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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. No, the article described the 20% tax and the tax on share buybacks. Is that really the best you can come up with in defending your claim that I lied? Rich hearing a Trump defender state that the truth is subjective to leftists. Don't you think claiming the election was stolen without any credible evidence makes a mockery of truth?
  2. Borderline off-topic, but since some people refuse to acknowledge how serious Jan 6: "The attack was carried out by a diverse coalition of Trump supporters including Oath Keepers, Proud Boys, Three-Percenter militia members, QAnon followers, and at least one bomber who remains unidentified. Leadership of both the Oath Keepers and the Proud Boys were later convicted of plotting a seditious conspiracy to use violence to interfere with the transfer of power, while the person or persons responsible for constructing and placing two pipe bombs are still wanted by law enforcement. Prior to January 6, there was a noticeable increase of traffic from militia discussion forums to an obscure website about the Capitol complex's underground tunnel system, prompting the site's owner to alert the FBI." https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Planning_of_the_January_6_United_States_Capitol_attack "A separate criminal filing released Wednesday afternoon — charging Patrick McCaughey III for pinning a police officer with a shield, which led to a now- iconic image of the brutality of the insurrection — described leaders among the rioters issuing marching orders to more effectively fight police." "“Unidentified rioters are heard instructing the front line of rioters to make a ‘shield wall‘ to prevent law enforcement from controlling rioters with oleoresin capsicum spray,“ according to the affidavit from a deputy U.S. marshal." https://www.politico.com/news/2021/01/20/fbi-evidence-capitol-insurrection-plan-460836 "A document, titled “1776 Returns,” which federal prosecutors said was used by the leader of the Proud Boys, lays out a plan to occupy Capitol buildings on Jan. 6, 2021, using covert operators to let "patriots" inside government offices in an apparent effort to force a new election." "Enrique Tarrio, the former leader of the Proud Boys, and four other members were indicted on seditious conspiracy charges this month. Tarrio has twice been ordered detained until trial." https://www.nbcnews.com/politics/justice-department/court-document-proud-boys-case-laid-plan-occupy-capitol-buildings-jan-rcna33755 I found the above with little trouble. There are many other sources showing that the attack was planned, organized and executed with the intent to overturn the election or worse.
  3. Your first assumption is ridiculously wrong. Trump just wanted to overturn a legitimate election, thereby overthrowing democracy.
  4. Nope, no lies in there. At least not by me. Or are you denying that the article mentioned a 20% tax on those making $100 million a year and a tax on share buybacks?
  5. Identify other protests that fit the same description. Also, you don't think Congress being in session at the time is significant? Do you understand the difference between breaking into an occupied building using threats and violence and breaking into an empty building?
  6. Why do you think they were there? Do you think they would have been there if they had not been called to Washington and egged on by Trump?
  7. If the difference in intent is beyond your grasp, then you shouldn't be allowed on the internet, or anywhere else, unsupervised.
  8. No, you have flunked big time. The street protests were no more an attempt to disrupt government or overturn an election than the hate crimes that took off during the Trump Presidency. The attack on the Capitol attempted both. I understand why the same suspects keep repeating the same weak deflection; it's all you've got. That doesn't change the fact that the deflection is weak. I'm assuming you are intelligent enough to understand that random street crime is not the same as an attack on the nation's Capitol while Congress is in session performing a critical Constitutional duty. Have I overestimated you intelligence?
  9. Radicals? Do you mean like the Qanon followers, Pizzagate believers, Jan 6 seditionists, etc?
  10. It's right up there near the top of the page. It's a reply to one of your recent posts.
  11. When did the "left", whatever you imagine them to be, interfere with the US Congress while it was on duty performing one of its most important Constitutional duties? You understand the difference between street protests and an attack on the US government, you just pretend you don't so you can spread the lie that Jan 6 was no big deal.
  12. Were you in a coma in 2020? Republicans and Democrats in many states made legal changes to their states voting rules to allow for safe voting during the pandemic in 2020. There is no evidence that these changes allowed any fraud beyond the trivial levels that are occasionally found, and nothing to indicate the fraud disproportionately benefited one side over the other.
  13. "I showed you a number of things you made up and documented them earlier in the tread." No, you did not. Prove me wrong, show us those things.
  14. Hey, progress! You are at least admitting that Russia did interfere in the election. Whether the interference significantly influenced the outcome is impossible to know. We can't rerun history.
  15. No, as has been repeatedly explained, we are denying that your echo chamber understanding of history is correct.
  16. You echo chamber posters are tedious. The Mueller Report found Russian interference in the 2016 election. It also found links between members of Trump's election campaign and Russia. That probably isn't mentioned in your echo chamber. Remembering that and trying to keep it from happening again is not the same as denying an election outcome and prompting a rampage of the Capitol. Trump didn't just question the election, he promoted the lie that the election was stolen, and still does so.
  17. It's amazing that people don't see the difference between a street protest that degenerates into a riot and a mob that storms the Capitol in an attempt to prevent the Constitutional certification of a legitimate election outcome.
  18. Can you give an example of me making things up? No, I didn't think so. Left and right are synonyms for port and starboard when used to indicate orientation. That's so obvious even you know that, so once again you are trolling. If you want to maintain you aren't trolling, then define what you meant by "left" when you posted "He is only a threat to the left."
  19. I've explained many things to you. Your lack of comprehension is on you. Speaking of lack of comprehension, care to explain "The left is on the side of the aisle as the right, is that not clear?" It's not at all clear, I always thought left would be on the opposite side from the right. Also, using how does using the orientational definition of left makes sense in you post "He is only a threat to the left."
  20. No, I think he means the border bill supported by the Border Patrol union. They should have a pretty good idea of what they need.
  21. I see. People who support democracy and honor legitimate election outcomes are left. Thank you for clarifying that.
  22. "how exactly is Trump a threat to democracy?" Wow! Simply Wow! Democrats didn't like Russian influence in the 2016 election but none denied that Trump won or attempted to prevent the certification. President Obama welcomed Trump into the White House. What did Trump do after he lost?
  23. First, saying "forget jan 6th" is head in the sand denial. It was an attack on the US government. An attack prompted by Trump and an attack he watched on television for hours while refusing to do anything to stop it. Finally, after it was clear the attack would fail, he sent out a tweet complementing the criminals, once again promoting the stolen election lie, and asked them to go home. So NO!. We won't forget Jan 6. However his continuing denial of a legitimate election is undermining faith in democracy, which undermines democracy. You probably can't grasp that, but most people can.
  24. Really? You don't think the infrastructure bill, the great economy, strengthening alliances around the world to contain Russia and China, etc. are good things? In an election that appears to be a Biden-Trump rematch, of course people will compare the accomplishments, stability and sanity of Biden to Trump.
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