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Sir Dude

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Everything posted by Sir Dude

  1. Well, no conflict of interests there then with that statement. It's like a advert saying "Drink Milk" delivered to you by the Milk Marketing Board. The bare-faced cheek of it... and expecting all the lemmings just go after it. Also, "foreigner" means Chinese for him and since the only thing you can own here is a condo, then it's a loosely veiled message to Chinese condo buyers.
  2. I guess it's mainly aimed at Chinese who will be happy to move money out of China for property. Trouble is, no guarantees that things or laws don't do a 180 one morning at short notice and the goal posts shift... probably not in your favour. It would give me the sh!ts having that sort of money "invested" here as a non Thai. No way Jose. Since when has anything not changed for 10 years here? Good luck with that visa.
  3. When they start making statements like this for no reason, then something is probably wrong... just an attempt to shore up sentiment, but won't fly. I mean, why just come out with that unsolicited comment? I agree with others above, the baht movements recently could easily be interpreted as it was losing value/under attack and they tried buying baht/shoring it up, but doesn't seem to be working much, hence the pause, then minor strengthening of the baht, and now weakening again a bit. Could be in for a roller-coaster as the BoT will try to intervene as they will have orders to not let it slide too far as some small sections of society as won't get as much bang for their buck. All smells of manipulation, but not in the standard way of making it cheaper to help exports... rather an attempt to keep it strong.
  4. They were fired and no-one said anything because Prayut's handlers gave it the nod. Even Toady didn't say anything.
  5. These places are too corrupt and incompetent to have so much data on record.
  6. Having lived here for 20 years now, I'd say Thailand has been slowly going downhill ever since the coup d'etat that kicked out Thaksin in 2006... it has just detectably accelerated towards the China model since the last coup committed by the present lot that are in charge. Those above who have mentioned the clear change in the locals' attitudes and decline in carefreeness over time, are right, and the locals are hostages of the Amart. Back in 2000-2005 it was the end of the good times, but it was still party time and the famous Thai hospitality and carefree MO was there to see and enjoy... which is one of the main things that convinced me to stay. What bothers me is the direction it's headed in, which is the China model and you can see them slowly inching towards it to please Beijing (for numerous reasons). If I was just arriving to Thailand now and thinking of retiring somewhere tropical, then I don't think it would be here. Thailand, in the future, is going to still be an okay place to visit for a short holiday, but living or retiring here will only be for the wealthy with money to burn as the requirements will only get more onerous as time goes by... it is easy to see how the screw has slowly tightened over the last 10-12 years. And with the entities in charge now, including Prayut's bosses, then I can't see anything lenient/positive/tolerant - or multiple other words to describe it - as coming our way... if anything, they have done their level best to get rid of as many foreigners as possible, which isn't a good sign.
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