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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Russia doesn't care what the people of Donbas want. If Russia cared, it would agree to an internationally monitored fair referendum in which all the people in the region before the separation (not the people remaining after Russia's ethnic cleansing) vote on joining Russia or remaining in Ukraine. I bet Ukraine would agree to such a referendum as part of a peace treaty. Russia wouldn't.
  2. Ask the people in Chechnya about how much Russia respected their right of self-determination.
  3. Once again, no western country is proposing sending troops into Ukraine. Why do you have so much trouble with that fact?
  4. It's a beautiful country. Let's burn it down.
  5. I don't think people who support military rulers who are more corrupt than legitimately elected democratic leaders are smart.
  6. So in summary, you think you are much smarter than people who followed the news and lived through the events, lived many years in Thailand before and after the events, know about the Eastern Tigers and other competing factions in the Thai military and also know about the political maneuvering regarding the topic that must not be named. However you have not identified any errors in the posts you criticized. You just maintain that you know much more about things but can't tell us. No one's buying it.
  7. The yellow shirts got rid of democracy in Thailand. It was not a beautiful day for the country.
  8. Having lived through the events, I would very much like for you to identify the errors in the post you dismissed.
  9. Don't underestimate Biden. He took the lead in using intelligence on Putin's plan's before the war to inform the world. Because of this the initial attack was not a surprise to anyone. He also led the NATO response to the war, a response that showed NATO at its most unified since 9/11. He isn't nearly the showman that Donald Trump is, but in this case he led and got things done.
  10. I don't know if it is these helicopters: https://www.militaryaerospace.com/communications/article/16715565/us-army-to-buy-30-russian-mi17-helicopters-for-use-in-high-hot-areas-of-afghanistan But if Putin wants to sell weapons to the US and NATO that will be used in Ukraine against his military, that's ok by me. I'll leave it up to Putin to explain this to the Russian people and military. I'm sure the families getting their sons home in boxes will understand.
  11. Why ask? Putin seized part of Georgia and found the price he paid manageable. So Putin seized Crimea and found the price he paid manageable. Now Putin has attempted to seize as much of Ukraine as possible and is waiting to see what price he will pay. It's clear that the only way to stop Putin's wars of conquest is to make the price unmanageable.
  12. From the link: "Preliminary plans circulating among government officials and lawmakers in Washington also included Mi-17 helicopters, howitzer cannons, coastal defense drones and protective suits to safeguard personnel in the event of a chemical, biological or nuclear attack, the officials said, though they cautioned that it was not immediately clear if all of those items would end up in the final aid package." I would like to see Ukraine provided with weapons that threaten Russian ships, but those weapons may require significant training.
  13. If you think the Bangkok people, the ones who benefit from keeping all the wealth and power of Thailand in Bangkok, are representative of all of Thailand, you've spent too much time in Bangkok.
  14. Really? How do you suggest removing a military backed government that doesn't want to go?
  15. I was in St Petersburg Russia in the summer of 2000. The police weren't the ones maintaining order, it was the mob. They did a pretty good job, but saw to it they were richly rewarded. Letting the Thai military run things is similar.
  16. The cost of supporting Ukraine is a trivial part of what NATO countries are paying for defense. It is also much cheaper than letting Russia get away with its most massive land grab to date. Not responding firmly enough to Russia's occupation of parts of Georgia and Crimea is what led to the invasion of all of Ukraine.
  17. There are no perfect news sources. Obviously you want reputable news sources to prove Biden family corruption, just as others want them to prove Kuchner/Trump family corruption. Credible news sources report veriable facts and qualify the reports that have not been properly confirmed.
  18. Find a credible news source. Note Russia's massive losses in its failed attempt to seize Kyiv and install a puppet government.
  19. I don't expect NATO members or other countries to send in troops to fight on Ukraine's side. I do want as much military support supplied to Ukraine as is practical in order to preserve Ukraine's independence and punish Russia severely for its aggression. That is the option that will lead to the greatest peace and stability.
  20. World War 3 will not be prevented by caving in to nuclear blackmail. That is what Putin is playing in order to get a free hand in Ukraine.
  21. If you mean Russia shouldn't have got involved in Ukraine I agree. If you mean the world should stand aside as Russia invades one country after another, I don't.
  22. You were posting about WWII and how Britain should have ignored its defensive alliance with France.
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