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Everything posted by heybruce

  1. Ever deeper down the rabbit hole, oblivious to the fact that the US is one of many countries supporting Ukraine and the fact that Russia started the war by invading Ukraine.
  2. Perhaps Trump has turned against white people. They make up 77.5% of shoplifters in the US, well above their percentage of the overall population. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC4104590/
  3. Here's how you are supposed to do it: "The conflict in eastern Ukraine began in April 2014 with low-level fighting between the Ukrainian military and Russian-backed separatist rebels who seized some towns in predominantly Russian-speaking eastern Ukraine. It has since escalated to outright-if-undeclared war between Russia and Ukraine. Separatist rebels began popping up in eastern Ukraine shortly after Russia had invaded and annexed Crimea, where supposed Crimean separatists actually turned out to be unmarked Russian special forces." https://www.vox.com/2014/9/3/18088560/ukraine-everything-you-need-to-know Still looks like Russia is the aggressor.
  4. A Facebook post? Really? Come back when you have a real source.
  5. How does any of that change the fact that this is a war of choice started by Russia with its invasion of Ukraine?
  6. And now you want to surrender Ukraine (and who knows what other countries) to Putin's empire building.
  7. Why lie when you can mislead. Look into the status of the war at the time, with special attention to where Soviet forces were concentrated, then tell us what you expected to come out of the negotiations.
  8. How many of those countries have you been to? Did you ask any of them if they consider themselves western or Russian?
  9. Don't worry. If or when Ukraine gets tired of fighting for survival I'm sure it will notify the countries supporting it.
  10. Sources? I'm curious about how and where you got your breakdown of the assets of the top 1%, particular their defense stock investments. I thought most of the obscenely rich were getting their money from software businesses.
  11. Did you not see Czechoslovakia, Hungary and Germany on the list? BTW: How many WESTERN countries has the US invaded since WWII?
  12. Right. World War II would have ended a lot sooner if Britain had negotiated with Hitler right after Dunkirk. (sarcasm for those who can't tell)
  13. You boast about the number of news sources you read yet you never post any links to support your claims and opinions. That's ok when you're preaching to the converted, but it doesn't work here. You like to throw out the name Nuland and suggest there is something sinister there. There isn't. Here is the most "sinister" thing I could find on Nuland, a discussion between her and Ambassador Pyatt in which it is clear that they would prefer that the pro-western opposition come out ahead in the protests. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-europe-26079957 That's it. If you have anything more substantial please share it. But use credible sources, don't claim you have superior knowledge and expect us to believe you.
  14. "Shame on the US for engineering this conflict" Apparently questioning your motives for making such a nonsensical claim violates community standards, so I'll just point out what is obvious: Russia invaded Ukraine. Russia "engineered" the conflict. It's also worth noting the the person acting like Adolf Hitler, the ultimate nazi, is Putin.
  15. Never forget that the much exalted Founding Fathers institutionalized slavery in the US Constitution. We've moved on. Let's deal with what people are doing now.
  16. Once again, when do you think Ukraine had an opportunity to negotiate? When Putin was denying he intended to invade, or after he invaded?
  17. Because politics in the US is more about theater than policy.
  18. "Ukrainian funding would have been snuck in" Seriously? Do you think no one knew about this funding?
  19. The right wing-nuts didn't get to dictate to the majority. The bill passed 335 to 91 in the House.
  20. That stage was passed long ago, yet they haven't stopped idolizing Trump.
  21. "I don't think that Putin is going to move on to other Countries after Ukraine" You haven't paid much attention to what Putin has been saying and doing, have you?
  22. I see. Move forward, don't live in the past, repeat the same mistakes over and over. Have a nice day.
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