: I noticed you didn't reply to the part of the post stating: "You also suggest that the US dictates European foreign and energy policy. Total BS, but there are fools who will believe it. " Have you conceded that the European nations are not being dictated to by President Biden?
  12. "Everyone who lives in objective reality understands that Donald Trump did not win the 2020 presidential election. ... His claim that the election was rigged has been debunked by numerous Republican state elections officials, and rejected by judges in both state and federal courts in more than 70 lawsuits filed by the Trump campaign and its proxies. Trump’s own Justice Department as well as his former attorney general, William Barr, found no evidence of widespread fraud." "Despite overwhelming evidence to the contrary, two-thirds of GOP voters and just over one-third of all voters, now believe the 2020 election was stolen." https://thehill.com/opinion/campaign/3263802-why-do-so-many-still-believe-the-2020-election-was-stolen/ The rest of the article is worth reading. It attempts to answer the question of why people believe Trump's lies instead of the evidence that Trump is lying. Unfortunately it doesn't completely succeed. I remember a "Non-Sequitur" comic strip that ended with "Stupidity is a condition, ignorance is a choice." I have reluctantly concluded that sometimes people choose to be stupid.
  13. This committee has had sworn testimony providing first hand accounts of Trump's actions following the election. How is that attacking his character?
  14. Al Gore conceeded. Hillary Clinton expressed doubts about the legitimacy of the election due to Russian interference but did not challenge the result. Stacey Abrams had legitimate concerns about running against the then Secretary of State of Georgia who had purged Georgia's voter rolls prior to the election: "It's true that during his eight-year tenure in that role, Kemp's office canceled over 1.4 million voter registrations, with low-income and minority Georgians most likely to have their registrations removed, according to the Atlanta Journal Constitution. Over 668,000 of those registrations were canceled in 2017." https://www.usatoday.com/story/news/factcheck/2020/11/18/fact-check-partly-false-claim-gov-brian-kemp-and-2018-election/6327447002/ You'll have to provide evidence regarding your Jill Stein claim. None of these people claimed the election was fraudulent before it was conducted and none made any attempt to prevent the certification of the election results. It is potentially "the end of democracy when Trump does it" because of the way he did it. His continued attempts to undermine confidence in elections without any evidence is an ongoing threat to democracy.
  15. In other words, you have no credible evidence. Just as Trump and his legal team have no credible evidence. However repeating the lie gives Trump lots of media attention and motivates gullible fools to keep contributing to Trump's "legal fund", so why would he stop lying?
  16. This isn't about Ukraine. In the Ukraine threads it has already been explained that Russia dictating who could and could not join NATO was a nonstarter.
  17. Putin started the war yet you blame all the consequences on Biden. You also suggest that the US dictates European foreign and energy policy. Total BS, but there are fools who will believe it. Of course Ukraine will not pay for most of the weapons delivered and the world knows it, and you misspelled "enemies", but why quibble over details. Excellent propaganda.
  18. Investigating and prosecuting those who attempted to prevent the certification of a legitimate election and prevent the peaceful transfer of power comes to mind. That's the one that's on-topic, but there are other examples.
  19. No, they were going to prevent the certification of the results of a legitimate election. They were going to do this by overwhelming the security of the Capitol, capturing Mike Pence and a large number of Senators and Representatives, and use them as hostages to prevent the Capitol from being retaken. They believed Trump's lie about a stolen election and hoped the country and military would rally to their cause. They were idiots, but that doesn't change the fact that they attacked the US Capitol with the intent of preventing the electoral college certification and preventing the transfer of power.
  20. Wishful thinking on your part. Biden has excelled in leading the western response to Russia's invasion, and I doubt that Russia's economy and military can last until next year if the war continues as it has been.
  21. No, I've followed a number of these threads and follow news from different reliable sources. I know that neither side agreed on the details of the accords and that Russia never admitted to having a military presence in eastern Ukraine, which was a violation of the agreement. However I don't recall anyone saying what Ukraine had done that violated the accords worse than Russia and the rebels. If no one provides such examples, we will assume they don't exist.
  22. That's why penalties and punishments must be imposed, individuals shamed, laws changed and whatever else is necessary to prevent Jan 6 from ever happening again.
  23. Please, please, please tell this to Trump. And by all means, urge him to run in 2026! ????
  24. Every thing I posted is true. Try to refute any of it. Remember to show your sources when you do.
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