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Everything posted by Lancelot01

  1. Where is their money coming from. With a large percentage of the working population out of work?
  2. Why did go to the house with the gun if there was no intention of robbery or harm?
  3. If the owners don't/won't take responsibility, I'm told paraquat is a useful backup.
  4. The 'Boss' doesn't want them as with alcohol so it's unlikely to change.
  5. That's why, covid aside, those countries are seeing fewer tourists.
  6. I've been saying this for almost 30 years. The world seems to be sleepwalking into the future China takeover.
  7. If I read tripadvisor reviews I only read the 3 star reviews. 1's and 5's tend to be too bitter, or over the top.
  8. That's why I decided to 'winter' in Spain's Costa del Sol. Nice warm weather, restaurants open, bottle beers from €1, bottle of wine +/- €5 and a large Gordon's and Schweppes tonic €3-5. It'll do me until Thailand reopens the gates.
  9. Plus the fact that, although fully vaccinated, you can still contract and pass on the virus.
  10. Few seem to question childhood inoculations MMR, mumps, whooping cough etc., imposed on children so I wonder why it is now an issue. The covid vaccine is not something that has been concocted by the pharma companies to suit the current situation, it's an adaptation of the well tried and tested flu vaccine that most adults have been immunised with for decades.
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