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Posts posted by citybiker

  1. It's actually hilarious how the ordinary Brits with no power at all, are willing to push the responsibility from UK politicians to EU politicians. 


    At what point do you realise that UK politicians are really bad folks? Those 'men' are way worse and way more selfish people, compared what you encounter at EU. 


    But hey, I guess everything bad comes from EU.. said by UK politicians. 


    You should keep on following your beloved and personally voted for politicians. They know what is the best for the country, the Queen and for the flag!

    I dislike UK politicians, especially those who pledge a referendum then renegade, the same very person who is probably one the UK’s most despised man, not difficult to identify.


    Talking of despised, this very term is very appropriate as these unelected MEP & Brussels self proclaimed elite seem to think they can over-rule the UK’s own Parliament. So I don’t hate the EU I despise its ignorance to solving real serious issues, along with despising their arrogance along with to reform requests fall on deaf ears.


    Full Accountability will eventually return to Westminster so the electorate have the option to sack MP’s if they’re unfit for purpose, and most of all ‘serve’ those who elect them.


    The sacking of unelected MEP’s within Brussels isn’t an option.



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  2. I speak as an American.  An American Billionaire states the British Voters are stupid for Brexit?  Of course he has to throw in the "Trump" card.  The word "Trump" is becoming another word for stupid? This right out of the CNN/Democratic Party/Clinton playbook.  Maybe Bloomberg is considering a run in 2020?  Then good luck to him.  Because he is so rich and will not a single penny in campaign donations.   Has Nigel Farage given his reaction to Bloomberg's declaration about the stupidity of British Voters?

    I think Nigel has increasingly distanced himself since Trump won & become President and Nigel’s former financial backer isn’t on the same level as Bloomberg.

    Politics either side of the pond has a certain controversial trend towards it.

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  3. And of course Eire voted out in the 1st referendum don't forget, but were given a few worthless promises and made to vote again...



    Oh yes, ‘that’ 1st Eire referendum result which had they’re arms twisted/pressurised by the EU to rethink until it pleased Brussels.


    Rather ironic, hypocrisy calling the British Spineless for following through despite the controversy.

    (At least SNP Sturgeon got the message on referendums)


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  4. Nasty piece of work. The Brits aren't ignoring their long lost Irish relatives anymore and willing to pay good money for the passport too. Maybe the Irish should get them to sing Amhran Na Bhfiann while are applying.   
    Meanwhile please keep up this Brexit lark they'll take those jobs and investments lovely jubley.
    And County Kerry is paradise compared to most of the blighted post industrial overcrowded UK you gobshite :).
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    Excuse my ignorance on not following Eire updates, does Dublin still have 6 part-nationalised banks?

    As to the European medical agency eat al, IIRC nothing has yet been confirmed & seeing as Dublin got challenged by the EU over state subsidies towards Apple, do you have any updates on this legal situation?

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  5. Will Lewis take F1 Drivers championship tonight???
    Probably not, he needs to win 16 more points than Seb and 3 more than Valtteri.
    But there again LH  has a white wash to complete and Seb is so desperate I can see him taking out another driver at the first corner and if it is Kimi    ...well Ferrari will be in the market for another driver for the rest of the season and next year

    My heart says hopes so
    My head says doubtful.

    *Unfortunately, I’ve been reading on forums and MSM that many are curious as to see if Lewis will stand or kneel during the US Anthem.
    Personally, it’s a no brainier & I’m sure Lewis & Mercedes know the common sense option.

    *excuse the thread drift.

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  6. The famous EU red tape that made it 10X EASIER to trade with 500 million trade bloc.

    You couldn't make this stuff up!

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    10 x easier?

    7 years to negotiate a deal with Canada.
    Still in infancy trade talks with Japan.

    Your right, you couldn’t make this up.

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  7. The only part of EU pensions is the UK EU staff outstanding liabilities, which has already been noted.
    The figures being thrown are proposals, nothing concrete has been accepted even though these figures are fair for the transition period, seeing as the EU are still refusing to submit 'the EU figure' can be seen as a couple of things:

    A, They know whatever figure will be scrutinised, especially from a legal perspective.
    B, Any attempt to purge more than what we have already committed to will show the EU are simply in financial fantasy wish list land.

    Lastly, IIRC no other non-EU member has the ECJ as a overseeing legal court for EU nationals within other countries Brussel's know EU nationals (3M) will be covered and looked after by the UK courts (Supreme if neccessary) and the ECJ have no business interfering over more importantly attempting to overrule.

    Over ruling UK courts is another prime reason why many voted to leave.

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    Excellent post. Though it's difficult to tell with Merkel. She's playing a cagey game for sure (as are all the leading players in Germany). Germany had so much to gain from a federal Europe that included the UK. But it also has an awful lot to lose from an EU that has alienated the UK.

    Merkel is doing what's in Merkel's interest, along with ensuring her BDI doesn't suffer, it's common knowledge how much Germany wants a deal.

    As for the fiscal black hole, irrespective whether people like or loath him, Nigel Farage's LBC phone in had a former EU official call in stating the EU pensions has a massive €50 Bn black hole (est) which needs filling and convenient enough all the Brexit divorce bill talk if figures needing to assist.

    The credentials of the caller 'were' legally verified, I'll post a link if I can.
  9. The UK will be totally screwed in that case.I've outlined the ramifications, government tax income collapse as finance industry leaves, further pound drop, rapid interest rate hike, financial busts including government needing bailout from IMF as they won't be able to borrow on open markets, many jobs lost. Unless you understand that you are not qualified to agitate for no deal.  

    Its obvious in Britain the establishment and educated folks have recently realised that they are being driven to a cliff by incompetents , they are going to take back control of this mess.


     Tip of the iceberg if Brexit is bad.




    Rising costs


    The Financial Lives research, the first of its kind by the regulator, revealed a range of concerns among consumers at a time of weak wage growth, but also low-cost credit.


    It concluded that 15 million people had low levels of resilience to a bill shock, that eight million were struggling with debt, and 100,000 had used an illegal money lender in the last 12 months.


    One in six (17%) of those with a mortgage or who are paying rent, an estimated five million people, said that they would struggle if monthly payments rose by less than £50.


    A rise in interest rates, heavily hinted by policymakers at the Bank of England, could affect many of these people - especially if the Bank rate rose rapidly.




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    Incompetence? Really, oh dear.

    Collapse of the financial industry & leave? EU subsidies for contingency planning.

    IMF revised its forecast and have been proved wrong, again.

    Further pound drop? It stabilised after the result, it will do again as its called fluctuation.

    BoE have stated on numerous occasions, rate hikes will be moderate and appropriate as there fully aware of consumer debt levels and impact it would have in mortgages etc, nothing new.


    Thanks for outlining your viewpoint on ramifications, I'd rather base my analysis on facts not if's, maybe, or forecasts.


    As for the negotiations, they've not been concluded and I'll wait out for official releases, the reaction and contingencies applied to the result.



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  10. I’ll just leave this here:





    RAL, clarification & scrutiny & it’s interesting that the EU still refuse to provide a figure or breakdown.


    IIRC even the EU’s own legal team admitted they’ve no legal basis other than what is legally outstanding.


    Overseas Brits within the EU & beyond are being prioritised, DD has repeatedly highlighted this point.

    Lastly, nobody wants a no-deal as it’s not beneficial to anyone.



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  11. You should get a prize!


    Wrong on all three counts!


    Amazed that an intelligent chap like you should fall for that!


    (consumer debt is now being addressed as responsible debt. People can not afford the roof over their head.)


    The EU do not wish to punish us. There is no evidence of that. They don't want us to leave and they can see the idiocy of it.


    Finally, how much austerity for how long is required to pay the bankers for the mess.


    Get rid of the bike, get a car, listen to Radio 4 [emoji846]

    A fellow R4 listener [emoji106] interesting we do agree on something.


    I fell for nothing, just a pragmatist.


    The EU, ultimately want money & overall authority, and low & behold any country wishing to challenge & leave. The evidence to date is proposals consistently being rebuffed as it doesn’t fit the EU’s self agenda.



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  12. YOU may not have noticed but our country is becoming increasingly F***** up. Broken society, inequality, general discord to give just 3 examples. I do not trust the nasty party to take care generally and nor do I trust the incompetent, financially incontinent trots to sort this out.


    Witness the universal credit farago! Look at the unsustainable consumer debt problems!


    Meanwhile the myopic "Leave means Leave" bastards are slavering with blood lust excitement.


    Thank goodness for our European friends

    I’m fully aware that the current Government is repairing the mess which they inherited, I distrust Labour even further than any other party to address the real serious unpopular decisions that’s required.

    Nobody likes change, but an unfit for purpose system requires addressing.


    Consumer debt problem is also self fiscal management responsibility too.


    As for European friends, the same very friends that are attempting to punish the U.K. for leaving.


    Who needs enemies with friends like that.



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  13. No, it really doesn't, the UK government ignores the growing inequality, they have no interest in reversing the trend, they are also quite clearly not as fond of human rights, they wanted out of the court of human rights long ago, we also cannot claim to be a bastion of world peace as a recent invader of nations, perhaps the environment is a valid claim, but again no where near the levels of the EU who are the clear world leader in that respect.

    That’s one of most strangest and bizarre Europhile comments I’ve read on this forum to date.

    Ignoring equality? So political pressure on the BBC to publish male/female pay grades must be just one example, along with informing the business (CBI focused) to follow suit.

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  14. Vince Cable is a total nonentity, he is anti brexit (anti democratic.) Why you keep bringing his name up is a mystery, he will never be in power. 

    He was bluntly told this specific point by a member of the recent BBC Question Time audience, fair play to Vince he took it well & accepted this fact.


    Pity others don’t follow his example.



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    The Visegrad group?  The only country there that has not done extremely well out of the EU is Hungary, Poland, Czech and Slovakia are booming, what are you thinking?  The majority of countries have done very well, all have seen real improvement, to call the EU a failure because some countries have done worse than others is ridiculous, even the ones which have ended up with a debt problem have seen massive life improvements for their poor, unless someone actually has some evidence to the contrary then I think we shall have to conclude that actually it has been a success.

    Clarification, I stated the EU refused to reform not a failure.

    V4, Financial aspect improvement, you mean they can’t afford to leave being heavily reliant?

    The immigration issues, a couple of countries independently adopted its own deterrent & also refusing Merkel’s refugee quota? Result warning & threats from the EU.


    The Mediterranean immigration issue, despite maritime taxi service the EU fails to grasps this serious problem leading to certain countries again taking its individual actions, much to the EU’s disapproval, see the trend.


    Lastly, the last point & result from the recent Germany elections, Bundestag now has AfD, despite controversial it is now a part of which Merkel can no longer ignore.


    Summary, I don’t hate the EU however the EU primarily thrives on success when not faced with serious challenges so please don’t emphasis the EU is harmonious success without including a balanced perspective.



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  16. I suggest that the Brexiteers on TV do not read the OECD report, it won't help you're blood pressure one little bit!  Worry not though, it is highly unlikely that there will be a second referendum. The government have said they are going ahead with Brexit no matter how damaging it is going to be.
    Some good news for the ex-pats though.  Inflation is up in the UK (3% in September) and the highest for five years.  It is mainly to do with the fall in sterling and will probably mean an increase in interest rates next month.  That should stabilise the pound.  For the time being anyway.

    Is this the same Paris based think tank that recommended the U.K. join the Euro, and proved wrong.

    This very point was highlighted today’s through BBC news coverage of the OECD.

    Interest rates are forecast to increase in November, BoE monetary board is aware that only a small increase 1/4 is required, yet households & overseas ex-pats still must prepare.

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    The leaders and sponsors of the movement fighting for a referendum were bankers, that is a fact.
    Obviously UKIP can be "dragged" in, it was them who campaigned for years to get the referendum, it would never have happened without them.  And leave voters have been mislead regarding their agenda, they are helpful idiots in the classic sense.
    Of course the EU has been a success, the original idea was to prevent another major war in Europe, this is the longest period in recorded history without a major war in Europe.  They also redistribute wealth from the richest to the poorest regions, meeting one of their other targets to tackle inequality and succeeding in boosting millions of people from sustainance levels, building infrastructure, universities and hospitals in the poorest region she of Europe.  They are also the most pro-environment government the world has ever seen, the successes are numerous.  Quite easy to say "what a crock" without a single fact to back it up though, hey?
    And no, this is not about what you want, this is about what the majority want, this is called democracy and we will have another refendum because the majority want to remain in the EU, so more like see you next year.  And before calling other people muppets try reading outside of your usual narrow band and educate yourself just a little regarding the EU, what they have done for you, your country and what the real agenda is for those talking you into voting leave, nothing is as you think it is, you have been stitched up a kipper mate.

    I don’t do name calling however No 2nd referendum, Chancellor has already ruled it out & the majority have moved on.
    Ask the V4, Visegrád Group, Greece and an element of Spain if the EU has been a success, I think you’ll be highly disappointed with the answer.

    As for the rest I had to read it twice out of bizarre bewilderment more than anything, but your entitled to your views.

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  18. Yet another thread contained with bitterness as the U.K. had the spine to hold a referendum and carry it out despite it being controversial.

    The EU had an opportunity to acknowledge reforms were required yet were complacent & thought it was business as usual, I for one hope that more increased frequent talks do result in a positive outcome.

    The U.K. leaves in March 2019, the 2 year’s proposed transition is mutually beneficial for both sides, no moaning, snivelling or sniping its what the CBI (its members) requested.

    Time to move on & get a grip of the situation.

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  19. No, not quite. I blame the educationally under achieved for the Brexit majority. I blame successive governments as the root cause of the dissatisfaction.

    Educationally under achieved, is that an academically supported with evidence thesis, bearing in mind Brexit is incomplete or just viewpoint? (Element of sarcasm included)


    Otherwise, that’s a lot considering a 17million majority ;-)


    Lastly, I also agree reference government dissatisfaction.



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  20. Not true.
    Since I first took an interest in UK immigration nearly 18 years ago, successive governments, Labour, the Coalition and the Tories, have introduced new rules and fees to make it harder and more expensive for non EEA national immigrants who wish to enter the UK; whether they be workers, students, family members of British citizens or any other category covered by the immigration rules.
    They have not done the same for EEA nationals simply because freedom of movement has been a cornerstone of the EEC and then EU from the very beginning; the 2004 directive introduced nothing new, it simply brought all the various directives covering freedom of movement into one.
    In 1973 the UK agreed to freedom of movement, and so is bound by it until Brexit.
    Of course, people forget that, at least until Brexit, British citizens enjoy the same rights in other EEA member states, and Switzerland, as their nationals do in the UK.

    Ok, I should have clarified.

    Uncontrolled enforcement would be more appropriate?

    I’m aware protocols, processes etc are in place that have improved yet enforcement?

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  21. To my mind your post is an accurate assumption.
    Was it possible to sort these problems within the EU ? No,  simply because i don't believe the EU ever believed we would leave and therefore would not compromise.
    Our leader was not strong enough and excepted their ridiculous offer on all fronts

    To be fair U.K. immigration control has been ignored for various reasons by consecutive Governments.

    Your correct, the EU didn’t take leaving the club seriously thus what we’re seeing now, Ignorance and complacency both U.K. & EU political elements.

    Political establishments U.K./EU or other are as much responsible for they’re “inactions” as their actions.

    Today, PMTM, DD are meeting for dinner in Brussels with Junker & Barnier in attempt to break the Brexit deadlock, interesting times lay ahead.

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